What happened to this Black Swan character?

In fact, he was a Forum Guide - which was a very different role.

The getting started article, states there are 3 categories of people who support the day to day running of t2w, staff, moderators and forum guides. It describes the role of the staff and moderators, and even lists who they are, but I cant find any information at all about the guides.

I remember that there where where a couple of guides who where know vendors, and a couple who belonged to the vendor without badge of shame category. I just checked, and those individuals at least are no longer flagged as guides (I've just be re readng the post where you argued there was no conflict of interest in a vendor being a guide) .

Who are the current forum guides ?
Hi the hare,
When the Forum Guides ceased to be (old, old news - about a year and a half ago now), I edited that post accordingly. It appears that I didn't do a very thorough job - thanks for bringing this to my attention - I'll amend it now!
Hi the hare,
When the Forum Guides ceased to be (old, old news - about a year and a half ago now), I edited that post accordingly.

I must have missed that particular announcement ! do you have a link ?
I must have missed that particular announcement ! do you have a link ?
Given that you're pretty active on T2W most days, I'm a tad surprised that it appears you've only just spotted that there are no longer any members proudly sporting a 'Forum Guide' badge. Endearing nonetheless, in an odd sort of way!
Given that you're pretty active on T2W most days, I'm a tad surprised that it appears you've only just spotted that there are no longer any members proudly sporting a 'Forum Guide' badge. Endearing nonetheless, in an odd sort of way!

I spotted that a couple of the vendors who where selling their 100% a month systems where no longer guides, but nievely assumed that someone had finally acknowledged the clear conflict of interest. :whistling

Of course most of the little badge things stopped working (including the vendor badge of shame) during the last site upgrade...

And lets face it, quite a few of the guides are no longer active participants for one reason or another.

I do remember cygnus noir hanging up his forum guide boots. I think I might have even asked him why he jumped. How intriguing to know he was pushed 😆 perhaps you should explain why and nip the inevitable speculation in the bud.
Hi the hare,
Okay, I'll play your game of raking over (dull) history with one last post - and then you must allow me to get on with some work - pretty please!
I spotted that a couple of the vendors who where selling their 100% a month systems where no longer guides, but nievely assumed that someone had finally acknowledged the clear conflict of interest. :whistling
There was never a conflict of interest while the Forum Guide project was live, IMO. No doubt, you'll beg to differ on that, we'll just have to agree to disagree.

Of course most of the little badge things stopped working (including the vendor badge of shame) during the last site upgrade...
I'm sorry to inform you that your observational powers have let you down again: the Forum Guides were withdrawn a long time prior to the last upgrade.

And lets face it, quite a few of the guides are no longer active participants for one reason or another.

I do remember cygnus noir hanging up his forum guide boots. I think I might have even asked him why he jumped. How intriguing to know he was pushed 😆 perhaps you should explain why and nip the inevitable speculation in the bud.
His conduct on the forum became incompatible with the role of Forum Guide, end of story.
His conduct on the forum became incompatible with the role of Forum Guide, end of story.

Was he a Russian spy or something? Activities incompatible with status? Just say it or this will go on forever.
Was he a Russian spy or something? Activities incompatible with status? Just say it or this will go on forever.
Okay, I'll rephrase it: his posts on the forum became incompatible with the role of Forum Guide. Now, I'm done. If you, the hare and others want more detail - all you need do is to trawl through Black Swan's posts from two years ago (yep - that's how long ago it is!) and ask yourself if all of them were compatible with his then role of Forum Guide. I really don'y have the time to trawl through and find them for your amusement - sorry!
His conduct on the forum became incompatible with the role of Forum Guide.

For the more dim witted amongst us, perhap a concrete example might clarify things.

I do recall he occasionally offered to meet various members to settle differences "mano a mano", but I suspect, that was just his northern, well hard, up for it, humour.

The problem is Tim, we dont know how a forum advisor was supposed to act, or what constitutes acceptable conduct do we ?

Let me give you a hypothetical example. Lets assume that t2w wishes to encourage members of the public, to dabble in spreadbetting, for whatever reason, maybe its because they genuinely think punters can earn an easy second income, or maybe more cynically, because they recieve advertising revenue, and IB fees. The reasons dont really matter.

Lets assume a trader (me for example) is given the role of forum advisor. In that role, I continually express an opinion based on maybe personal experience that particular spread betting companies are unsuitable, for particular styles of trading. Would expressing that view be construed as acceptable conduct ? or would I be expected to tow the party line ?

I have no idea in what way his conduct was inappropriate, because I dont know what the role involved. For all I know, his role might have been to be rude to everyone and threaten to beat them up. I know thats a ridiculous example, but hopefully you take the point that I'm trying to make.

We've had this discussion previously, and you continually put forward the argument that a forum guide, or forum advisor badge lends the member no added credability (I argued that it does). Its also been argued that the views expressed by these individuals are just that, the views of individuals, not the official views of t2w.

I accept that there will be cases where the conduct of an individual brings the site into direpute and t2w needs to take action, and clearly BS was such a case. Its understandable that if a forum advisor was unduly argumentative, or breaking forum guidelines, or threatening other members with physical violence etc then this would need to be addresed.

However, I honestly dont know which specific breech cygnus noir was guilty of. Sure I could re read his posts, but you as the member of staff responsble for the introduction of the role, have a far better understanding of what the problem was. If you dont want to discuss it, or you think its private, or you simply cant be bothered, then just say so.
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Okay, I'll rephrase it: his posts on the forum became incompatible with the role of Forum Guide. Now, I'm done. If you, the hare and others want more detail - all you need do is to trawl through Black Swan's posts from two years ago (yep - that's how long ago it is!) and ask yourself if all of them were compatible with his then role of Forum Guide. I really don'y have the time to trawl through and find them for your amusement - sorry!

So then, Timsk, do you think Black Swan was full of sh*t? Do you think he was really a trader? Do you think he was an industry plant or paid poster?
For the more dim witted amongst us, perhap a concrete example might clarify things.

I do recall he occasionally offered to meet various members to settle differences "mano a mano", but I suspect, that was just his northern, well hard, up for it, humour.

After seeing that video it's lucky they didn't go toe to toe with him!
Can't wait for his live trading room, where he will no doubt provide concrete proof of his 'anything works' assertion.
Can't wait for his live trading room, where he will no doubt provide concrete proof of his 'anything works' assertion.

If it comes down to making calls in a trading room, Swanny has more than enough experience to fool 99.999% of punters that he's profitable.

I dont think he's suggeting for one moment that a 100% mechanical strategy with clearly defined unambiguous entries and exits would work. I suspect that he's suggeting that almost any popular entry technique can be made to work with experience.
Dear all,
Only you know why you're suddenly getting animated about yesterday's news. Correction - not yesterday's new at all; it's history that's two years old! Black Swan 'resigned' from the role of Forum Guide on 1st Feb' 2010. I see no point in discussing what the now defunct role was and how BS's behaviour was deemed to be incompatible with said role. It's totally pointless and has absolutely no relevance to T2W today. All of the points raised so far about the flaws of the role and those appointed to perform it were discussed ad nauseum at the time. It was boring then and it's even more boring now. Those of you want to indulge in your favourite past time of re-writing history to suit your own lulzy agenda - feel free to carry on. It's your time; I'm not going to waste any more of mine.
I see no point in discussing what the now defunct role was and how BS's behaviour was deemed to be incompatible with said role. It's totally pointless and has absolutely no relevance to T2W today..

It was actually you who started the debate by pointing out that swanny was not an "advisor" but a "forum guide" in the first instance 🙄

If its of so little consequence and relevance, why even mention it ?

Out of interest, does the forum advisor role still exist, or was that scrapped too ?