What will HowardCohodas's month on month return be for March?

Howard's March Month on Month Return

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I did not spot this, but will take your word for it. However, he repeated the error just within the last several days. And there is no justification for changing (shortening is allowed) someone's quote.
What are you going to do about it old man?

Howard , let me give you a lesson on trading options Son. First off, you have to have an idea of where the market is going and know what the heck you're doing..
Buying slv spread call-put
April 15 2001 Exp.

37c 1.15- 35p 0.16
Paying 0.99
Still holding.

Current value.
37c 1.67- 35p 0.07
value 1.60
tbh depth trade I support your overall argument but you shouldn't really brag about punting on silver to the upside with a risk reversal. It doesn't exactly make you sound all serious and professional like me.
tbh depth trade I support your overall argument but you shouldn't really brag about punting on silver to the upside with a risk reversal. It doesn't exactly make you sound all serious and professional like me.
And once again he posts 2001 as his expiration date. Unbelievable.
And once again he posts 2001 as his expiration date. Unbelievable.
I know howard, you're right.

Imagine he was just trading fairly priced options using a rule based strategy that didn't incorporate any speculation or arbitrage...
Indeed. 😎

just in case you missed it howard this is actually exactly what you are doing and thinking it will make you money you daft old man.

basically you are the only person I have ever read who thinks your strategy has some merit.
Yeah howie that went right over your head AGAIN

For the gazillionth time - why are people taking the other side of your trades? There are two main uses of the market... speculation and hedging. What are you taking the other side of? Why are they transacting with you?
come on howard, link to other experts who think that selling without any model at all of any pricing demnsion is a good idea...
Yeah howie that went right over your head AGAIN

For the gazillionth time - why are people taking the other side of your trades? There are two main uses of the market... speculation and hedging. What are you taking the other side of? Why are they transacting with you?

For a serious person this seems an unserious question. We all know that a vertical spread has a long and a short leg. Even when traded as a unit, it is not required that the same trader be associated with both legs. Of course, I am not a market maker, but that is what I have been told by market makers. Do you know differently?

Next, there are hundreds if not thousands of options strategies and their variants. It seems preposterous to assume that all of them need the option to go in the same direction to be successful. Therefore, over, under or fairly priced has more to do with the use to be made of the option (long or short) than to a model that integrates over all uses. Do you know differently?

No transaction can take place unless the item sold is worth less to the seller than the cash received. Do you know differently?
Yeah I know the tactic. Your all trying to grind me down and wear me out. Well tough cos you can't...so there !
come on howard, link to other experts who think that selling without any model at all of any pricing demnsion is a good idea...
If that is your characterization of my strategy perhaps you will take the time to be specific with respect to what I wrote in detail about what I do. I'm still desperately seeking something to post in my restricted thread that addresses specifics, positive or negative. Will yours be the first?
Yeah I know the tactic. Your all trying to grind me down and wear me out. Well tough cos you can't...so there !
I have no such ambitions. I'm clearly the odd man out in this thread in general. I'm proud to the the odd man out with respect to frustrating you with my posts. Or perhaps I flatter myself? 😱
... Therefore, over, under or fairly priced has more to do with the use to be made of the option (long or short) than to a model that integrates over all uses. Do you know differently?...

Howard: I'm selling a hole. would anyone like to buy a hole?
Market: Yes, I'd like to buy a hole. How deep is your hole and how much are you selling it for?
Howard (to himself); Well actually I am buying a 3 high hill and selling a 4 deep hole...
Howard (to mkt): I'm selling a 1 low hole for 1.5 holes. Do you want it?
Market: OK!
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I have no such ambitions. I'm clearly the odd man out in this thread in general. I'm proud to the the odd man out with respect to frustrating you with my posts. Or perhaps I flatter myself? 😱

All the posts are frustrating on both sides of the divide....i'll give you a clue, we/they/us/me/you/them and wotsisface don't seem to be getting anywhere do we ?

Page after page after page of tripe (i'm being kind here) and to what end? A slight lull for a while, then resumption and more of the same.

I think from here on that if I don't detect a sea shift in attitude from all sides then i'll be left with no alternative but to close this and other threads down.
Howard: I'm selling a hole. would anyone like to buy a hole?
Market: Yes, I'd like to buy a hole. How deep is your hole and how much are you selling it for?
Howard (to himself); Well actually I am buying a 3 high hill and selling a 4 deep hole...
Howard (to mkt): I'm selling a 1 low hole for 1.5 holes. Do you want it?
Market: OK!

I think I may be in the market for a hole or two. They are extremely useful for disposing of what is unwanted, unsavory and polluting. How generous to offer the perfect solution for the majority of your output. :smart:
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