What happened to Mike Kshemaraja?

i had him marked down as a dangerous noob, that is dangerous to other noobs. I suppose the threats to kill didn't help lol. not having a very thick skin in this business does not bode well for future success considering the knocks that the market will give you. ho hum.
You could safely apply that description to 99.99% of t2w members (including me)


But most people aren't overly rude and the regulars around here are, or seem to be decent people. Look at Dionysus Toast and Dr Charts and they're vendors! Maybe it was a Tomathy Dante multinic trying to bash the competition.
I see he was just banned and threads removed. Anyone know what got into him recently? Almost out of control. Shame. He did have some good insights prior to his breakdown or was I fooled??



mike had been spending a little time on my thread as well and we were chewing the cud on some things...

he seems a knowledgable trader......

he may have finally gone MIA (as we all do on here sometimes if something triggers it from other contributors) 😉



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Am I the only one who thought he was a condescending and pig headed nob-jockey who spouted what I can only assume he believed was intelligent pseudo-intellectual psycho babble and trading vagaries that amounted to little more than drivel?

that doesnt narrow it down on the T2W forum S.....😆
While you're here NVP can you provide me with a link to what the f*ck your system actually entails and the basis for it? I've tried to look at your thread a few times but it's so big it's a ridiculous to attempt to read from scratch.
Am I the only one who thought he was a condescending and pig headed nob-jockey who spouted what I can only assume he believed was intelligent pseudo-intellectual psycho babble and trading vagaries that amounted to little more than drivel?


If someone can point to a substantive post from the guy, i'd love to see it.

His MO was simple. A bit of TA101 with some flowery text on bears battling bulls followed by a complete breakdown when anyone dared question anything he said. Although I did not receive a death threat from Mike, others did.

Most likely reason for the way he would go ballistic when someone engaged him and asked fairly straightforward questions, is that he was worried about being caught out. That was Mikes 'tell'.

The fact he though CV was A d!ck and Black Swan was a star trader should tell you all you need to know.
I know summer is coming, and temperatures and tempers are rising here in the Med, but the good people of Palermo probably need to chill a little.
I know summer is coming, and temperatures and tempers are rising here in the Med, but the good people of Palermo probably need to chill a little.

They always have done.

Come on, someone spill the beans. What did he actually do? Death threats sound better than even the usual lulz round here.

As an aside, I don't think Pazienza is coming back. I have been reliably informed that he was either killed in Libya fighting for Colonel Gaddafi, or drowned while attempting to steal the Baltic Sea 'UFO' for scrap.
A kind member has just filled me in on the details. I am devastated I missed the fun.

It does seem that the offending posts probably went slightly beyond the usual banter and unspecific threats to kill, which most of us have received and enjoyed at some point.