What about those going it alone? Own account, own research, trading from home
I still maintain that the odds are in favour of those who start later in life. Maybe I'm wrong...
Here's me: alone, own acct, own research (and Qs here), and I'll trade from home.
I'm 55 and I've been studying for maybe 3 weeks. Great test case? Maybe.
I've also spent 7 years in boots-on-the-ground "creative" real estate, mostly finding deals and wholesaling their purchase contracts, where I taught myself to think in terms of "angles", which I think equate to "plays" here.
The thinking seems to translate because 2 days into my studies - when I literally didn't know if you needed a broker (you don't in real estate) - I already knew
1) to never put all my eggs in one basket, because that always destroy a lot of people in every walk of life,
2) to demo things until I know what the blankety-blank I'm doing, and
3) an option strategy that's likely the only safe way to play Tesla at Q3 when Elon keeps or breaks his promise of profitability and stocks are fairly certain to move sharply one way or the other for at least a couple days. A week later I learned that "my" strategy is common and is called a "Strangle". Of course I'm demoing it hard. (Been slightly in the paper money on multiple occasions. Gonna have to drastically improve that.)
K. I can't offer anything remotely conclusive to answer the OP, but FWIW my way of thinking took time and maturity to develop. OTOH - and this could be important - a younger person (or a younger me) would likely learn new things quicker and remember the details better than senile old t-girl like me who just wants to go out and have a cigarette and - wait, what were we talking about? Who are you people, anyway?