Agree with the poster who warns about optimizing. If you are over optimizing then it does not really matter what parameters you use - none of them will tell you how robust the system is. Given your post about being stressed I suspect deep down you know that. Google Tom Basso on the importance of being comfortable
I find most of these parameters tell me more about whether I would be able to trade the damn thing or not. I doubt any parameters can tell you whether a system will be robust or not. A system will be robust if it captures a behavior that will last - and that is primarily a qualitative judgment.
I start looking for basic positive expectancy and what the return would be for different position sizes. Then I look at max drawdown to see whether that return is likely to break the bank. Then I look at some smoothness parameter (risk to drawdown ratio, van tharp's SQN, sharpe). Finally, I look at a whole boatload of the psych parameters - durations of drawdowns, rolling monthly, weekly returns etc. to see if I can make myself stick to it. I also run results through monte carlo simulations in market system analzyer to get some worst case scenarios.