First, I would like to say this site is excellent, has lots of information about trading, so much so I am starting to get confused and overwhelmed with all the info. (Please take this as a compliment)
As you can no doubt guess I am very new to trading so I am sorry if I ask simple or silly questions but I am sure you can understand that if I don’t ask the questions I will die ignorant :-0
For the last month or so I have been using the web to find out more about Forex trading/SB. I have come across lots of sites offering courses, CD's etc but the one thing that keeps coming up in regards to strategies is Pivots Programs/Pivot Systems to help predict the Forex market. On further research on this, I have found that everyone that uses this system says it is the easiest system to use when getting started and it does not require lost of charts or feeds etc. when I try to research more in-depth Pivots Program/Pivot System you have to pay lots of money for this strategy. I am willing to pay to learn but first I need to find out if this system is as good as people are saying and more important is simple to learn and follow.
Also I would like to say I understand that Forex trading is a very risky especially if you do not know what you are doing in regards to stop losses etc (hay see I have learned something in the last few weeks) 😛
Anyway sorry for the long post but if anyone can help me in regards to Pivots Program/Pivot System it would be most appreciated
CarpeUK - WannaBeTrader
As you can no doubt guess I am very new to trading so I am sorry if I ask simple or silly questions but I am sure you can understand that if I don’t ask the questions I will die ignorant :-0
For the last month or so I have been using the web to find out more about Forex trading/SB. I have come across lots of sites offering courses, CD's etc but the one thing that keeps coming up in regards to strategies is Pivots Programs/Pivot Systems to help predict the Forex market. On further research on this, I have found that everyone that uses this system says it is the easiest system to use when getting started and it does not require lost of charts or feeds etc. when I try to research more in-depth Pivots Program/Pivot System you have to pay lots of money for this strategy. I am willing to pay to learn but first I need to find out if this system is as good as people are saying and more important is simple to learn and follow.
Also I would like to say I understand that Forex trading is a very risky especially if you do not know what you are doing in regards to stop losses etc (hay see I have learned something in the last few weeks) 😛
Anyway sorry for the long post but if anyone can help me in regards to Pivots Program/Pivot System it would be most appreciated
CarpeUK - WannaBeTrader