When I joined T2W it was a good place to learn.

In keeping with the subject of the thread as stated in the title (and as a newb to this board and trading in general), I have spent the past few weeks sifting through a variety of old threads started by more senior members, dating as far back as 2004, and have found a wealth of valuable and instructive information. However, this process, which is still on going in my case, has required and will continue to require much searching, sifting through the rubbish amid the quality posts and a considerable amount of time. For example, I spent a good 60 hours going through Trader_Dante's Making Money thread and I consider this just barely scracthing the surface of the available information on T2W as I have noted other threads that I must go through.

I would also point out that I have found those members of T2W withwhom I have been in contact to be most agreable and very open to providing assistance and in that regard I would honourably mention Rathcoole_Exile and Trader333.

It is clear by the way certain people post that they are merely trying to extrapolate another, more expereinced trader's method with a view to copying it to the letter. This is the easy way out, the wrong way to go about learning how to trade and ultimately unfair to the trader who has spent the time and effort conceiving and refining their own way of doing things. T2W has much to offer in my opinion but one cannot circumvent the research process, learning on one's own and taking the knowledge acquired and applying it themselves to the market they wish to trade.
tel you what go to a thread where gecko and arabian are tlaking about STIR's this and gilts that and rolls this..i certainly have 0 clue!

Aye, but that's cause Gecko and myself are respectable gentlemen; indeed today we have been discussing the relative merits of the Tate and the Tate Modern+ (or at least their toilets [or at least what we've been up to in their toilets])

Anyhow, Aaron I've an interesting experiment for you try. Rather than calling Mr. Charts a ******, when in every respect he is a better human being than you, or indeed slurring anyone else, how about replying with a compliment to *everyone* who addresses you. This will have two effects that you desperately need. Firstly, it will encourage folk to warm to you, which will dispose hem to being more helpful toward you in the future. Secondly, if you do enough of this it will make you naturally friendlier - and so later on, with a bit of luck, you won't be rubbing everyone up the wrong way.

Go on, have a go! You can do it! 😆

+ **** imo... an hour's easily enough to see it and it's ****ing boring and full of modern art and ginger birds. There are a couple of ****ing hilarious video exhibits although you get looked at oddly even when you're laughing at one that has a tiny **** on 1/3rd of one wall and some ****** trying to pretend to be George Foreman on another third... honestly, makes no sense to me... the food there's good though.
Aye, but that's cause Gecko and myself are respectable gentlemen; indeed today we have been discussing the relative merits of the Tate and the Tate Modern+ (or at least their toilets [or at least what we've been up to in their toilets])

Anyhow, Aaron I've an interesting experiment for you try. Rather than calling Mr. Charts a ******, when in every respect he is a better human being than you, or indeed slurring anyone else, how about replying with a compliment to *everyone* who addresses you. This will have two effects that you desperately need. Firstly, it will encourage folk to warm to you, which will dispose hem to being more helpful toward you in the future. Secondly, if you do enough of this it will make you naturally friendlier - and so later on, with a bit of luck, you won't be rubbing everyone up the wrong way.

Go on, have a go! You can do it! 😆

******** Arabian. You know I'm nice to people.
This place is a good place to learn. There's plenty on the basics and intermediate. There's lots of references to good stuff outside of this forum as well if you can be bothered to look through it. You can PM people and and get useful information from them providing you respect their time and don't expect 'Holy Grail' and 'Shortcuts to Riches' questions to be answered.

What makes this place tedious is that constant trolling that keeps going on. It's just dull and it makes searching for information more difficult.

It's normal for admins to place temporary bans on persistent trollers leading to complete bans if they don't pack it in. Means the quality/humour levels of threads go up and makes it easier for those looking for info to find it instead of having to read 60 pages of horses**t to find 3 valuable posts.
True enough but the mods' job becomes infinitely harder imho when useful experienced posters get bored some days and just go off on one. It's a no brainer to ban a troll who never adds a scrap of value, but doing it with a longer standing member who's just mucking about 'for the lulz' when bored can be self defeating if they don't come back.

Flipside of course being if you don't dispense justice in something approaching an even handed fashion you get people crying favouritism. That's one of the reasons I have never felt the inclination to be a mod. I think they get put in a no win situation at times. So the work they do do is appreciated.
It's a no brainer to ban a troll who never adds a scrap of value, but doing it with a longer standing member who's just mucking about 'for the lulz' when bored can be self defeating if they don't come back.

Most regular posters do come back though IME, the temporary bans being useful in that regard. Also remember that Groucho was right in saying "I refuse to join any club that would have me as a member."

Sure you get dynamics between certain posters and mods - that's normal but the level of trolling is reaching epic proportions.
Makes me lol that Mr Charts has me on his ignore list.
Arabian you say Mr C deserves more respect that Aaron so does that mean if we start flogging our systems for you to pay us your cash everyday, posting threads that leave unanswered questions to his method so people feel they have to go on the course to find out.

I still get messages from the time i made the 'Holy Grail' post asking for them to pay for my system.... I'm respectful enough to tell them its a joke and i don't want there money. Mr Charts however invites these ignorant no0bs to learn from him and through researching peoples experiences, not one is making aliving from his methods. It doesn't matter if its because its 'all about the traders not the method' - If thats true, then is it really fair to sell your method at all?

Knowing most will fail with it anyway...

I have more respect for someone learning to trade and throwing insults for fun on a forum, than a man trying to make innocent, ignorant newbies to trading give him their money.

I know my words are meaningless as i am a tw@ myself but i have found that everytime Aaron or i speak, you all insult us and we insult back - Then you go on about how we always insult people when you yourself are playing the exact same childish game - Being hypocrites if you like....

Maybe we should ALL just grow up.... Because i can't see that Aaron is any more immature than Gamma or Arabian - Who quite frankly, from all the replies i have ever seen have been as unhelpful as me in substance and usually quite abrasive.

I saw a thread called 'Agany aunt' or some **** like that... I read it, and it was literally THE saddest thing i've ever seen! I'm sad, but not enough to post in that thread... So next time you want to critique how twatish someone is please remember that most of us are ********s ourselves.
who the **** has been repping halotrader to give him a star
If you look through all my posts, i occasionally do a high quality one... A bit like you i suppose - Write loads of **** but everynow and again something useful.
Trading, as in life, is a challenge to your emotions and your ego. If you succumb to either or both, you will find trading, and indeed, life, much harder. Have fun.

If someone calls you an ****, there are three options. I'll leave you to figure out what they are.
Trading, as in life, is a challenge to your emotions and your ego. If you succumb to either or both, you will find trading, and indeed, life, much harder. Have fun.

If someone calls you an ****, there are three options. I'll leave you to figure out what they are.

Punch, kick or run away?
Trading, as in life, is a challenge to your emotions and your ego. If you succumb to either or both, you will find trading, and indeed, life, much harder. Have fun.

If someone calls you an ****, there are three options. I'll leave you to figure out what they are.

Can you explain why its a challenge to your ego?
everytime i speak, you all insult us and we insult back


I thik they just want to get a rise out of us for fun Halo.
I don't complain about most people because if I catch them when we're both on the same wavelength i.e I feel like learning and they feel like helping me, they do and I'm grateful.

Mr Charts just insults me. Therefore I concluded that he is a c*ck despite what anyone else tells me. Thats the beauty of having a free mind.

Anyway, if people wan't to get all cliquey a lá mean girls and hate me for not liking this guy then so be it. I really couldn't care less. There will always be someone else who capable of seeing past their own face and is also willing to help us newbs out. The way some people act on here you'd think they invented the concept of trading. It's quite hilarious.
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Can you explain why its a challenge to your ego?

you buy, the market goes down. vice versa.

if i go into a trade it is because i think it is the right thing to do. if it goes wrong it means i am wrong. i hate being wrong.
you buy, the market goes down. vice versa.

if i go into a trade it is because i think it is the right thing to do. if it goes wrong it means i am wrong. i hate being wrong.

dont take it personally mate. I know how you feel. Sometimes when I enter a trade the market turns around to spite me too.
you buy, the market goes down. vice versa.

if i go into a trade it is because i think it is the right thing to do. if it goes wrong it means i am wrong. i hate being wrong.

Watch 'Any Given Sunday'. I think LL Cool J said it nicely....

"And then I don't get my money. And I LIKE getting my money coach"
There is still alot of good information to be learned from this site you just have to skip the General Section as it’s just become another lounge area.

Also update your ignore list and don't bother looking at threads created by the same poeple. The same people who keep creating pointless threads or not using the search function.:whistling
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