What are some of the most cliche trading quotes/mantras you’ve read or heard?

Fibo's Law: applies to all Life but here especially to forums

Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind
The Physical Universe does not have the power to consistently thwart the persistent MAN - inevitably although after considerable fuss she will open up her doors to such a Man
Be your own adviser, keep your own counsel and try not to compromise with your own reality
A rich Man will give you 0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001% of his net worth and tell the world what a great guy he is. A poor Man, Woman or Family will share with you upwards of 50% of their net worth and not think its a big deal for even an ogonblick.

Heart is to be found in abundance in the 3rd world - its near extinct in the west and disappearing at breakneck speed from America, the once benevolent country.
Shirley Maclaine has tried almost every offbeat religion and practice known on earth and then some but real freedom and peace of mind remain elusive. She has been searching and searching but totally missed the "its easier for a camel to go thru' the eye of a needle than for a rich person to gain peace of mind/heaven/nirvana" Fibo's best advice: forgeddabout it for this lifetime - next time around wake up sucking on a poor tit in a hospital in the 3rd world, then you can have a shot at the title.
Inspiration in Life, as in Financial Markets comes so shockingly similar to Love - quietly and without fanfare
There are two that come to mind:

#1 Bulls and bears make money. Hogs get slaughtered.

#2 Don’t confuse brains with a bull market.
Interesting, I've never heard this one before for some reason "#2 Don’t confuse brains with a bull market."
The most hilarious thing about daytraders is that they will go Long the rallies but totally ignore the force of the river going short
Fibo's Law:
At all major stock market Tops, not a single T2W or ET trader EVER saw the turn to BEAR coming
At all major stock market bottoms, not a single T2W or ET trader EVER saw the turn to BULL coming.
Trust the judgement of your inner man/woman.
If he/she is consistently wrong get on their other side or find a new and better one.
A rich Man will give you 0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001% of his net worth and tell the world what a great guy he is. A poor Man, Woman or Family will share with you upwards of 50% of their net worth and not think its a big deal for even an ogonblick.

Heart is to be found in abundance in the 3rd world - its near extinct in the west and disappearing at breakneck speed from America, the once benevolent country.

If a rich person gave away his money to a group of poor people, there wouldn’t be any money left for donations in future years or to future generations of poor. By growing money in a business you not only provide jobs to current employees but you grow the economy of the nation as a whole for future workers.

The best form of welfare any nation can have is a strong & powerful economy. Look at it this way, if there were no rich nations there would be no welfare.

Money is not the best thing to give the poor either. The best thing is a job. If they are somehow disabled and can’t work the next best thing is to give them the physical necessities rather than have them mis-manage the cash by buying drugs, alcohol, lottery tickets or whatever.

Finally, donations are not the only thing people can give. They can donate their time and expertise to work on behalf of the poor such as Habitat for Humanity or giving them nutritious meals at their city’s local soup kitchen.
If a rich person gave away his money to a group of poor people, there wouldn’t be any money left for donations in future years or to future generations of poor. By growing money in a business you not only provide jobs to current employees but you grow the economy of the nation as a whole for future workers.

The best form of welfare any nation can have is a strong & powerful economy. Look at it this way, if there were no rich nations there would be no welfare.

Money is not the best thing to give the poor either. The best thing is a job. If they are somehow disabled and can’t work the next best thing is to give them the physical necessities rather than have them mis-manage the cash by buying drugs, alcohol, lottery tickets or whatever.

Finally, donations are not the only thing people can give. They can donate their time and expertise to work on behalf of the poor such as Habitat for Humanity or giving them nutritious meals at their city’s local soup kitchen.

Laudable goals...but how is this in anyway a "cliché trading quote"???
It is easier for a rich man to pass through the eye of a needle than go to heaven.
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Ah, I see - thankfully, I didn't see any of his stuff as I had him on Ignore for quite some time before he imploded.....

Those who have Fibo on Ignore are misguided in

(1) Hide head in sand but stick bum out at Fibo dispenses with the liability of conversation before sex - a preferred domain of Fibo.

(2) Miss out on the only posts that make T2W not a T2L

(3) Cannot stop the vast numbers of viewers turning out daily to read Fibo - easily noticeable to chartists that when Fibo enters a thread, any thread at T2W, it instantly goes into wave 3 parabolic mode. Ditto at ET.

(4) Most importantly, the goal of trading is to make gobs of profits - this is what we ALL desire - but we blame TA, FA, this and that, whereas the real culprit has always been the trader hisself, not that he is a bad guy, but rather HE hisself is his own executioner and will not let the pearls of success in - He actively sees that they will not go his way. Soooooooooooooooooo obvious at ET and T2L before fibo arrival.

Forgive them Father for they know not what they do and how they shoot thesselves in the foot.

Fibo loves to slap 'em around but loves 'em all
Ah, I see - thankfully, I didn't see any of his stuff as I had him on Ignore for quite some time before he imploded.....

Those who have Fibo on Ignore are

(1) the very same ones who will not welcome Fibo to London to share mutual views of OUR 1-10 year trading records - all in the open.

(2) are ostracizing a Trader/Closer with a 95% win rate in not only trading but in closing deals outside of trading at a site named TRADE2WIN

(3) are missing out on witnessing the creme de la creme reason that attracted us ALL to trading - the magnificent, stunning superabundance of profits LIVE PROOF with minimal or no investment in office space, employees, equipment etc., - a one-man show that can be performed from locations such as the 10th storey of a Copacabana beach condo with stunning views - then on to a different location in the hi mountains or desert etc.,

(4) essentially small-minded, spiteful, often Yank haters who, on the psychological scale are in dedicated mode to derive themselves of success.
RE: TRADER's application to : Finance Gurus, experts, book authors, lecturers, newsletter writers

Ain't it hard when you discover that none of them was really where its at
After they took from you everything they could steal?
How does it feel to be on your own, with NO direction HOME, a complete unknown?
When you got nothin, you got nothin to lose
You're invisible now, you got no secrets to conceal