What's the darkside?

I'm a newfish and a grail seeker. I want some bollox and a double helping of darkside please. If you won't give it to me I'll go over the expert forestmistyfairyan thread and get it from there.

You get what you pay for Siggy, i wouldn't touch 4xmofo with a bargepole, you will end up losing your shirt.

Read up on an ex member called, Wasp. He was well liked, always recieved the reps...until he took a few lambs to the slaughter. Funny.
You get what you pay for Siggy, i wouldn't touch 4xmofo with a bargepole, you will end up losing your shirt.
Yeah, I was joking about expert forestmistyfairyan.

Not sure losing your shirt is as big an issue as not knowing whether you're wearing one or not, and if you are, which way round it is and why when you thought it was back-to-front you find out it was really the right way round in the first place. Or vice versa.
Just like to point out this thread appeared out of nowhere. I didn't start it though it looks this way.

It was part of another thread which went of course -apparently happens sometimes - and a mod has hived it off on its own. Which makes sense of course.
Before it gets deleted :LOL:
As much as it grates. Your logic is flawless!
But in the nicest possible way, youre still a cũnt


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You get what you pay for Siggy, i wouldn't touch 4xmofo with a bargepole, you will end up losing your shirt.

Read up on an ex member called, Wasp. He was well liked, always recieved the reps...until he took a few lambs to the slaughter. Funny.

You just cannot - repeat cannot lose you shirt - with my free method

The main reason its free is because nobody is going to pay $50k+ on a proper course that would take anything from 9 months to 15 months to learn it all

No one month or even 3 months paid course can teach you all you need to know in this game

The main reason you cannot lose your shirt with my method is simple

3 -7 pip stops that you have to adhere to - along with scalps that lead to swing with stops in profit

Money management and discipline is KEY - as in any good profitable method - but pressure of working to tight margins using time and other edges means even if you cannot get to a 70% win rate as is possible with retail accounts under $100k - you still end up breaking even as long as you keep to the rules of the method

Sigma D might not have realised when he said - your an accountant - that to be a successful FX intraday trader you need some of the following

1, Business - streetwise savvy - knowing and identifying gameplay and crooks - ie banks and professional institutional trading

2. Accountancy brain - need for very advanced money management methods and a maths based logic

3.Ultra sound discipline and mindset playing with money you can afford to lose until you have made over 1000's of live trades

4. 1000's of hours of watching live charts and then using an inquisitive mind to work out all the clues that seem to happen - every session.

5 I have also a Hons degree in Economics - I hardly ever use it - all the clues are in the charts - technical analysis using all frames is 90% of all you need.

6. I dont need COT reports or volume stuff - it can all be played with - i just need my main 5 edges based on Time - LR's - PA - gameplay and of course my own advanced money management

Simple its not

If it was would not all trader being making money ;-)


Before it gets deleted :LOL:
As much as it grates. Your logic is flawless!
But in the nicest possible way, youre still a cũnt

Well, if you know what darksiding is all about, then becoming a vendor should be the next natural step.
You just cannot - repeat cannot lose you shirt - with my free method

The main reason its free is because nobody is going to pay $50k+ on a proper course that would take anything from 9 months to 15 months to learn it all

No one month or even 3 months paid course can teach you all you need to know in this game

The main reason you cannot lose your shirt with my method is simple

3 -7 pip stops that you have to adhere to - along with scalps that lead to swing with stops in profit

Money management and discipline is KEY - as in any good profitable method - but pressure of working to tight margins using time and other edges means even if you cannot get to a 70% win rate as is possible with retail accounts under $100k - you still end up breaking even as long as you keep to the rules of the method

Sigma D might not have realised when he said - your an accountant - that to be a successful FX intraday trader you need some of the following

1, Business - streetwise savvy - knowing and identifying gameplay and crooks - ie banks and professional institutional trading

2. Accountancy brain - need for very advanced money management methods and a maths based logic

3.Ultra sound discipline and mindset playing with money you can afford to lose until you have made over 1000's of live trades

4. 1000's of hours of watching live charts and then using an inquisitive mind to work out all the clues that seem to happen - every session.

5 I have also a Hons degree in Economics - I hardly ever use it - all the clues are in the charts - technical analysis using all frames is 90% of all you need.

6. I dont need COT reports or volume stuff - it can all be played with - i just need my main 5 edges based on Time - LR's - PA - gameplay and of course my own advanced money management

Simple its not

If it was would not all trader being making money ;-)



My darksiding course allows my students to take money off you and your students. It's ace!
My darksiding course allows my students to take money off you and your students. It's ace!

Very much doubt that

Longer term trading or investing just gives crap % results and low returns - due to the small size you use

OK if you PPND - but then you are like me and need to be an expert - so that' got to be another few years grasping that

You just cannot beat intraday multi trading for the highest % returns - along with leaving trades on with stops in profit

Trouble is you cannot do it on multi million dollar capital accounts - different ballgame all together

Students - by the way - I dont sell any courses etc - why should I bother if I can trade properly and make excellent returns already ???

I dont need the capital - and I am not even bothering at my age of trying to trade with 50 or 100 lot stakes on - per pip
lets see a statement of your profits today, F.
A quick screenshot.

I would not even show a screen shot of multiple accounts to my own accountant or even the IR

Why on earth would you think I would show you or anyone else?


Its just none of your's or anyone else's business if I made $100 or $1000 or $10000 per day ??

It open's up a massive can of worms as far as I am concerned

So please lets just say I earned nothing - as according to Sigma I have no account or platform or broker and if I did then it would only be demo

As far as I am concerned Dow Jones and even Major Magnum who is learning my method should not show their results etc - but its there own account and so they can do what they like

Also for last 7 yrs full time I would like you to all think I have been on demo only all the while

I only say my daily target is 50 pips

I also say I can have 1 to 5 bad scalps a day and normally I take between 10 and 20 trades

That's all you need to know

Hang on, he's just lacing up his tap dance shoes...

All I can see Mr SD and all your other nics with less than 26 % of the vote

You must be really disappointed

Wait to I ask my 78 Forexmospherian mates from the old group to start voting for me

But of course I forget - you think you only need to get to 20 dissers and then you have won - even if its less than half the votes

Democracy does not quite work like that - and shows besides being out of touch with retail trading - you are out of touch with reading members thoughts as well


Still its all good fun and do you honestly really think I am worried about staying or leaving after a year

Still looking forward to helping you learn to Intraday the FX markets

The offer is only open this week though - as I like decisive winners - not traders who just are jealous or even worst - haters

Did you have a good trading day - thats the most important thing - and please tell me you are not another multi nic who I now think you might be as well ;-)

Regards as normal

So why does posting a PnL summary or trade blotter open up a can of worms ?

I had a problem with GFT UK 4 + years ago showing an account with my spread on to some other traders and it caused me a problem - that was then passed on to another account manager at the firm who did not like confidentaility special arrangement deals appearing on the web etc etc

I think I have also already mentioned some of the other problems I have had over the years with our friends working at the IR

So for me - I learnt a costly lesson


But of course I forget - you think you only need to get to 20 dissers and then you have won - even if its less than half the votes

You set the basis for this expert farthestmoistprairiean. You said nothing about democracy or percentage of the vote or time limits. You said - get 20 - I'll leave.

Don't come crying to me just because you didn't think through the consequences.

Still, it's not like you'll keep to your vow even if we hit that magic number. I'm looking forward to your tappety dance for that one even more than the number being hit.

Contrary to ffsears comments regarding mutlinics, I have none. Steve Anderton, when he was connected with the site, had both email and telephone contact, knows exactly who I am, who I work for, what I do for a living and was sufficiently assured of my oneness and veracity to remove the immediate ban I received on joining the site for apparently looking like someone else. (?)

So while I don't have any remedy for ffsears continued attacks and innuendo (he can ban me again at any time) I can certainly request that any further such behaviour from you (or any other member) be dealt with under the 'posting misinformation' guideline which does carry infraction points. Whether moderation will ever be as 2-way in my case as for any other member is another matter, but in principle, with principled moderators, it should.