The Journey from the Basement

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barjon said:

not like my Sopwith Camel then - my alternating machine gun has just gone awry and blown off the prop (and my parachute's in tatters).

🙂 I have landed in my jet in the middle of the desert a couple of times and with no water or map LOL
How I got back to the base? Not sure…but I work on this machine all the time.
brys said:
Good day to you sir, and dzien dobry,

I would say, it (the emotion) is bound to be the underlying cause of one being 'stuck'. I have noticed that the same ‘surface’ emotion has different underlying causes (sometimes emotions, too) on different days. Recently after 7 long years I got to the bottom of an emotion that has caused quite a bit of interference in my daily life. Every time I thought I got to the bottom of it I would realise it was only another layer. And the event that caused wasn’t even all that serious. So, what I’m saying is that the ‘dangers’ are everywhere. To trade well, a trader needs to be tuned in like a super-sonic fighter jet. All systems are spot on.
Hello. You see how you are able to intangibly perceive that the surface emotion is not the only one there is. This is because the HP arranges them in chains, so that if one link fails another one succeeds. All of this is part of the mechanism put in place for the purpose of the preservation of life, as we have discussed. This is why to try to rearrange the HP is a fruitless task. When you think you have solved it the HP pops up another emotion because all it is doing is trying to protect you, just when you don't particularly want or need to be protected ! The TP is immune from all this.
People are often victims of their expectations and beliefs, especially when trading. If I believe dogs are dangerous, when I see a dog this belief is excited and the appropriate thoughts and actions, according to the belief, will arise. In this example, the thought maybe I should cross the street to avoid the danger and the emotion will be fear. The belief manifests itself in the mind as thoughts and in the body as emotions. We see what we expect or believe and we think, feel and act accordingly. So it was not the dog itself that forced me to cross the street but my belief about the dog (so, in a sense, I was not present but in my mind, in psychological time, re-living my past in the present). But even if I know this, it won't make any difference. And in any case we are not aware of the many beliefs buried in the subconcious, most of which got there when we were children. So how do we free ourselves from these automatic responses which, for many people, control almost everything they do and think. Its a closed loop system, self perpetuating. If you tell a born and bred terrorist that it is not okay to kill people he simply will not hear you. His thoughts are being controlled by his beliefs. And your asking him to give up his very identity-ego, his goal and reason for being. Can we effectively remove or replace these deeply ingrained beliefs. If I struggle to install Mark Douglas' 5 fundamental truths about the market as my core beliefs will this solve my trading problems? What if I also fear success or I hate myself so sabatoge myself and how would I ever know this? Years of psychoanalysis? If I did manage to sort out my beliefs or got lucky and made 3 good trades will a new belief arise- I got it figured out now. Do we fight thought with thought or is it a bottomless pit? Is time the egos medium for maintaining itself. The ego will always try and drag us back into time since it is only here that it can exist. It trys to constantly distract us by throwing our past in our faces. Is the fear of death its ultimate weopon so we must always refer and assess all that is,often without our awareness, to ensure it is not a threat. Do we identify with things or with our beliefs and make them real, as a result of the egos need to maintain itself, so when the thing changes we are shocked, because we confused our beliefs and expectations for the thing itself? What is the process for obtaining and maintaining objectivity? How must thought operate to remain eternally vigalante and circumvent the ego.?
By developing the TP via a discovered route specific and personal to you that is outside the authority of the HP. You have to find the route by exploring your HP and discovering where the sentries are, the tripwires, and so on. Only you know yourself intimately, and only you can discover the unguarded route. Once you have done this, then and only then can you proceed to build and reinforce the TP outside the authority and interference of the HP. When you have done this, then you can proceed to further reinforce the TP, finally armouring it . Once it is armoured, as a consequence of it being independent, the HP can never interfere with it. You can enter and exit your TP at will, on command without risk of contamination. Via the TP you can be totally calm, impartial and have sustain, meaning even the most stressful periods of market action cannot stimulate you, for however long your attention span requires without suffering fatigue.
The Trading Persona - A Model

The difficult and exhausting route Socrates took to develop his trading persona, from his accounts, appears harrowing, difficult and fraught with potential psychic and possibly physical danger.

What I'm keen to develop is an understanding of whether this 'process' he took is a prerequisite of developing the TP or if this was just the price the pioneer paid to blaze his trail to the summit?

There are a number of techniques available to us these days for learning skills in a fraction of the time it took the originators or developers of those same skills.

Modelling is one such technique.

My thought is (if only hypothetical), if someone were able to take a few hours with Socrates, and if this person possessed the necessary skills, training and talents for extracting modelling data, could they (a) codify what is the TP in a truly empirical manner; (b) assume a TP themselves in a fraction of the time it took Socrates and; (c) teach it to others?

By fully comprehending and experiencing what the TP would 'see', 'feel', 'hear', think', 'say out loud', 'say to him/herself' etc.

Development of psychic ability aside (or is that central to the TP?) I think in principle, this could be done.

Actually with regard to development of psychic ability, I know this can be done, but it is not the goal here.

I'm interested in others' thoughts on the possibility of this - and of course, Socrates himself should he care to respond.
My understanding is that NLP ( Neuro-Linguistic Programming ) may be something like an alternative, you may be refering to, TheBramble.
Trendie, I did have some techniques from that area in mind, yes.

They've worked in areas outside and inside trading (although not of THIS nature) and so it was a natural question for me to ask.
TheBramble said:
The difficult and exhausting route Socrates took to develop his trading persona, from his accounts, appears harrowing, difficult and fraught with potential psychic and possibly physical danger.

What I'm keen to develop is an understanding of whether this 'process' he took is a prerequisite of developing the TP or if this was just the price the pioneer paid to blaze his trail to the summit?

There are a number of techniques available to us these days for learning skills in a fraction of the time it took the originators or developers of those same skills.

Modelling is one such technique.

My thought is (if only hypothetical), if someone were able to take a few hours with Socrates, and if this person possessed the necessary skills, training and talents for extracting modelling data, could they (a) codify what is the TP in a truly empirical manner; (b) assume a TP themselves in a fraction of the time it took Socrates and; (c) teach it to others?

By fully comprehending and experiencing what the TP would 'see', 'feel', 'hear', think', 'say out loud', 'say to him/herself' etc.

Development of psychic ability aside (or is that central to the TP?) I think in principle, this could be done.

Actually with regard to development of psychic ability, I know this can be done, but it is not the goal here.

I'm interested in others' thoughts on the possibility of this - and of course, Socrates himself should he care to respond.

Hello Bramble, I have some traffic with the other side of the pond so if I have to go I have to go. I will explain what the TP "feels like", although to use the verb "to feel" is the wrong way round, because feeling has an emotion attached to it.

Let us say the opposite. Let us say in humanistic terms, which is easier for everyone to understand what wearing the TP coat or being in TP mode would be like for them.

OK, it is like this:~

In TP terms:~
Time has no value in the humanistic sense of the word. Time and the use of time is like a flexible void. The TP chooses what value to put on it. This means that the TP can operate itself in tick tock time (according to the clock on the wall) or in fluid time, meaning not tick tock but one long beep type of reckoning. The length of this beep can be "adjusted", by, via the TP thinking about it, that is, putting one's attention on it via the TP.

This idea of adjustment is flexibly intangible, but I will try to clarify as far as I can. The length of the beep can consciously be set but the result sets itself. It means one can do everything possible to adjust the length of the beep(which is a period) but the actual length of the period coming out the other end is as a result of it setting itself a default. This determines the speed at which data can be received. If the data is received in sync then what we are seeing and experiencing is what everyone else is seeing and experiencing at the same time in real time, which is tick tock time, time on the clock on the wall.

If the reception is out of sync, it means the rate of reception of data is different to what everyone else is seeing and experiencing at the same time in real time. The data is not different. But its reception in fluid time is different because the result is different, ie., the result is delivered in tick tock time. The ability to "bend" the use of time and its subsequent result creates the difference between what is intangibly "seen" down the pipe of time ahead of it being revealed in tick tock time, and what is delivered at the moment it manifests itself.

Thus what is delivered is out of sync with tick tock time (the clock on the wall) but in harmony with fluid time and the default it has set for itself, and therfore the result is in advance of it. The configuration of the pipe and the clarity of the content at the end of it dictates the difference between tick tock and fluid and how far in advance of it the default is set. This is so far what I can explain happens. We shall call it futurology.

In order to arrive at this mindstate, the HP cannot possibly figure in this as the role of the HP is the preservation of life. As we have discussed before, the HP views itself as the guardian of our well being through its authority as preserver of life. In consequence of this the HP will not allow the TP autonomy as it views the creation of a TP as a possible threat to life and consequently shuts down every route that it patrols in order prevent progress.

But when a route which is unguarded is found the TP can be constructed. The HP is now thwarted because it cannot exert its authority on the the newly formed TP. The TP is autonommous and out ot reach of the HP. Also the route to the TP is bifurcated. The TP and the HP are separated. Therefore the HP cannot and will not invade and interfere with the TP.
We cannot occupy the HP and the TP at the same time.

Now, let us go back to line one of the above paragraph.

The TP has several features.

The most significant one is that it is devoid of all emotion and therefore all emotional response, it is as if it were artificially autistic. In consequence of this, it is able to be truly impartial, aloof.

This impartiality allows the TP to become supercalm. In this supercalm condition all the reflexes which are part of the logical decision making mechanism are
(a) super responsive and (b) not hampered or disabled by emotions, so that 's alright.

It allows the trader to be fully in control of what is presented and what choices, if any have to be made without any hindrances, in addition, this is enhanced by instantatneous conditional reflex, meaning the ability to act or react in a nanosecond, seamlessly.

A by product that we have discussed above, which is the supercalm mindstate, allows the consumption of energy to be very low in comparison to the consumption of energy if the trader were to be in HP mode. As the consumption of energy is very low (slow heartbeat, slow breathing, absence of adrenalin andso on) it can be sustained for very long periods without effort. This is condusive to a condition in which any or the slightest change is immediately clocked. It is further enhanced by instantaneous conditional reflex.

And it is in this mindstate, when it is sustained at will, that the consumption of energy drops and becomes stable in its low consumption that the ability to futurologise manifests itself ,
and, no other faculties appear to be diminished. This is baffling to an observer in the room,
who is looking at the same information on a screen, but arrives at a totally opposite conclusion, with an outcome which is the opposite one expected when viewed through the HP, and to add to the bafflement, nothing tangible, in terms of physical clues is evident, apart from what appears to be visibly total control and total calm. I hope this helps.
No Firehorse, it sounds similar but it is not. This is because pinsharp alertness and the ability to respond in a nanosecond is combined with being supercalm. In a meditative state these faculties are not pinsharp because the emphasis is put elsewhere, hence they are similar but not the same.

A meditative state is not suitable for trading as it does not contain the above. There is an opportunity cost barrier that cannot be crossed. I tried that route in the early nineties but chose the TP route as it is the best for the purpose, and worked on it to perfect it.
Ah, yes, I forgot to include, that in a meditative state I experienced .......sorry, the thought has evaporated.
I will have to go back and try to replicate and then come back to you, sorry, Firehorse.
Sorry Firehorse, I have been trying. It is stored somewhere in the Warehouse of the Subconscious and try as I might I cannot put the Fork Lift Truck on the correct pallet. Ah ! Of Course! The HP cannot resist interfering again, Ha ! Ha ! Ha! Sorry.
Firehorse, I will expand on this difficulty because you will understand. The "search" has to be carried out via the HP. The HP is refusing for some reason to cooperate at this moment, I have no idea why.
The TP does not contain the information as this type of information would be contrary to the protocols set for it. Hence I have to wait and see if the correct pallet is released. As you know there is no timescale that can be imposed on this. Therefore, as and when, sorry.

This for me is the clearest explanation of the two concepts of TP and altered timestate or futurology you have yet given us.

It seems to me that the crucial part of altered time is its "ongoing default" which enables the use of "time standard" data in a flexible way. The data (at normal "tick tock" defaults) is used in its own default time setting which alows different conclusions to be drawn from it than if it was being assimilated and analysed in "tick tock" time.
The concept is not so much a movement in time but a different timescale in which the flexible default may well be set by the data stream in each case?
Yes Rognavald, this is correct. Do not ask me how I know, but I have this "knowing" that the default is not directly set by the data stream. Instead it is set by the "intent". By looking at the intent the numbers begin to roll in the pipe. In my experience if the intent is to take down prices sharply, the roll of numbers accelerates, and the pertinent one that hangs in the pipe is further away from the net present price than would otherwise be the case. Once that one is hit in real time, another one sort of intangibly drifts in to replace it. If the gap is sizeable then I have it confirmed before the event that the drop will be steep.
The opposite is the case with a climb. Sideways movements are not clear, here expected numbers sort of superimpose upo n each other like scattered stencils. There is a supercooled mindstate that has to be attained in order for this to happen. I have developed it as a skill, rather like you being very familiar with your transistor radio and knowing where all your favourite stations are and able to tune to the one of your choice by "finding it", without even looking.
Yes - here lie possibly the most important points:-

"the default is not directly set by the data stream. Instead it is set by the "intent"
"There is a supercooled mindstate that has to be attained in order for this to happen. I have developed it as a skill,"

There are though, below these, a number of crucial issues that were enumerated in your post # 1002 and in the diagram I produced relative to it. It is only though when all those factors are at a traders fingertips and function for him as naturally and easily as say contolling a car in a busy traffic steam comes to a competent driver that the results you describe can perhaps occur.

What is intriguing to me is your empathy with Intent as revealed by the datastream in real time and the result of its out of sync analysis that the default timeframe applies appropriate to that intent (which of course is a constantly moving target).

To me this is not something that can easily be modeled as Bramble has suggested but rather something that, as you say is experiential, progressive, skillfull and arising out of complete familiarity with a great many issues simultaneously.

Yes Rognavald, this is correct. Do not ask me how I know, but I have this "knowing" that the default is not directly set by the data stream. Instead it is set by the "intent". By looking at the intent the numbers begin to roll in the pipe. In my experience if the intent is to take down prices sharply, the roll of numbers accelerates, and the pertinent one that hangs in the pipe is further away from the net present price than would otherwise be the case. Once that one is hit in real time, another one sort of intangibly drifts in to replace it. If the gap is sizeable then I have it confirmed before the event that the drop will be steep.
The opposite is the case with a climb. Sideways movements are not clear, here expected numbers sort of superimpose upo n each other like scattered stencils. There is a supercooled mindstate that has to be attained in order for this to happen. I have developed it as a skill, rather like you being very familiar with your transistor radio and knowing where all your favourite stations are and able to tune to the one of your choice by "finding it", without even looking.
Yes Rognavald, I promised the audience I would take this Stratospheric.

I feel I have completed my mission, which has several component parts, as follows:~

The mission in large part is to show what really can be done as so much nonsense is written and discussed about this topic to the detriment of aspiring traders and rank beginners, and even the more advanced,

The other part of the mission has been to prove that in darksiding there is another quadrant of the universe that goes far beyond what is mechanical, let alone tangible.

The other part of the mission has been to refute what detractors have to say and print about me without proper cause, but only as a result of envy, and resentment against achievement.

The other part of the mission has been to enlighten the audience and help raise collective and individual awareness, and to encourage aspirants by pointing them in the direction they ought to follow in the pursuit of excellence.

The other part of the mission has been to search for like minded individuals with highly developed biomind capability and in an attempt to verify if anyone has been able to replicate my achievement perhaps in parallel, unbeknown to me, but I now know this not to be the case, not here or even the USA, or anywhere else for that matter, with the exception of the handful that are trained to level 42.

As this thread has now had One Hundred Thousand hits I promised I would make a statement.

All that Rognavald states above is correct. All the factors have to be in place and second nature,
all of this is experiential, all of this can be explained in a way that ordinary people who are truly interested can readily understand, empathy with intent can be developed but unfortunately none of this can be cloned.

I do not view any of this as difficult.: It has been a lot of work. But it has not been a fruitless or impossible mission. There are 42 levels of understanding in this Grand Unified Theorem ( a theory is the consequence of an opinion; a Theorem is a series of interlinking Axioms [fundamental truths] that can stand up to the most intense scrutiny and constitute proof, proof that all of this works in a certain way and no other, as none of it is here for your benefit or mine.

In 1998 I gave the opportunity to many people to attain the first 10 levels, to see how and if they could be developed higher, on the criteria of Merit , Ability and Conduct. Many of them were corrupted by outside influences and others by themselves, their impatience and their greed, and by each other.

This to me has been a salutary lesson and as a consequence this thread has been presented in the form of discussion and not tuition. It has shown to me that the great majority of people are not fit for this proffession as a result of being overcome by their own humanity. None of it is my fault, but theirs.

It has been an Honour and a Pleasure to meet all of you, and of course, the Dunces and the Duffers, who know no better and are not allowed to know any better, are forgiven.
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I'm sure the great majority of us have benefitted from your expositions if only, for those of us who are dunces and duffers, at a mechanical level.

You did promise some time ago that you would, before you finished, deal with instruments for which volme is not available, and I look forward to that.


It has been an honour and a pleasure from my side too. I feel I have indeed gained the 42nd level - unfortunately there's a decimal point in front of the 4 🙄


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