Weekly forecast for S&P 500 cash 2011

That was top notch call this week Pat - well done.

Ironically I was going to go for 1347 too this week but I'll push it through to 1350, sandwiched between you and Pete
ELWAVE analysis results for S&P500 (SPY)
Elliott Wave analysis performed by ELWAVE plug-in for MetaStock. For more information on ELWAVE standalone or this plug-in see WWW.ELWAVE.COM/metastocktrial
Your license will expire in 20 days. Your key must be renewed in 20 days.


BUY advice

This is a very positive signal! Three consecutive wave degrees show a clear POSITIVE trend, as well as a
positive EASI, which indicates that the target has not yet been reached.
Check if the wave degrees are the time frames you trade.

A price move of in general at least 10% or more is indicated, depending on how far the price move has progressed already, which is interesting to institutional traders or active investors.
From Intermediate to Minute Wave degrees the trends are all up. Most likely the target of the
Minute wave degree, which is in wave 3, will be reached at 1432.2838 or percentagewise 7.4965%.
Normally also the target of the next wave degree could be reached at 1595.1525, which is in wave 4.


Time frame EASI Trend Target
Intermediate positive up 1519.973473
Minor positive up 1595.152474
Minute positive up 1432.283782

At present I am experimenting with Elwave. I find that the recent pivot points tend to change within a few days, but it has some merit. Needs working on a bit before I shell out £400+ though
Pat - what happens when 2 people pitch at the same number?

errrrrrm well it did happen once before and I gave them both the same points as if only one had been there i.e. 2 and 2 for second podium place.
Hope that's fair ?
C'mon Attilla give us your best estimate ?

No dishonnour being wrong mate
As we are starting a new quarter here is a reminder of the rules

Rules of competition of S&P 500 cash

1. 1 point for getting direction correct from previous Friday close
2. Having got direction right then:-
a/ 3 points for nearest
b/ 2 points for second nearest
c/ 1 point for third nearest
3. All entries should be in by weekly opening session of US markets

As we are starting a new quarter here is a reminder of the rules

Rules of competition of S&P 500 cash

1. 1 point for getting direction correct from previous Friday close
2. Having got direction right then:-
a/ 3 points for nearest
b/ 2 points for second nearest
c/ 1 point for third nearest
3. All entries should be in by weekly opening session of US markets


You forgot rule 4: Pat always wins 😆

average = 1353
8 up
0 down

surely we can't all be wrong can we ?

OH NO !!!

In the now famous words of John Mc. - I cannot believe it !

Due to circumstances beyond our understanding, the competition will officially start this week

Good luck guys and lets cover both ends of the street just in case
Nice call, Pat.

I'm also staying with the trend. 1355 for me this week


Funny thing. Right after the market closed I noticed that I made a typo. My prediction should have been 1325.
That should make me the winner this week??

Funny thing. Right after the market closed I noticed that I made a typo. My prediction should have been 1325.
That should make me the winner this week??


Yea well

3 theoretical points to the man who should have been king

by all means Pete
Hoping that last week was just a minor pullback

I will say 1341 this week