WFO (or WFA) is simply back-testing, but using only the data up to the current test point in the historical test data on the historical data that follows it and then acting surprised when one of the 10,000 optimised tests shows a positive correlation. It's a dynamic curve fit.
Thats wrong.
First of all, it's not about finding one positive correlation, its about looking at all the samples.
Second, and this is the important part, WFA is a crossvalidation-method.
Crossvalidation is a wide spread method to evaluate computer models, not just in trading, but in all scientific fields that use such models.
You could say it's not the end of the road and I would agree, but saying that it is the same as back-testing, just because it uses the same data, is wrong and everybody that has ever used computer models will agree with that
You could also say that systems can still be overfitted or crappy, and I would agree, too, but saying that WFA produces overfitting in it's nature is incorrect.
Don't forget: this is an interdisciplinary method that has proved that it benefits robust modells.
After all it's just a tool, like backtesting, but one that is a lot more powerfull.
All of these techniques back-testing, data mining, curve fitting, walk forward - only work on historical data.
That is also wrong. Don't judge from your own experience or the experience most traders had with EAs.
Just because 99% of all EAs out there are crappy, it does not mean that the underlying concepts can not work.
It's more because ppl do not know how to do it right, as most of them come from a trading-background, just knowing some MQL basics.
That will not work, of course.
But with solid algorithms and state-of-the-art AI techniques one should be able to write working code -
don't forget that more and more trading, also in huge banks or hedge funds etc is taken over by algorithms.. So the question is not if it can work, but how it works!
Tough, I do not claim I know how this is done, yet. I just know that it CAN work and that I am on the best way towards a working solution, but I am still learning.
Btw, my private
algotrading framework is already ~30.000 lines of code, so please do not compare "real" algorithms with EAs. 😛
But it's a relatively new name and able to masquerade as a brand new, different and 'scientific', and there are only a dozen or so commercial WFO/WFA offerings out there at the moment. So good luck Darwin for jumping on the WF band-wagon. You'll likely make more from your work when you go commercial than you would from trading it.
Don't get me wrong, I am not using WFA myself, I have a set of private algorithms that are able to analyse about 2500x as much data per system than a WFA.
For example, this diagram shows 250.000 single optimisation/forward-trading pairs:
X-achsis: Profit in in-sample.
Y-achsis: Profit in forward trading.
You see the clear trend? That is an in-depth view that no manual trader can EVER get on a trading system,
as only algorithms are capable of generating and analysing such an amount of data.
Also, it takes only 1 click to show a parameter (like "moving average period") on the X-achsis, so I could clearly spot the parameters the system works best with.
So, what I want to say is: Tough algorithms are not easy to code (and all the EAs out there have nothing in common with real algotrading), they are still
the most powerful tools a trader can work with, as long as they are seen as tools and not as replacement for humans.
A) What do you do with trades at cross-points in WFO?
Sophisticated algorithms will wait until the last trade closes, and then start the new WF-window afterwards. But that requires changes on the mql scripts, so the public WFanalyzer can not do this.
B) This method breaks down in a big way when markets change (ex. 2007 top to 2008 bust). You may lose more by using parameters determined during strong up trends when markets plunge than when you use parameters that where determined over the whole history.
Don't limit your imagination by my beginners write-up
Again, sopthisticated algorithms will implement "emergency stops" to stop trading in such events.
Also, this is even more important, they will not even trade in timespans where the underlying and analysed inefficiency is not really present in the markets.
So you have a trend following system and the current markets are ranging? Then there is no trading!
These mechanisms are quite easy to implement when you look at the whole parameterspace of a system (with ~250.000 single test-cases, such trends get very obvious.)
Let's take the diagram I posted above as example. You see that the EA in question made most live-trading results when the in-sample profits are very high.
So when the profit during optimisation is not "very high", the system would not trade at all.
C) As someone else said WFO is dynamic backtesting and AFAIK there is no rigorous justification for it. To the contrary, when using smaller samples significance of the results is degraded than when using a large sample.
When you have 1 large sample and 100 smaller samples (that show the same amount of data than the large sample), I can not see a reason why the signigicance of the second sample-set should be less than the one of the first - of course only if you look at all of them, not only on some.
D) Just develop the system in first 50% of the data and do an out-of-sample in the other 50%. If the profit factor is no lower than 50% and max DD is the same or less then you may have something. The rest is for vendors to keep people playing with their platforms hoping they get something. Every system developer should read this article. It also applies to WFO: if you reuse the data many times and you change the back and forward period many times you will finally get your fitted system.
The second part is very, very right. Thanks for pointing that out
🙂 Yes, if you do this, then of course you will get overfitted systems in the end.
As I said,
WFA is just a tool, and it is not protecting a trader from it's own lack of knowledge 😉
Tough, the first part is questionable. Did you ever make in-depth analysis about that? Why is it 50% of the data, not 45 or 60?
Why look at the profit factor, not the expected payoff? Or would the drawdown/profit be better?
Why "not lower than 50%"? Why not 75% or 30%?
You see? That is one of the problems,
relying on inutitive chosen numbers will not work very well.
But algorithms could be used to determine the exact numbers, and t
hats what algo trading is all about - having very powerful tools and code to evaluate every single aspect of a system based on tons of data.
It is NOT about "starting a script and wait until I get rich".
For example, my above mentioned private evaluation algorithm is 100% parameterless, it has only 3 inputs:
a) The EA file to analyse (of course)
b) The Market/Timeframe (also obvious)
c) The timespan to analys (eg 2000-2012)
Every single other aspect regarding the EA, from optimisation and trading timespans to parameter ranges and everything you can imagine is evaluated.
There is no "best guess" included in an solid algortihm.
And if it is, then this best guess is verified based on a proper evaluation before it is used within the system.
EDIT: Regarding the image above. That is just one way to look at the data. You can also average all trades on a per-day basis and get something like an equity curve, if that's what you want:
So the purpose of WFA and the more sopthisticated concepts is to harvest as much data on a single system as possible - whereas a backtest only gives you 1 point of view.