Options credit spreads


Is it true that you can't do options credit spreads as a pair ( 2 legs at the same time )
with Ironbeam platform ? My present broker tells me that I have to place the option spread orders individnally. Example : Ist. sell a call and submit it and then buy a call and submit it. Is this the only way to do options spreads in real account ?
I had an Ironbeam demo account and I could do the spreads in 2 legs in one window simultaneously with no problems. Also my brokers says, that the excange won't let me do the spreads in one order. ( sell option , buy option.)
Is it true that you can't do options credit spreads as a pair ( 2 legs at the same time )
with Ironbeam platform ? My present broker tells me that I have to place the option spread orders individnally. Example : Ist. sell a call and submit it and then buy a call and submit it. Is this the only way to do options spreads in real account ?
I had an Ironbeam demo account and I could do the spreads in 2 legs in one window simultaneously with no problems. Also my brokers says, that the excange won't let me do the spreads in one order. ( sell option , buy option.)

Yes you can do credit and debit spreads as one order. You should be able to submit a buy or sell order for such thing like iron condors, butterflys, double calendars, calendars, etc... all as one order.

Not sure what broker you are using.