Watch HowardCohodas Trade Index Options Credit Spreads

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Last edited by barjon; Today at 11:30am. Reason: well you can't go round calling people liars and you are going ott in your differences with Howard

You can call people anything you want as long as it's true.

I can show that he posted things about me that are untrue. I can also show that I pointed this out and he repeated the untruths. Either he is extremely thick which, his system notwithstanding, seems unlikely, or he knows what he is posting is untrue. That would make him a liar.
Let's take a break and get back to the mission.

TheOptionsClub is sponsoring a seminar "Trading the Weeklies with Dan Sheridan." You may have to become a member of their website to gain access to it as I do not see an obvious link from the front page.

Another interesting item to be found on their site is an article Why Probability of Success or Touching Does Not Work
Where's HC? This has been a bit quiet lately....

Thanks for asking.

Some of my other responsibilities have demanded considerable time with meetings and travel. And my trading strategy demands more attention in these markets. In flight school they teach you the hierarchy "Aviate, Navigate, Communicate". Keep the plane in the air, then set you course, then talk about it.
The content of that article is basically what everyone else on these boards has being saying to you over the last 20,000 pages of this thread.

My take is that it says what I have been saying as well. There are uses for these metrics, but they have limitations that you must understand in order that they benefit you not harm you.
My take is that it says what I have been saying as well. There are uses for these metrics, but they have limitations that you must understand in order that they benefit you not harm you.

"[Howie] will occasionally stumble over the truth, but most times he will pick himself up and carry on."

Winston Churchill

"[Howie] will occasionally stumble over the truth, but most times he will pick himself up and carry on."

Winston Churchill


Among those with whom I enjoy spending time, it is considered polite that people be called by the name that they themselves have chosen.
I've been traveling a bunch and in committee meetings a bunch and trading a bunch and am behind on my bookkeeping. I will be on the road again this weekend so it wont be until next week that I update my journal entries.

With respect to trading index options credit spreads, I did many things right, I did some things wrong. At the moment my month on month return for this month is up 0.54%. Normally, at this time of the month I'm usually up 5%-7%. I'm working the problem and learning what it is like to operate in a more active environment.
Howard it would be intersting for you to provide an update on your positions, there are legitimate questions to ask


given the drop in the SPX et al, come of your spreads should have been far enough OTM to consider "rolling". Given the increase in volatilities, are you noticing more or less candidates meet your "prob of touch / distance in strikes" rule?
This has been a challenging week. I've learned some things to make my strategy easier to manage during these times.

I'm always interested in learning from you guys, but try as I did, I did not find any journals by PZ or DR. Perhaps you could point me to them so I can continue my education.
I don't understand the point you are trying to make.

What's the monthly pnl marked to market? Max drawdown?
Howard, I refer you to rules

1.6 Please don't pretend to be an expert if you aren't one. Humility is better than arrogance. It is fine to not know something or to be a beginner. Beginners masquerading as experts or who repeatedly give advice to others hurt the forum as learning traders may not yet be able to tell who is actually an expert, and who merely thinks he is one.


4.3 Advertising includes, but is not limited to: posting the URL of your commercial web site; offering for sale (or a free trial of) your product and/or service; posting references to, excerpts from, or details of your product and/or service; submitting a post with minimal content that, even in the absence of explicit references towards your product and/or service, is clearly designed to act as a lure towards it; posting your Email address or asking members to contact you for details of your product and/or service.
("Your" in the instances above includes any commercial connection between the vendor ("you") and the product and/or service in question)

which means that basically every one of your bloody posts should be removed.
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