What will HowardCohodas's month on month return be for March?

Howard's March Month on Month Return

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oh sorry.

MOST, not including everyone on this thread except Howard and 333.

I'm starting to feel sympathy for mr 333 (not of the april fool variety) - I'm sure he can handle himself in any case, but seriously... - what you got a hard on for him for?
I'm starting to feel sympathy for mr 333 (not of the april fool variety) - I'm sure he can handle himself in any case, but seriously... - what you got a hard on for him for?

He was responsible for publishing the original article.
I'm starting to feel sympathy for mr 333 (not of the april fool variety) - I'm sure he can handle himself in any case, but seriously... - what you got a hard on for him for?
I have a great deal of respect for Trader333 and I imagine he finds his role as t2w staff at times at odds with his personal preferences. That he decided to act in his current staff role I am sure was motivated by a desire to improve the site more than any other factor. So yeah, he's one of the good guys.
Howard , let me give you a lesson on trading options Son. First off, you have to have an idea of where the market is going and know what the heck you're doing..

Buying slv spread call-put
April 15 2001 Exp.

37c 1.15- 35p 0.16
Paying 0.99
Still holding this spread.

Current value
37c 1.57- 35p 0.08
value 1.49
Still holding a spread that expired in 2011. Just how does one accomplish that remarkable trick.
Just imagine, I make in a few days what took you months and months, which you eventually lost.
Like I originally told you, even on a lucky run, you weren't accomplishing much.
There are traders who can make you out to be a total joke, but you're so arrogant and your ego is so over-inflated, it's going to take the market humbling you over and over again until you realize this.

Next time you acknowledge me, refer to me as Sir.
Next time you acknowledge me, refer to me as Sir.

I would have other words for you, primarily referring to your dishonesty by changing my quote from you to mask what was perhaps a mistake on your part and including it in your post. You had many opportunities to admit that you made a mistake over and over again, if it was indeed a mistake.
I would have other words for you, primarily referring to your dishonesty by changing my quote from you to mask what was perhaps a mistake on your part and including it in your post. You had many opportunities to admit that you made a mistake over and over again, if it was indeed a mistake.

he admitted it ages ago howard after I picked it up
he admitted it ages ago howard after I picked it up
I did not spot this, but will take your word for it. However, he repeated the error just within the last several days. And there is no justification for changing (shortening is allowed) someone's quote.
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