When I joined T2W it was a good place to learn.

but i do-that's how it hits the ego.

Depends on your method of trading I suppose.

I know ultimately, we all end up basically taking the money off of people who dont have a clue what they're doing but what I want to learn is how to spot big players moves and jump on the back of them.

I not very egotistical, I view it more as a challenge of applying yourself to learning a skill that is so valuable in todays world it can give you freedom from employment under someone else.
i disagree there mate. perhaps one of my trades is a hedge, or my winning trade is against someone's hedge.

i still think many on here don't get that the market is more complicated than market goes up/market goes down.
;781316 said:
Depends on your method of trading I suppose.

..........I know ultimately, we all end up basically taking the money off of people who dont have a clue what they're doing..............

Wtf? is that really how you see it? Amazing....

;781316 said:
I not very egotistical..............

Hmmmmm - I think that's not 100% compatible with the statement above tbh
Not to pile on, but a thought experiment: If one was purely taking money off **** traders who didn't know what they were doing, wouldn't all the **** traders die off pretty quickly? And why did they have the money in the first place?
"Anyhow, I've an interesting experiment for you try. Rather than calling Mr. Charts a ******, when in every respect he is a better human being than you, or indeed slurring anyone else, how about replying with a compliment to *everyone* who addresses you. This will have two effects that you desperately need. Firstly, it will encourage folk to warm to you, which will dispose hem to being more helpful toward you in the future. Secondly, if you do enough of this it will make you naturally friendlier - and so later on, with a bit of luck, you won't be rubbing everyone up the wrong way.

Go on, have a go! You can do it! 😆"

Whilst that is good advice for most under 5s, for some it is a total waste of breath because they don't recognise themselves for what they are or what they do and don't know the difference between decent behaviour and being spoilt playground brats.
Bit like MPs......
Anyway, arabian, I'd never have taken you for a bleeding heart liberal ! 😆😆😆
Not to pile on, but a thought experiment: If one was purely taking money off **** traders who didn't know what they were doing, wouldn't all the **** traders die off pretty quickly? And why did they have the money in the first place?

Four words - Non Zero-Sum Game
Yeh I know that.

Sometimes why posts are a bit vague and don't articulate my thoughts properly.

FX will keep going as long as economies and multinationals keep creating wealth and as long as there is international trade. No?
Reason I said what I did is that FX is both alpha and by-product. Different things to different people. And even different things to the same people at different times.
neither equities, or life, are zero sum, although i have met many people who think they are.
You lot love all this crap. The T2W Soap opera. Lead characters Malins and Halo with guest appearance from Charts. Every thread AM and HT start become the most popular threads on here. You all slag them off for starting nonsense threads but you all love them. I find them a mildly entertaining read on a boring day/evening. Its all a bit of fun and banter really.

You lot love all this crap. The T2W Soap opera. Lead characters Malins and Halo with guest appearance from Charts. Every thread AM and HT start become the most popular threads on here. You all slag them off for starting nonsense threads but you all love them. I find them a mildly entertaining read on a boring day/evening. Its all a bit of fun and banter really.

Good post, Sam 🙂
AM and HT are (or should I say "is"......?) the only two (one?) individual(s) on my ignore list - so I neither know nor care what junk (t)he👍 produce, but I don't think t(he)y would think the word "guest" is quite right 😆
I do freely admit I find the responses to their invisible posts funny - there are some very witty and sharp people on this site 🙂

I've got big news ... Your probably always going to be learning, reading, trying to improve.
I'm mentored by a guy older than Mr Soul who was trading when he had to call his broker each day to get the closing prices and plotted his own charts and had to make their own indicators. He is still always learning, trying new things and seeing if he can tweak his game, which is very profitable.
I'm sure that you have not really learned as much as you can from the content on this site. You have to persevere.
Get back to it ...

I'm only 47 elitejets- lol