What happened to John Urbanek? (daytrader/Sunday Times columnist)

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Does anybody know what happened to John Urbanek, the day-trader who wrote a weekly column in the Sunday Times for a year or so?

He gave up his job in insurance, sold his house, moved his family into a smaller place and used the resulting £100k-odd to trade full time for a living. He wrote about his exploits in a small column in the Sunday Times. At the end of the year he was down small but still fighting. Wondered if he's still going or what?
(He did write some daft things in his column!)
lol - that's a name from the past. I remember how many people followed him, if only to comment on some of the unusual things he did.

I seem to recall that his annual contract with The Sunday Times came up for renewal ... and then it seemed to go deathly quiet. But I could be totally wrong!
He stopped writing for the newspaper, carried on as a full time trader, doing better as far as I've heard...
I'd already tried Jeeves and Google and found nothing. Lightening his exposure to residential property so that he could move the cash into tech stocks in 2000 was a cracking call!
Does anybody know what happened to John Urbanek, the day-trader who wrote a weekly column in the Sunday Times for a year or so?)

Unfortunately I'm the daughter of John Urbanek, he gave up trading on a whim to begin DIY tool business which faired slightly better. Hope that helps!
Unfortunately I'm the daughter of John Urbanek, he gave up trading on a whim to begin DIY tool business which faired slightly better. Hope that helps!

Hi Lily
Thanks for answering after all these years! 🙂
I guess by the way your post begins with 'unfortunately' it was not a happy period in your life. Hope all is better for you and your parents now.
But how comes you are on this site? Are you dabbling in a bit of trading yourself?

(oops...just found some of your other posts.... can ignore some of above...thanks)
Never heard of him, but glad to know that he's doing much better now. Sorry to hear about your experiences though, Lily.