Today started out well and then it changed.
I had a couple good trades and then I was totally run over by a MAC truck. Well at least it felt like I was ran over. I did totally cover so I am flat other than my swing trades
CPRT + 995
MAC - 3898
AGEN + 140
- 2762 Day
+ 13920 Week / Month
How did you know MAC will have a trend this day?
I use TRADEIDEA to find stock which have very high volume than usual or stock which open high(5%) or open low.But the tradeidea alerted me MAC very late near the maket was know,usually,when the trend is almost over,then Tradeidea will tell you.Very late...
Do you use some software to help you to find stocks?Could you tell me which signals you usually use?
Best wishes and a happy day!