If a rich person gave away his money to a group of poor people, there wouldn’t be any money left for donations in future years or to future generations of poor. By growing money in a business you not only provide jobs to current employees but you grow the economy of the nation as a whole for future workers.
The best form of welfare any nation can have is a strong & powerful economy. Look at it this way, if there were no rich nations there would be no welfare.
Money is not the best thing to give the poor either. The best thing is a job. If they are somehow disabled and can’t work the next best thing is to give them the physical necessities rather than have them mis-manage the cash by buying drugs, alcohol, lottery tickets or whatever.
Finally, donations are not the only thing people can give. They can donate their time and expertise to work on behalf of the poor such as Habitat for Humanity or giving them nutritious meals at their city’s local soup kitchen.