Where is the Dow & others heading in 2005?

the worst is yet to come

We haven't even started yet.

Nothings really happened at the moment. All we have done is just about declared the end of the Bull run and the start of the Bear market. If newbies feel they have missed some moves then rest assured - we are going to the lows of 2002.
Joules MM1 said:
Preambulate the action or disseminate the pattern?

Err...........do you think that you could rephrase this. I really would like to understand the point that you are making but I can't !
LOL...to paraphrase I think he was suggesting that conjecture has to what might happen will not enrich your bank accounts,but trading what you see happen will...
turned out nice again eh? fell just short of my target last night...

still on for 10,135 at least early on todays trading. is there data out pre market?

might get a large-ish gap down and follow through.

if we hit 10,070=10,050 im going long with big bananas

FetteredChinos said:
turned out nice again eh? fell just short of my target last night...

still on for 10,135 at least early on todays trading. is there data out pre market?

might get a large-ish gap down and follow through.

if we hit 10,070=10,050 im going long with big bananas


Good going FC.

Once again some nice movement for those using oscilators.

I closed my short last night to recoup the losses from going short to early on Monday. The next few days imo will be critical as to whether we break 10000 or 10250. I've a hunch we're heading south but the market has thrown some surpises recently.

Good luck to all today.
FetteredChinos said:
.... is there data out pre market?
Monthly durable goods orders 1:30
Weekly EIA petroleum report 3:30
might get a large-ish gap down and follow through
YM futures currently trending up (since Europe woke up anyway) - only 16 points though, so I'll probably go for another gap-fill play first off
There seems to be a certain amount of reconditeness and esoteric comments swirling around that might have even confused linguistic virtuosoi such as Oscar Wilde or George Bernard Shaw 🙂
jonnyy40 said:
Is calling Blair a liar going to affect anyone's vote?

Probably CALLING him a liar will not. The bigger issue might be whether the rationalised deceit subsequently practised by Blair, to try and retroactively justify his decision to participate in the war with Iraq, will affect anyones vote.
"We were wrong about WMD but we achieved our real objective to liberate the Iraqis from Saddams tyranny"

Hmmm.....wonder whether Kim Il Jong ll, Mugabe and the Sudanese government, to name just a few, are now quaking in their shoes ?

Mmmm....Dow futures have dropped 26 pts in the last 90 minutes.
anyone care to offer me odds on the lib dems being in power after the 2009 election?

Ask will hill...I can't see it happening although they are making some progress...

I reckon who ever comes into power, conservatives or labour, they will only last one term.
What you lot in the UK need is Proportional Representation.
Brilliant result in NZ no matter what those on the outskirts of the political spectrum may say.
Try that one for a discussion.
However on the topic ......
The Dow / Nasdaq are looking nicely soft which suits me fine.
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yup... i agree.

economy is going to bite back.

public sector inflation is ludicrously high after GB's well intended, but badly executed spending spree.

will filter through to other inflation measures. B of E spots it (probably has spotted it already)

rates go up. housing market evaporates further.. negative equity. forces sellers.

disposable income drops.


blood on the streets etc.

hopefully by 2009 we can start again...

and i used to be a fan of old labour...

how times change..
