Iran invasion: the real reason

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Copied from wikipedia.

The Iranian Oil Bourse[1] (Persian: بورس نفت ایران) International Oil Bourse,[2] Iran Petroleum Exchange Kish Exchange[3] or Oil Bourse in Kish[4] (IOB; the official English language name is unclear) is a commodity exchange which opened on February 17, 2008.[5][6][7][4] It was created by cooperation between Iranian ministries, the Iran Mercantile Exchange and other state and private institutions. The IOB is intended as an oil bourse for petroleum, petrochemicals and gas in various currencies other than the United States dollar, primarily the euro and Iranian rial and a basket of other major (non-US) currencies. The geographical location is at the Persian Gulf island of Kish which is designated by Iran as a free trade zone.[8]

During 2007, Iran asked its petroleum customers to pay in non US dollar currencies. By December 8, 2007, Iran reported to have converted all of its oil export payments to non-dollar currencies.[9] The Kish Bourse was officially opened in a videoconference ceremony on February 17, 2008, despite last minute disruptions to the internet services to the Persian Gulf regions. Currently the Kish Bourse is only trading in oil-derived products, generally those used as feedstock for the plastics and pharmaceutical industries. However, officially published statements by Iranian oil minister Gholamhossein Nozari indicate that the second phase, to establish trading in crude oil directly, which has been suggested might one day perhaps create a "Caspian Crude" benchmark price analogous to Brent Crude or WTI will only be started after the Bourse has demonstrated a reasonable period of trouble-free running.
Iranian oil bourse - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Found this article through google.
The Real Reasons Why Iran is the Next Target:
The Emerging Euro-denominated International Oil Marker
by William Clark - Centre for Research on Globalization 27 October 2004

The URL of this article is: The Real Reasons Why Iran is the Next Target:

The Iranians are about to commit an "offense" far greater than Saddam Hussein's conversion to the euro of Iraq’s oil exports in the fall of 2000. Numerous articles have revealed Pentagon planning for operations against Iran as early as 2005. While the publicly stated reasons will be over Iran's nuclear ambitions, there are unspoken macroeconomic drivers explaining the Real Reasons regarding the 2nd stage of petrodollar warfare - Iran's upcoming euro-based oil Bourse.

In 2005-2006, The Tehran government has a developed a plan to begin competing with New York's NYMEX and London's IPE with respect to international oil trades - using a euro-denominated international oil-trading mechanism. This means that without some form of US intervention, the euro is going to establish a firm foothold in the international oil trade. Given U.S. debt levels and the stated neoconservative project for U.S. global domination, Tehran's objective constitutes an obvious encroachment on U.S. dollar supremacy in the international oil market

"Of all the enemies to public liberty war is, perhaps, the most to be dreaded because it comprises and develops the germ of every other. War is the parent of armies; from these proceed debts and taxes...known instruments for bringing the many under the domination of the few. . . No nation could preserve its freedom in the midst of continual warfare."

- James Madison, Political Observations, 1795

Madison’s words of wisdom should be carefully considered by the American people and world community. The rapidly deteriorating situation on the ground in Iraq portends an even direr situation for American soldiers and the People of the world community - should the Bush administration pursue their strategy regarding Iran. Current geopolitical tensions between the United States and Iran extend beyond the publicly stated concerns regarding Iran’s nuclear intentions, and likely include a proposed Iranian "petroeuro system" for oil trade. Similar to the Iraq war, upcoming operations against Iran relate to the macroeconomics of the `petrodollar recycling’ and the unpublicized but real challenge to U.S. dollar supremacy from the euro as an alternative oil transaction currency.

It is now obvious the invasion of Iraq had less to do with any threat from Saddam’s long-gone WMD program and certainly less to do to do with fighting International terrorism than it has to do with gaining control over Iraq’s hydrocarbon reserves and in doing so maintaining the U.S. dollar as the monopoly currency for the critical international oil market. Throughout 2004 statements by former administration insiders revealed that the Bush/Cheney administration entered into office with the intention of toppling Saddam Hussein. Indeed, the neoconservative strategy of installing a pro-U.S. government in Baghdad along with multiple U.S. military bases was partly designed to thwart further momentum within OPEC towards a "petroeuro." However, subsequent events show this strategy to be fundamentally flawed, with Iran moving forward towards a petroeuro system for international oil trades, while Russia discusses this option.

Candidly stated, ‘Operation Iraqi Freedom’ was a war designed to install a pro-U.S. puppet in Iraq, establish multiple U.S military bases before the onset of Peak Oil, and to reconvert Iraq back to petrodollars while hoping to thwart further OPEC momentum towards the euro as an alternative oil transaction currency. [1] In 2003 the global community witnessed a combination of petrodollar warfare and oil depletion warfare. The majority of the world’s governments – especially the E.U., Russia and China - were not amused – and neither are the U.S. soldiers who are currently stationed in Iraq.

For the rest of the article>
The Real Reasons Why Iran is the Next Target:
Candidly stated, ‘Operation Iraqi Freedom’ was a war designed to install a pro-U.S. puppet in Iraq, establish multiple U.S military bases before the onset of Peak Oil,

Er I hate to burst your bubble but there are zero US bases in Iraq today, did I miss the Peak Oil thing at some time since 2003?
Er I hate to burst your bubble but there are zero US bases in Iraq today, did I miss the Peak Oil thing at some time since 2003?
List of United States Army installations in Iraq - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

List of United States Army installations in Iraq
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The US Armed Forces has many military bases in Iraq:

al-Faw Palace, part of the Victory Base Complex, headquarters of the United States Forces - Iraq in Baghdad
Camp Adder, also known as Ali Air Base and Tallil Air Base, located in Nasiriyah
Camp Ashraf, located near Khalis
Camp Banzai, located in Kadhimiya, formerly Camp Justice
Camp Bucca, located near Umm Qasr
Camp Cropper, part of the Victory Base Complex near Baghdad
Camp Dreamland, located in Fallujah, formally known as Camp Baharia
Camp Fallujah, located in Fallujah
Camp Liberty, part of the Victory Base Complex near Baghdad
Camp Nama, located in Baghdad, operations moved to LSA Anaconda
Camp Rustamiyah, located in Baghdad, formerly Camp Cuervo
Camp Slayer, part of the Victory Base Complex near Baghdad
Camp Striker, part of the Victory Base Complex near Baghdad
Camp Taji, located near Taji, Iraq
Camp Victory, primary component of the Victory Base Complex near Baghdad
COP Shocker, located in Zurbatiyah
COB Speicher, located near Tikrit, Iraq
FOB Abu Ghraib, located outside Baghdad
FOB Caldwell, located near Kir Kush
FOB Carpenter, located near Salman Pak
FOB Echo, located in ad-Diwaniyah
FOB Falcon, located near Baghdad
FOB Grizzly, located near Al Khalis, formerly FOB Spartan, FOB Red Lion, and FOB Barbarian
FOB Hammer, located in Besmaya, formerly known as FOB Shakoosh,
FOB Iskandariyah, located on the grounds of the Musayyib Power Plant
FOB Kalsu, located in Iskandariya
FOB Loyalty, located in Baghdad
FOB Marez, located in Mosul
FOB MacKenzie, located in Samarra, formerly FOB Pacesetter
FOB Prosperity, located at as-Salam in Baghdad
FOB Q-West, located just outside Mosul
FOB Sykes, located near Tall'Afar
Logistics Base Seitz, part of the Victory Base Complex near Baghdad
Victory Base Complex (VBC), a cluster of U.S. military installations surrounding the Baghdad International Airport (BIAP).[
Er I hate to burst your bubble but there are zero US bases in Iraq today, did I miss the Peak Oil thing at some time since 2003?

PBoyles, where did you get your fact that there are zero US bases in Iraq today?

Either you sources are full of pooh or you talk a lot of dung?

Not the first time either!
PBoyles, where did you get your fact that there are zero US bases in Iraq today?

Either you sources are full of pooh or you talk a lot of dung?

Not the first time either!

Are we talking now or 2005 or something, you do realise there was a withdrawal of all troops and the Iraqi's refused to agree to the US retaining any bases or troops in country (apart from the marine corps embassy guard).

That list is complete nonsense, even the names are wrong in places. That's what happens when you rely on wikipedia for your facts eg 'Camp Banzai, located in Kadhimiya, formerly Camp Justice', wrong.
Are we talking now or 2005 or something, you do realise there was a withdrawal of all troops and the Iraqi's refused to agree to the US retaining any bases or troops in country (apart from the marine corps embassy guard).

That list is complete nonsense, even the names are wrong in places. That's what happens when you rely on wikipedia for your facts eg 'Camp Banzai, located in Kadhimiya, formerly Camp Justice', wrong.

Do you really think the US is going to get up and leave Iraq just like that after all that expenditure with oil on the ground.

There is at least 10,000 US staff of one kind or another. Private army + contractors. When any of those puppet politicians step out of line their lives or pay packets will also be removed. True estimate is likely to be 20,000 for the next 10-20 years or so at least.

In fact Blackwater group is merely US army but labeled private security contractors siphoning literally billions of dollars from US and Iraqi civilians.

You crazy fool! - just doesn't say it.

So what do you think about these Argies kicking up a fuss about the Falklands again? You'd think they'd have learnt their lesson the last time. Good of them to give us plenty of notice this time.
Besides the above about oil, is the Israeli factor.
The Jewish lobby makes sure it has bought the President of the USA through massive campaign funds. This ensures the USA continues to support Israel militarily and financially against the Arabs/Persian muslims. Iran is the last major threat to Israel. Iraq and all the others are now out of contention through internal squabbles.
The nuclear issue will be "The Reason" given. Iran handles their foreign policy much the same way as Iraq did. Pretending to be nearer a nuclear bomb than they are and not being open enough to prove their story of a peaceful nuclear programme, so leaving room for doubt and a valid excuse by their enemies - pure and stupid machismo that will cause a war !
Besides the above about oil, is the Israeli factor.
The Jewish lobby makes sure it has bought the President of the USA through massive campaign funds. This ensures the USA continues to support Israel militarily and financially against the Arabs/Persian muslims. Iran is the last major threat to Israel. Iraq and all the others are now out of contention through internal squabbles.
The nuclear issue will be "The Reason" given. Iran handles their foreign policy much the same way as Iraq did. Pretending to be nearer a nuclear bomb than they are and not being open enough to prove their story of a peaceful nuclear programme, so leaving room for doubt and a valid excuse by their enemies - pure and stupid machismo that will cause a war !

I believe that you could well be right. Atilla will do well to consider the fact that once Iran hides its nuclear facilities in the mountains and makes a bomb, it will become immune from attack. Consider how we treat N. Korea with kid gloves to the way we treat Iran at present. That situation is lkely to change.
In any case, whether we destroy each other this year or in the future does not detract from the fact that we will do it, sooner or later.
I just saw an interview with a resident of that Japanese power station accident and he refuses to leave the scene. When asked if he was afraid, he answered "Of what? I am 100% contminated already!" This is an atitude that does not need to be that of a person in a position of power. Assad in Syria knows that he can only go ahead with what he is doing because he has gone over the line, If they catch him they will tear him to pieces.
I believe that you could well be right. Atilla will do well to consider the fact that once Iran hides its nuclear facilities in the mountains and makes a bomb, it will become immune from attack. Consider how we treat N. Korea with kid gloves to the way we treat Iran at present. That situation is lkely to change.
In any case, whether we destroy each other this year or in the future does not detract from the fact that we will do it, sooner or later.

Well has Korea used the nuclear bomb or even threatened to do so?

Has India or Pakistan even come close to using it?

Other than the USA/Russia which country have attempted or threatened to do so?

Nuclear weapons are deterrent not offensive weapons.

Ability to kill is limited into millions and one needs to make sure you don't use it on ones neighbour as one may find mess in back garden. Chemical and biological weapons are the real threat imo not nuclear. That's so old had technology for warfare.

This still doesn't make your previous statements about man destroying each other correct assumption though Splitlink. Just a minor war where a few million die amongts the 7bn or so. No big deal.

Good lesson for all.
Well has Korea used the nuclear bomb or even threatened to do so?

Has India or Pakistan even come close to using it?

Other than the USA/Russia which country have attempted or threatened to do so?

Nuclear weapons are deterrent not offensive weapons.

Ability to kill is limited into millions and one needs to make sure you don't use it on ones neighbour as one may find mess in back garden. Chemical and biological weapons are the real threat imo not nuclear. That's so old had technology for warfare.

This still doesn't make your previous statements about man destroying each other correct assumption though Splitlink. Just a minor war where a few million die amongts the 7bn or so. No big deal.

Good lesson for all.

Why has N,Korea developed the bomb? For prestige reasons? Perhaps, but also, brecause it has achieved a level of "Be careful, I can bite".

Would you say that India and Pakistan have the same type of leadership that N.Korea has? As I said before, it depends on the mentality of the person who has the hand on the trigger. Iran has expressed its antagonism towards Israel in no uncertain terms. Iran is a powder keg, as far as I am concerned and Israel is very likely to consider defusing it before it too late. Israel is a maverick that the US can, no longer, control, especially where its survival as a nation is concerned.
If only politicians would direct their country's resources to other things than making bigger and worse military equipment. Surely common sense dictates that curing disease, coping with floods, producing food etc etc. is a much better use of wealth. Our leaders have learnt nothing since Defoe wrote Gulliver's Travels.
If only politicians would direct their country's resources to other things than making bigger and worse military equipment. Surely common sense dictates that curing disease, coping with floods, producing food etc etc. is a much better use of wealth. Our leaders have learnt nothing since Defoe wrote Gulliver's Travels.

"If only" and common sense, unfortunately, clashes with the desire of some men to extend their dream of power to dominating all of us. Nuclear arms, to me, seem to be a logical step in self defense in the first place but that reason can be replaced by a desire to boss the whole region if a more ambitious politician came along. Now we are getting to a situation where a country like Russia relaxes the security control of the arms it has to the extent where there has been a black market trade with terrorist groups.

I don't doubt that the West is seriously worried about whether radicals could take over the Pakistan government. If they did, what next?
If only politicians would direct their country's resources to other things than making bigger and worse military equipment. Surely common sense dictates that curing disease, coping with floods, producing food etc etc. is a much better use of wealth. Our leaders have learnt nothing since Defoe wrote Gulliver's Travels.

Yes absolutely - but I would add this is indeed what is happening.

Good science is not restricted to your your race or creed. It is available to all who can afford it. Unlike weapons or the ability to kill so it seems.

I've always felt that if one sees someone dying the rush to save the life in an emergency situation and on a positive outcome makes one a hero or feel satisfaction beyond explanation. Nourishes heart and soul.

The psychological counseling soldiers get after killing an enemy is limited at best.

Korea is but a mere pawn in a game of chess. Useless effort in maintaining old dogma at the expense of its people. It will change inevitably. It can only use its weapons in alliance with the Chinese or Russians. On its own it has no chance to use it at all. Moreover, on who? South Korea? No way. This is why the whole nuclear fiasco is a lot of rubbish.

I'm not even convinced Israel has a nuclear bomb. If it does it can only be used with USA sanction. If Israel uses it as last line of defence without US approval it can kiss its ass goodby till thy kingdom come.

Also, as I have commented many times before Israeli intelligence doesn't believe Iran will use the weapon. What you Splitlink refer to was political speeches spoken for the masses which after about 10 times the western press latched onto as the big wigs felt - there is mileage in it for relevant departments.

Whole fog of war is a load of ******** driven by a few to the benefit of few.

Man is evolving and many can see this. Sadly - some can't or don't want to.

Somebody on Radio BBC4 said what is the expression I'm proud to be British or Indian or Chinese or any country mean? What have you done to earn it. Even parents don't have a choice on outcome of babies it's just nature. We have no right over birth or where we are born. WTF is all that about. He said he thinks it's like saying "I'm proud of mother nature". What did I do to create it? How significant am I over nature or Britain or any other country.

Nations - statehood and patriotism is a load of tosh. Man should be free to go and live anywhere he wants within means and acceptance of universal laws - which most countries are gradually adhering to.

These universal laws will also change as man evolves.

As I say we are getting to a higher plane but it make take another 2000 years or saw.

I'm optimistic... 👍
Yes absolutely - but I would add this is indeed what is happening.

Good science is not restricted to your your race or creed. It is available to all who can afford it. Unlike weapons or the ability to kill so it seems.

I've always felt that if one sees someone dying the rush to save the life in an emergency situation and on a positive outcome makes one a hero or feel satisfaction beyond explanation. Nourishes heart and soul.

The psychological counseling soldiers get after killing an enemy is limited at best.

Korea is but a mere pawn in a game of chess. Useless effort in maintaining old dogma at the expense of its people. It will change inevitably. It can only use its weapons in alliance with the Chinese or Russians. On its own it has no chance to use it at all. Moreover, on who? South Korea? No way. This is why the whole nuclear fiasco is a lot of rubbish.

I'm not even convinced Israel has a nuclear bomb. If it does it can only be used with USA sanction. If Israel uses it as last line of defence without US approval it can kiss its ass goodby till thy kingdom come.

Also, as I have commented many times before Israeli intelligence doesn't believe Iran will use the weapon. What you Splitlink refer to was political speeches spoken for the masses which after about 10 times the western press latched onto as the big wigs felt - there is mileage in it for relevant departments.

Whole fog of war is a load of ******** driven by a few to the benefit of few.

Man is evolving and many can see this. Sadly - some can't or don't want to.

Somebody on Radio BBC4 said what is the expression I'm proud to be British or Indian or Chinese or any country mean? What have you done to earn it. Even parents don't have a choice on outcome of babies it's just nature. We have no right over birth or where we are born. WTF is all that about. He said he thinks it's like saying "I'm proud of mother nature". What did I do to create it? How significant am I over nature or Britain or any other country.

Nations - statehood and patriotism is a load of tosh. Man should be free to go and live anywhere he wants within means and acceptance of universal laws - which most countries are gradually adhering to.

These universal laws will also change as man evolves.

As I say we are getting to a higher plane but it make take another 2000 years or saw.

I'm optimistic... 👍

I'm realistic.....(no smiley!)
I'm realistic.....(no smiley!)

No smiley! No smiley :-0

Made me think that did.

If "we" don't smile - does that mean "they" are smiling?

Is it the case that neither of "us" will smile?

Is it possible for us both to smile? I like this thought... 🙂

Is there anyone who may get a smile out of all this nuclear war rhetoric? Who are they?

Is it better for one person to smile or two? In which case is the smile most intense with greatest joy?

You've got to smile! You must! It's your destiny in life to smile - is it not? 🙂

Do you think nuclear weapons gives one limitless power to do what they want?

One often meets their destiny on the road they take to avoid it.
one often meets his destiny on the road he takes to avoid it - YouTube
There are some who smile and when the recipient of the smile offers his hand he finds that it has been bitten off at the elbow.

One can smile, yes, but do not be naive.

If Iran, or anyone else, acquires nuclear arms we must never have do-gooders in power who would ban the bomb.

If that is the scenario, then, how long will it be before there is a catastrophe?

Our only safeguard can be "If we go, you go too".
As history repeats itself perhaps we should keep in mind how there was a Roman invasion of Persia. The mighty Roman army was completely destroyed. The Emperor was captured and used as a slave.