Trading Forex - New member

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I understand that you give free help to traders. Is the free help comes BEFORE or AFTER they buy anything from you? maybe a trading system or an ebook? If they do not buy anything, is there still free help for as long that u are here?

Just to make it clear to new guys into trading that may be know... free lunch????

Sure i dont care you will buy or not its not the point.
I will help if you still dont now in with direction you need to go,i prefer one on one contacts.
Forexhusky, not lazy, just suspicious that your real motive is to get people to have private conversations with them where you offer to sell your new "super pivots."

Your pivot system posts suggests that this is what you are doing - spamming T2W as Soulie2004 suggested you had done at a previous board that has now banned you.

Your post above is still useless --- more bait for your super pivots. Why not publish the code for your super pivots and remove our suspicions. Prove that your purpose is open and not about sucking in purchasers for your system.

If you want to advertise on T2W then pay to do so.
Dear KIWI 🙁

As im nice person..plz do one thing for me..stop talking about soulie trader to me coz im getting sick,better go to hes web and look what he is selling there(forexholly grail for 100k$ only for 5 persons 3 spots left) comment.
He close my post in m.t as competition for hes ..god nows what..,he was on higher position there(bow to soul as smart bussinesman using guns not words) as moderator.
Suspicius people are negative,negs lose all life nomather what .
I still will be happy if you can reach me on yahoomesenger,then we can talk like people not posting here.
Husky - why you left suddenly?

I was goin to ask why you left MONEYTEC.COM so abruptly but I see you mention it above 😎
Dear Traders

Below most common new trader problems:

1.Money managm.( dont overtrade your account do never ever use more then 8% of your account for single trade,i recommend all new traders trade no more even then 1%of account for one single trade,then bad tardes will not kill you)

2.Do not trade all the time!! Do not force the trade,for sure you will lose,if you dont see nothing going on,stop imagine it,let charts show you where to go,if nothing just step back,glue your hands to chair dont be greedy.

3.Using single indicator as trigger(like macd for examle)this is sure loss on long term,you need much more then one to confirm price direction.

4.Use trailing stops (USE STOPS),if the price is moving in your direction lock pips but smart leave 20-30pips move for price leave price some space)
do not let 50-70pips trades go on 0 or loss

5.And most common starting with 500$(can i made 10k in 12months?can i made...and simillar questions),trading with 500-2000$ is more for fun,most of those traders are losing money from 2 reasons:-they want made huge money or % without capital so they risk to much and put to much for trades then it kill them fast,
-using small amount of money you dont feel really problems before taking trade so you dont triple check coz you can think well if i lose i will lose 50$ or so.

Below friday long trade on eur/usd 15min time frame(price above pivot zone and market trend line,green line is buy indicator,red is profit protection)Profit take on 140pips using 4% of account.



Howdy traders

Another common misteake by new traders:

Jumping from one system to another without fully understanding first one,if you dont master something and then dont try it by long period of timeyou cannot say its bad or good system.
Well if you dont have nobody who will help you in use of this system it means they just wanna sell and forget about you.
Thats why many companys like 4xmadeea. sell expensive product on spot when client is hot and fresh,also you need pay them monthly fee after you pay huge price for soft..why is like that?Simple they dont care you like it or not you use it or not coz they already have your money

Below 2 trades with i take tonight on mojo.

First one is eur/usd 15min chart (i was short from sund/monday session but it is example how to go inside during mond/tuesd)

So short when price get below market trend line,or just below pivot zone with is less risk coz your top will go on oposite sude of zone,always put trav.stops to secure your profits.This trade 2130short(below trend line),or 2160short below pivot,or like me day before short 2220. From 40pips secure profit in one day to 150 in 2 days.

Next trade is jpy/usd 15min time frame:

[perfect combination short below pivot zone end trend line at 109.00 (im still inside of this trade at 10am pST)70PIPS to take on spot.

If you are super lazy person you can use dots(red/green points),but i like all indicators confirm market direction


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One currenc. for beginners

Howdy traders

I belive than all new traders should focus and master one sungle eur/usd(small spread lots of move),or AUD for those with can trade asian session jpy willbe perfect.

All depends how much time you have for trading,dont get distrub. by waching 4-8 charts,you are just human not machine 😉

Take one of pairs and master it,some people lika eur coz many brokers got small spreads going from1.5-3pips,for big players most of broker platform offer special deals like 1pip!!

I trade my channels only on eur/usd 1 hour chart,coz i got small spread and then when im in tight channel it reduce my risk to minimum.
And i trade 4 curr. on Mojo:eur,chf,gbp,jpy. Never use more then 2% of my account for each of them.

Some may say:"Somtimes there is no move in one curr. ",...well move is always..somtimes we don see good oportunit. better go race in your car or do other things then force yourself to trade.

Trading is like gettig Black Belt in Karate.."There is Karate studio on each corner of the many black belts you see there?"

Huge discipline and tons of days and nights before you will get CONSISTANT.. profitable trader.

My Last Night EUR/USD trade

HI Traders

I cant post here where is my chat room coz its against rules,well..if anyone have questions o me can always post here.
Im sure i will help in first steps and even i will find solutions for long time traders having problems in consistant profits.
Below screenshoot eur/usd short below pivot zone 2 days ago 2135 then take profit at 2124 on next pivot zone retest and another almoust 100pips 😛 secure until now,i keep my stop abowe last day pivot zone with you can see as entry(green line),stop (red line).
All good to you traders...lock some pips tonight 😉


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Let us know if you can do anything with it without paying FH for something?

It is true what Husky says, there is no cost to get on and chat to the man. He has a chat room open most nights of the week to people who contact him where he discusses trading and different ways to trade and different systems to trade.

I have been chatting to him for about 3 - 4 months and has not cost me a cent.

I dont know him, never met him before speaking to him via his chat room, but yet he is always willing to answer questions in the chat room about trading.

It has been a great decision from me to make the step to contact him, his help is great, his systems do work and he is a serious trader, willing to help mentor new traders like myself. And that is what most new traders need, a mentor, somebody who has been and done it before, I think you would agree.

If you want to ask me anythign I have no hassles in answering any questions, but I have onl;y just become a member of Husky's VIP chat room, hence I am still learning each and every day with his help.

My trading is improving and my profitable trades are slowly starting to increase from when I was trading with out Husky's help.

He has started to show me that it is possible to win in this game.

And yes I will continue to give him a wra, as he has helped me so much, and CONTINUES to help me.

A great decision made by me to make the contact with him.

Cheers to you all and GO THE WALLABIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We got you All Blacks covered this Tri Nations!!!!!! 😛 😛 🙂 🙂
I shall remove my cynical hat then Fatman.

Actually I'm a Queenslander so lets see how you go in RFL 🙂
Oh well mate, we all have our issues 😉 , I am from Newcastle, NSW, so a Blues and Knights fan, will be good to see Joey carve you guys up again in a few weeks.
It will be interesting fatman 🙂

Just to be absolutely clear about ForexHusky. It has been my suspicion that his invitations to chat to him off line will lead to an invitation to buy or, worse still, lease you a set of indicators/strategies/whatever that might or might not be called Mojo.

Can you assure us that you haven't been solicited once chatting?
Have you purchased mojo (or whatever it is) and if so how much?
Have you leased/rented/etc mojo (or whatever it is) and if so how much?

Thanks in anticipation 🙂

why you asking,talking...talking..about nothing..
Move yourself come to chat room meet others,or just contact me in person...suspicus?..of what?oh man....what you afraid dont bite..Fatman tell hem

Why its need to be in person? You are already here on the board, so why do you use this board to invite people to chat in private and not post HERE whatever you have to say ?
Why its need to be in private if it not selling/ leasing/pushing a product in any way????

You shuld talk about trading traders!
Not politic and anarchy crap what isee here.
Any questions go my web.
I will post here all help what i can for new traders ,but i dont see no questions,only one "is this for free?",im posting here for free coz its free comm,thanks to admins,its really easy for me to see who is looser and who is trader.
New session comments including screenshoots from MOn-Thur.
Hello everyone,

I am another fellow who has been attending to Husky's nightly chat rooms for few weeks.

He has sent me his Mojo System (the Meta Trader 4-based system you can see on the pics he has posted above) and I am slowly chewing thru it. I will make no false statement here: I still havent mastered the system and thus I am not trading it with real money. BUT one thing I can say for sure: Mario answers every trading question I got either via Yahoo IM or via email, and I reckon there must be dozens of newbies like me out there pestering with questions every day. Do you realize what a friendly man he is?

Anyway, send him a mail or attend to the chat room and ask him to test his Mojo System by yourself. I did 🙂

How come all the supportes are first time post and new members????? hu............maybe they are......NO way, can it be that they are the same person that posted? 🙄 Are we all idiots here? I do not think so.

Recommendation: put on ignor before being sucked into something you do not know how to get out from....
Tzachi, if you so wish I can give my phone number of my house in Spain (with a big, fat and nasty Spanish area code in front of it) so a moderator can phone call me to check that I am a real person.

Would that make you less suspicious?

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