Daily oscillators trying to bend over, so I favour a decent rise too, maybe 1340.
has anyone considered the head and shoulders within the head and shoulders formation???
has anyone considered the head and shoulders within the head and shoulders formation???
1324 for me please and would appreciate the Pat indicator before Monday. I hope to place a bet in the same direction. 🙂
Lets hope it works out for you
Phew - talk about extreme sports !!
So what is the Average Pat Indicator (API) and which direction is it pointing at?
Suspense is killing me... 😏
Assuming my maths is ok
average = 1324
wt average = 1321
up 8
down 3
Hope you don't lose your shirt Atilla
good luck all
Thank you Pat. Much appreciated.
Live Trade - Long @ 1301.4, SL @ 1295 - below lowest estimate 1296. No limit set.
Steady as she goes... 👍
Hi guys, came within 5 pips to being closed out.
Now up +36.
Moving SL to 1301.9 (+5) and setting limit to 1321.4 (+200)
May change limit but SL stays - markets too spooky for possible drop... I'm chickening out... 🙂
Nice work.
I've had 1 trade set-up since 29th June. I'm really bored at the moment.
Thanks but I really have got the spooks with the markets and not planning to give anything back. I feel like just closing for 20 pips or so. Bad vibes... Daily charts bearish too. Only a matter of time.
This is no time to be bored though as imminent turbulence in the air. Wakey wakey... 😴