War with Iran


nowhere springs to mind - perhaps you could enlighten us ?

The Americans have only had their global dominance for around 50 years now, and their power is now in decline for various reasons including some that you mentioned, so they haven't been very good at it..

Historically speaking, Britain was able to maintain effectively a global empire for hundreds of years...
The Americans have only had their global dominance for around 50 years now, and their power is now in decline for various reasons including some that you mentioned, so they haven't been very good at it..

Historically speaking, Britain was able to maintain effectively a global empire for hundreds of years...

Strange how 3 great Empires have come unstuck on Afghanistan, a country barely out of the middle ages and with nothing worth stealing. If the Americans had known their history they might have treated the place with more caution.
Strange how 3 great Empires have come unstuck on Afghanistan, a country barely out of the middle ages and with nothing worth stealing. If the Americans had known their history they might have treated the place with more caution.

Plenty of stuff to steal there now apparently...not to mention the heroin money
You have used this arguement a number of times DD.

So you justify these deaths based on your assumption that if they were to have a civil war resulting in more deaths than what the US and UK have managed to inflict we would be right in our actions. Justified perhaps???

I justify nothing, I simply acknowledge the inevitable.

And what do you mean “if they were to have a civil war”?

If you calmed down and stopped ranting for a moment you might realise that the civil war in Afghanistan has already started. Not only have we made the mistake of joining in what is a civil war we also made the mistake of joining in on the losing side.

Dead man walking Hamid Karzai has figured it out as evidenced by his recent behaviour in public.

I see the numbskull who runs the WikiLeaks web site has provided the Taliban with a detailed list of all the Afghans that are eligible for a beheading. No doubt that'll soon be millions more asylum seekers heading for a bedsit near you Atilla?

Your logic is profoundly disturbing
Good! At least I know I’ve got your attention!

Moreover, this was precisely the plan in Iraq to get the Shias and Sunnis to fight with each other whilst the oil is syphoned away...

You need a plan to get Sunnis and Shias to fight with each other? :LOL:

Ha! All the will in the world couldn’t stop those dead heads from slaughtering one another.

So tell me Baldrick, what’s the name of this cunning plan then? “Mind your own business and let em get on with it”? Sounds like a good plan to me if it is.

Mate it is all utter fantastic **** up from top down. Soldiers are fodder for the political elite who have **** all to do but stir up ****.

This has been the fate of soldiers since the dawn of man and it ain’t gonna change any time soon. And before you go off on one that was an acknowledgement not a justification.

I'm also tired of your conspiracy claptrap.

Yes, I think I know the feeling :sleep:

Talk facts or if you want to humour your self - go stick a hamster up your **** or something... ;)

Enjoy all that you do... :cheesy:


I'll get LPC to come round and video it, just think on the money to made from the advertising revenue.

I justify nothing, I simply acknowledge the inevitable.

And what do you mean “if they were to have a civil war”?

If you calmed down and stopped ranting for a moment you might realise that the civil war in Afghanistan has already started. Not only have we made the mistake of joining in what is a civil war we also made the mistake of joining in on the losing side.

Dead man walking Hamid Karzai has figured it out as evidenced by his recent behaviour in public.

I see the numbskull who runs the WikiLeaks web site has provided the Taliban with a detailed list of all the Afghans that are eligible for a beheading. No doubt that'll soon be millions more asylum seekers heading for a bedsit near you Atilla?

Good! At least I know I’ve got your attention!

You need a plan to get Sunnis and Shias to fight with each other? :LOL:

Ha! All the will in the world couldn’t stop those dead heads from slaughtering one another.

So tell me Baldrick, what’s the name of this cunning plan then? “Mind your own business and let em get on with it”? Sounds like a good plan to me if it is.

This has been the fate of soldiers since the dawn of man and it ain’t gonna change any time soon. And before you go off on one that was an acknowledgement not a justification.

Yes, I think I know the feeling :sleep:


I'll get LPC to come round and video it, just think on the money to made from the advertising revenue.


I see and agree partially with your thoughts as before... However, as the Wikileaks show human nature is pretty much the same everywhere. Not releasing this information based on some security safety crap is utter nonsense. More a case of defending the perpetrators. I can never understand why Piers Morgan lost his job for publishing real news. Didn't they say he risked soldiers lives and put many more in danger at the time? :-0

The insurgents are freedom fighters and foreign troops are the alien bodies in host countries.

The BBC news reporting is merely government mouth piece propoganda. Which freaking fruit cake thinks of the local habitants defending their country from occupying army as "insurgents"??? When Britain defended against the German invasion in the 2nd World War - were we all categorised as insurgents? Stupid bunch of jokers. Lets think about this for one small minute in silence...

The argu?ment about defence spending is a lot of bull. Cutting back on social services and jobs to spend money on the military fighting wars is about stupid as it gets. No one mentions how much these wars are costing us on top of deaths and seriously ill and wounded soldiers in some cases with limbs missing (which are not released in numbers)...

Crux of it is it is all wrong. So very wrong. Has been for some time. In years to come as the truth comes out people will look back and think it as for what it was - some remarkably stupid part of history. Some will wonder like the first world trench wars - what it was all for?

My point is we keep banging on about what they do to continue justifying our incorrect actions and assumptions. We are the good guys. We must be. We have to be. Surely.

Surely not!!!

The problem is that they are right and we are wrong. Clear as day to me. Always has been. We need to pay compensation in international courts for an illegal war that has no basis - never has done.

Same goes for 9/11. You need to catch who did it and punish them. Not declare war on countries collectively punishing nations or millions of people. Bunch of cowboys shoot first and then ask questions.

If want to disarm nations of their WMD and give em democracy one could start with you know who - don't you think? Remember Bush V Gore. If only he disputed the results instead of so easilly caving in. The anomolies not to mention who was doing counting in some big state... And there is the US telling Afghanistan how to rig elections... :LOL:

PS - Videos are old techno now dude. Just use your phone and youtube it. (y)
I was going to say something but I think I had better keep my head down while all this flak is about.

Hey, you guys. You're supposed to be pointing over there!


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Oh dear! :cheesy:


~The 9/11 truth movement is gathering force ~

Generals, architects, engineers, lawyers and most importantly mass American public are becoming aware... Only a matter of time.

Please check out this www.911truth.org movement and bring the perputrators of this axis of evil and war on terror B****ters to justice.

Evidence for Informed Trading on the Attacks of September 11

'BuildingWhat?' on Geraldo At Large


Watch this carefully where the red outline draws attention to explosions inside the building across all the floors...
Another pulled down building that wasn't hit by an aeroplane - a building with no visible fire in site other than some smoke.

We have got to question and investigate the evidence! Why was all evidence removed, cleared up and destroyed within 15 days for an attrocious act such as these?

Chomsky: No Evidence of al Qaeda Behind 9/11

November 6, 2010
9/11 Truth News

In a recent interview with Iran's Press TV, leading American intellectual and political dissident Noam Chomsky stated that the wars launched in response to the 9/11 attacks are "criminal" and noted that no evidence was provided that al Qaeda was responsible for the attacks.

Chomsky told Press TV: "The explicit and declared motive of the [Afghanistan] war was to compel the Taliban to turn over to the United States, the people who they accused of having been involved in World Trade Center and Pentagon terrorist acts. The Taliban... they requested evidence... and the Bush administration refused to provide any. We later discovered one of the reasons why they did not bring evidence: they did not have any."

In the years since 9/11, Chomsky has often been at odds with activists seeking accountability for the attacks, which have been used as justification for an ongoing global "war on terror" and continuing infringement of civil liberties. Chomsky has at times derided the cause and accused 9/11 activists of distracting from more important issues. In 2008, Chomsky added his name to a petition started by 9/11 family members calling for the release of classified documents relating to the 9/11 attacks.
Giuliani's office was on level 23 of building 7. Are these fibs?

He had a clear line of sight to both towers and is known to have had a 1mw red laser pointer.

A democrat and an independent then finally a republican. Any which way Rudy.

What happened to all the gold....?
What happened to all the gold....?
Serious question.

Is anyone (from COMEX of from insurers for same) in a position to comment on the discrepancy between the $230 Million physical that was recovered and the close to $1 Billion that was manifested shortly before the attacks?
I think that we had better get a Wikileak on Iran. Maybe they are saying something nice about us.
There are three basic types of flames, namely, a jet burner, a pre-mixed flame, and a diffuse flame. In a diffuse flame, the fuel and the oxidant are not mixed before ignition, but flow together in an uncontrolled manner and combust when the fuel/oxidant ratios reach values within the flammable range. A fireplace is a diffuse flame burning in air, as was the WTC fire. Diffuse flames generate the lowest heat intensities of the three flame types. The maximum flame temperature increase for burning hydrocarbons (jet fuel) in air is, thus, about 1000°C.

Gold melts (doesn’t boil, but just melts) at 1064°C. Boiling point is 2808°C.

All the physical bullion recovered was (as is shown in attached photo) in mint condition and still on its wooden pallets.


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There are three basic types of flames, namely, a jet burner, a pre-mixed flame, and a diffuse flame. In a diffuse flame, the fuel and the oxidant are not mixed before ignition, but flow together in an uncontrolled manner and combust when the fuel/oxidant ratios reach values within the flammable range. A fireplace is a diffuse flame burning in air, as was the WTC fire. Diffuse flames generate the lowest heat intensities of the three flame types. The maximum flame temperature increase for burning hydrocarbons (jet fuel) in air is, thus, about 1000°C.

Gold melts (doesn’t boil, but just melts) at 1064°C. Boiling point is 2808°C.

All the physical bullion recovered was (as is shown in attached photo) in mint condition and still on its wooden pallets.

FWIW - Shortly after the war - a gathering was arranged for countries to provide aid in rebuilding Iraq in exchange for contracts that would be offered.

Any country not in the allies could not bid for any tenders. It was a bit like donating to charity - sit in on a poker table - where the buy-in would allow you to bid for lucrative contracts.

From these monies and and monies diverted from Pentagon war effort - $20bn could not be accounted for. Missing. This is on top of all the contracts that Halliburton won costing billions.

Not to mention the billions paid out for insuring the Twin Towers 6 months before they were demolished.

The whole thing is a scam. Biggest heist in history.


People slowly beginning to smell the coffee... (y)


In a joint TV investigation with Channel 4's Dispatches Programme and GuardianFilms, Dr Ali Fadhil, a 29 year old Iraqi doctor, investigates what has happened to billions of dollars worth of Iraqi money which was put into the care of the US led coalition to be spent for the benefit of Iraqi people on the reconstruction of their country.

He uncovers a shocking story of fraud incompetence and corruption, unscrupulous foreign contractors who made millions from dodgy contracts, and literally billions of dollars which cannot be properly accounted for.

And at the same time he visits the people who are paying the price of broken Coalition promises to rebuild Iraq. The people struggling without power or clean water. The doctors and nurses in hospitals without basic drugs and equipment. The parents who lose their newborn children as a consequence of those shortages.

How did the American led interim government spend over $20bn, yet leave Iraqis with less electricity, less clean water and even worse hospitals than under Saddam?
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