What will HowardCohodas's month on month return be for March?

Howard's March Month on Month Return

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I had a disagreement with Howard right at the beginning. It's taken you guys a long time to work it out. There is a tendency to use lultz purely as an excuse to trash threads. The best way is to stay away. If no one answered his posts, he would have been gone long before now.
I had a disagreement with Howard right at the beginning. It's taken you guys a long time to work it out. There is a tendency to use lultz purely as an excuse to trash threads. The best way is to stay away. If no one answered his posts, he would have been gone long before now.

Like moths to a fekkin candle....and we're the dimwits !! 😆😆😆😆
Like moths to a candle...mention the name SOCRATES and who is guaranteed to appear? KING DIMWIT! 😆😆 I won't mention any names, but here is a clue; Before he became a moderator he was a protagonist in every thread SOCRATES posted in or started...talk about an absurd outcome...😆😆
I know nothing about this Howard fellow but did I understand correctly that he can make a thread essentially promoting himself and his services and members can be prevented from commenting if he so desires? I know we've had the whole deleted posts debacle several times but this would be taking it to a different level, more akin to a penny stock forum, most of which im already banned from.

I should make it clear, as tar has pointed up in the thumbnail to his post http://www.trade2win.com/boards/gen...s-month-month-return-march-2.html#post1484492, that it has always been the case that members opening a journal can request privacy with restricted access. The idea of that was to allow journalists to keep their personal journal in the form that they wanted, albeit in a forum open to general view.

The ideas WAS NOT to allow a vendor, or potential vendor, free rein to veto criticism and/or puff up their service. Because the facility is clearly open to abuse by vendors, or potential vendors, I have drawn the matter to the attention of Admin.

Howard is an annoying person, but you guys that continue on are just as annoying and add nothing but clutter, adding to the negativity of this forum.

Just let him burn out on his own. If we start micro-managing this site, that will not work either.
Let nature take it's course.

Get a life while your at it :cheesy:
yes the invitation only nature of your thread is a concern. Although I can understand a desire to keep lulz off it... I suggest, therefore, that in your opening post you make clear that:

others criticise your method
you're keeping them off the thread cause you don't like the lulz (and they happen to be right)
you can find the criticism here

Seems a solution that should suit everyone?
I stated that I was considering opening up the restricted thread on an individual basis. I have already received one requested which, pending my thinking about it over the weekend, I'll likely approve.

I'm fine with criticism and have learned a bunch from it. I've grown tired of the trash and would like to restrict that thread to discussing the strategy. Anyone who wants me to open up the restricted thread for their posts need only PM me.
I stated that I was considering opening up the restricted thread on an individual basis. I have already received one requested which, pending my thinking about it over the weekend, I'll likely approve.

I'm fine with criticism and have learned a bunch from it. I've grown tired of the trash and would like to restrict that thread to discussing the strategy. Anyone who wants me to open up the restricted thread for their posts need only PM me.

Hey Howie-booby,

Presumably I'll be allowed to post in your new thread?
He is making a joke of the whole site, and people that might have some experiences to share with other members can see it from a mile off, so it's hard to take site seriously so you get lulz.

He's just exploiting a bad situation and making the most of the opportunities T2W have handed him on a plate. You cant blame him, he's a vendor.

The individual who decided to publish the interview with this charlatan is responsible for making a joke of the site, not Howard.

I've already pointed out to the mods by PM the irony that the minority who are responsible for 95% of the lulz are the minority who actually have something of value to offer. Lulz is the price they pay for allowing precisely this sort of nonsense to occur.
Hey! Where'd my real poll thread go? 😀

If Howard can spread his nonsense using a fatuous poll, I should be allowed to do the same!

Boo hiss! 👎
[in response to said deleted thread]


well i think all of the above because

1) everyone knows howard trades on a treadmill, so he probably gets through alot of socks and hush puppy shoes. The reason I think he doesn't have a pair of socks with a hole in each is because of his concealed carry which means that he walks like jake the peg and his sock wear is representative of that.

2) Yes, because I gave it to him. Then submitted the summons.

3) Well on his facebook page Howard says he likes Sarah Palin which means he has an understanding of international relations akin to that which Transformers have for being Robots in disguise. That is to say, imaginary. Thus, his Z$7 probably came from a dividend payment from his "ETF for the funding of the ethnic cleansing and habitual genocide by Mr. Mugabe for the benefit of dolphins".

4) Well, he probably didn't do his ar$e yet, but it is definately inevitable. this I think will be because partly because of the unbalanced nature that his condors will take and partly because of the VIX - SPX negative correlation. I mean his delta's saved his ass from the bring of volplosion in his face.

4a) all of this is news to howard.
(mods just leave this up for long enough for us to have a good old chuckle, eh? delete it tomorrow it doesnt to any harm ffs

I'll even delete it for you if its here tomorow morning.

He was PMing trading advice and possibly touting for business in the above post.

In his defence, he was not. Not in the slightest. Just told me how he trades and said how much he was averaging and that he'd taken a big hit this month. Spoke about some of the criticism he'd had and why and that was it.

He seems alright to me, I don't have a problem with him. So what if he doesn't know what he's talking about. Only a few people here do. So what if he wants to mentor people, if you don't think he's any good you won't ask him for mentoring. If you're stupid enough to pay for mentoring then you don't deserve to have the money in the first place!

You guys need to stop blaming the mods/staff for the quality of posts here. Each member is responsible for the quality of their own posts, not the mods. They do their bit for nothing so don't criticise them. The last things this forum needs is the likes of Timsk and Barjon leaving...
He's just exploiting a bad situation and making the most of the opportunities T2W have handed him on a plate. You cant blame him, he's a vendor.

The individual who decided to publish the interview with this charlatan is responsible for making a joke of the site, not Howard.

I've already pointed out to the mods by PM the irony that the minority who are responsible for 95% of the lulz are the minority who actually have something of value to offer. Lulz is the price they pay for allowing precisely this sort of nonsense to occur.

only thing I could add to that is that i KNOW there are people who are trading day in day out for a job that look on tradetowin everyday but hardly ever ever post.

I post because I'm a sycophant so that is why i do it. but they're not, so why should they bovver??????????
fonz, that you did that in purple to me says that you've done poppers which to me says you are actually howard cohodas describing your weekend away in the lake district.
I stated that I was considering opening up the restricted thread on an individual basis. I have already received one requested which, pending my thinking about it over the weekend, I'll likely approve.

I'm fine with criticism and have learned a bunch from it. I've grown tired of the trash and would like to restrict that thread to discussing the strategy. Anyone who wants me to open up the restricted thread for their posts need only PM me.


I understand. But the criticism is not only for your benefit. It is for the benefit of other readers... if you're unwilling to have it direct on youtr tghread tis my view that it ought be linked.
In his defence, he was not. Not in the slightest. Just told me how he trades and said how much he was averaging and that he'd taken a big hit this month. Spoke about some of the criticism he'd had and why and that was it.

He seems alright to me, I don't have a problem with him. So what if he doesn't know what he's talking about. Only a few people here do. So what if he wants to mentor people, if you don't think he's any good you won't ask him for mentoring. If you're stupid enough to pay for mentoring then you don't deserve to have the money in the first place!

You guys need to stop blaming the mods/staff for the quality of posts here. Each member is responsible for the quality of their own posts, not the mods. They do their bit for nothing so don't criticise them. The last things this forum needs is the likes of Timsk and Barjon leaving...

Good idea - get rid of all content management except removal of spambots and see how everyone does.

Laissez-faire posting could be the kill-or-cure fot this website. DO IT!
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