What is the essence of trading?


Junior member
Hi Guys,

I was wondering what actually is the essence of trading?

I read this article that said;

Want the essence of swing trading in two sentences?

In uptrending markets buy weakness as it returns to strength. In downtrending markets sell strength as it returns to weakness.

I would add to this that you also have to pick the best stocks on the market and predict the charts/trends as perfect as you can (at least be right at 50% of the times. thanks malaguti!). So now you know where the charts will go to, then you can follow the above rule. Yes right? Any opinions on this? Very eager to learn from other views!
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Then set rules to protect yourself from yourself. Especially trade criteria and money and trade management.

Nuff said if you want to be a trend/swing trader.

Then use sensible risk management, like 1:2 risk:reward, and 2% account at risk per trade.
BTFD. Nice 🙂. You should be able to see the dips coming right? I will keep this one in mind
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The more thrend is losing strength the less is your chance to win. That's why it is so important to participate in the very start of a move.