If you can describe a genetic algorithm using a primitive spreadsheet modelling tool, be my guest. until then what Shakone is describing is hardly snakeoil and certainly not tosh
1). I was genuinely curious about what an "adaptive" strategy might be. When I hear things like "...it can't be easily categorised, figured out or copied ..." then my scientific brain sets off alarm bells. If we can't categorise, figure out or copy it then how on earth can we test it? And if we can't test it, how do we know it's real? We start getting into the realms of faith. I prefer evidence based facts - everything else goes into the snakeoil bin. The scientific revolution was called the Age of Enlightenment for good reason.
2). Google Genetic Algorithm Excel - there are numerous examples available.
3). Excel a "primitive spreadsheet modelling tool"? I find it an advanced high-level programming language. Different strokes for different folks I guess.
Back to the discussion: If anyone can give me a clear and concise example of an "adaptive" strategy, or system, then I'd be really keen to hear it. If I google "adaptive trading system (or strategy)" then all I get is the usual snakeoil websites. I'm a scientist first, and a quant second. I'm curious. I'm keen to find out the facts. I suspect that the word "adaptive" in trading is snakeoil. BUT I MIGHT BE WRONG. If anyone can help, then I'm all ears.