We've all read the blurb...
"For more than 10 years, Trade2Win's mission has been to support and unite traders across the globe. We provide an environment that enables our members to converse with one another, share their knowledge and express their views. Furthermore, we seek to provide educational and thought provoking content to help better educate our members in their trading careers."
Well there's no denying they provide an environment that enables members to communicate, share knowledge and express their views. They even tolerate an old reprobate such as the hare (despite the occasional ban and a handful of multinics)
As for the education and thought provoking comment... Well it has to be said that a lot of this has been delegated to the vendor community. Lets just say much of the content needs to be taken with a pinch of salt.
As we know, t2w are striving to become "a shining beacon" I'm not sure what that means but I assume they want things to improve... So...
I thought that if we could identify common problem areas experienced by traders, and this might help t2w management focus on the type of material that they possibly need to provide in order to attract new punters, and give the old hands a bit of a pointer as to where they might be able to contribute.
So having said all that, what are / where the biggest problems you faced as a trader, and what could t2w have possibly done to help 🙂
Ill get the ball rolling: lets start with the problems bit
1. Unrealistic expectations
2. Ignorance stupidity and delusional behavior
3. Psychological baggage
4. Spectrum of duplicity amongst industry stakeholders ranging from lack of transparency to blatant fraud
5. A lack of appreciation of the role of random chance
6. Not so well hidden agendas amongst industry stakeholders
7. Procrastination
8. Lack of personal responsibility
9. Inexperience
10. Information overload
Well there's 10 in no particular order of importance, although on reflection 95% of those problems where caused by reading trading forums such as t2w ! It's also apparent that the problems described above could be categorized under one or two more generalized headings.
I'll leave the "what could t2w have done" bit for a later post I think
So what problems are / where stopping you from being a big swinging dick (or whatever the female equivalent is)
Lets give the t2w boys some feedback and hopefully help improve t2w, and if you don't want to do it to improve t2w, do it for the lulz.