I am glad that most of us agree that Mandela is a terrorist. The question then becomes, what punishment should Mandela face?
Treason and terrorism are two entirely different things. Mandela wasn't killing creating fear by killing killing as many people as he can.
The people of the USA are descended from criminals, who stole the land of the New World from Royal rule.
Mandela should have been transported to Australia like a real convict. 😆
I am glad that most of us agree that Mandela is a terrorist. The question then becomes, what punishment should Mandela face?
yes he was a terrorist for plotting to overthrow the government of the time, aka treason.
Irrespective of the policies of the government, he did deserve to go to prison.
I agree.
You are the biggest a-s-s-h-o-le on t2w
Ignorant peasant
And you need to be educated!
the CIA had labelled the ANC a terrorist organisation up until 2008.
According to the government he was trying to overthow he was a terrorist, I also believe the CIA had labelled the ANC a terrorist organisation up until 2008.
So yes a terrorist
I haven't read enough of your posts to know precisely what you are getting at, or which way your political views point. Mandela should not face punishment because to do so, you would have to invade his country. South Africa is a country of 40 million, compared to 6 millions of Libya. I would say no country at present has the balls or money to invade a sizable country like South Africa, not even America who now cry like a little girl over the cost of a few bullets. Also, there's no oil there. Additionally, SA is not as militarily backward as Libya. So dishing out punishment to Mandela is not realistic or feasible.
But to indulge you, I say Mandela should face a 200 years punishment. Now you go ahead and carry out this punishment. Happy now ?