Weekly forecast for S&P 500 cash 2011

A LOT rides on Libya and the "no fly zone "
Silly Willy is all for rushing in uninvited and blasting the hell outa Gaddafi
The Europeans are being as cautious as they were before the Iraq disaster and perhaps rightly so.
By the time they have decided something it will likely be too late for the democratic protestors.

The rest of us may never know who is promising who, millions behind the scenes to do what suits their cause. Money is no problem to the oil billionaires. Now where is that Tony fellow got to ? He's usually ahead in the cash stakes

Pat, I'm on the coast here in the US, gas is about $3.50/gallon. On the west coast, California, it's around $5.00 or more.


Pat, I'm on the coast here in the US, gas is about $3.50/gallon. On the west coast, California, it's around $5.00 or more.


Thanks Pete
Our politicians thought they would cut fuel consumption by putting loads of tax on gas. They were wrong, people still have to go to work etc.
Thanks Pete
Our politicians thought they would cut fuel consumption by putting loads of tax on gas. They were wrong, people still have to go to work etc.

If I had anything good to say about politicians it would be a first.

For Week Ending Friday 11th March at 1304.3

Name...........Call.........Direction.......Podium .........sub Total……………Total
Pat494…………..1334……………..0……………….0……………………….0………………… ..19
tar..............1290............1..............2. .................3.................14
Lodian1019....------............0..............0.... ..............0……………………12
wackypete2....1337............0..............0.... . ............0……………….…..11
brettus..........1340...........0..............0. . ................0.................10
robster970.....1336............0..............0... ...............0…………….………8
isatrader.......------............0..............0.. ................0…………………...6
Gaffs1964……..1338……………..0………………..0………………….…..0….……… … … ..5
w/average…….1326……………..0………………..0………………….…..0………………… … 5
av...............1326............0..............0. . ...............0.................3
pharma……………----.....………..0………….……0………………………..0………….………. 0
swatpips........----.............0..............0.... ...............0.................0

Only 2 got the right direction last week, so maybe there is something in the minority view.
Hwsteele was the nearest too, so a well done to you sir. Getting back to last year's winning form !


Well I FINALLY got one.
I say 1275 for next Friday the 18th
1180 ... After the Kobe quake, Nikkei lost 25% in the aftermath ... this quake has TOTALLY different dimensions ... I could not understand that market did not fall on Friday ... COMPLACENCY at its best ... SCARY is that next Friday in equity markets big expiration is looming ... IMHO ... this will create HAVOC ... be careful, when the machines look out for buyers ...wish you all best of luck!
1180 ... After the kobe quake, nikkei lost 25% in the aftermath ... This quake has totally different dimensions ... I could not understand that market did not fall on friday ... Complacency at its best ... Scary is that next friday in equity markets big expiration is looming ... Imho ... This will create havoc ... Be careful, when the machines look out for buyers ...wish you all best of luck!

I am going to put my forecast in a little early for Friday the 25th...
I am torn between 1289 and 1253 by I will go with the lower of the two so 1253 it is!
For Week Ending Friday 18th March at 1279.2

Name...........Call.........Direction.......Podium .........sub Total……………Total
Pat494…………..1285……………..1……………….1……………………….2………………… ..21
tar..............1265............1..............0. .................1.................15
Lodian1019....------............0..............0.... ..............0………….…………12
hwsteele........1275............1.............2... .................3................12
wackypete2....1321............0..............0.... . ............0……………….…..11
brettus..........1315...........0..............0. . ................0.................10
robster970.....1270............1..............0... ...............1……….…….………9
av...............1282............1..............3. . ...............4..................7
w/average…….1286……………..1………………..0………………….…..1………………… … 6
isatrader.......1320............0..............0.. ................0…………………...6
Gaffs1964……..1310……………..0………………..0………………….…..0….…… …… … ..5
Dax Destroyer.1180……………..1………………..0……………………..1……………………..1
pharma……………----.....………..0………….……0………………………..0………….………. 0
swatpips........----.............0..............0.... ...............0.................0

Well the average won this week. I suppose really it should be in the middle of the group ?
hwsteele came a creditable second


( Would players like it to be a quarterly competition ? i.e. reset back to the starting line after next week? I propose to be democratic and go along with the majority view )
I am going to put my forecast in a little early for Friday the 25th...
I am torn between 1289 and 1253 by I will go with the lower of the two so 1253 it is!

you are off the mark early this week hw
Like you I am inclined towards down and will go for 1260
The Libyan situation has turned into a fiasco now that Gad's tanks have enterred Benghazi. The politicians are fiddling while Rome burns as usual
For Week Ending Friday 25th March at 1313.8

Name...........Call.........Direction.......Podium .........sub Total……………Total
Pat494…………..1260……………..0……………….0……………………….0………………… ..21
tar..............------............0..............0. .................0.................15
Lodian1019....------............0..............0.... ..............0………….…………12
hwsteele........1253............0.............0... ................0................12
wackypete2....------............0..............0.... . ............0……………….…..11
brettus..........-----............0..............0. . ................0................10
robster970.....-----............0..............0... ...............0……….…….………9
av...............1257............0..............0. . ...............0..................7
w/average…….1260……………..0………………..0………………….…..0………………… … 6
isatrader.......1250............0..............0.. ................0………….………...6
Gaffs1964……..1265……………..0………………..0………………….…..0….…… …… … ..5
Dax Destroyer.-----……………...0………………..0……………………...0………………… ..1
pharma……………----.....………..0………….……0………………………..0………….………. 0
swatpips........----.............0..............0.... ...............0.................0