Wallstreet1928 Analysis & live calls on FTSE,DAX,S&P...aimed to help New traders

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That would be GREAT!.. is the info out there ?.. I wouldnt mind putting it together but I thought it was just the paddys who published it online.

I think CMC publishes it. Its a matter of time, more brokers publish this, others will be compelled to do the same. But then I think, this wont remain the edge anymore. Another random variable in play.
I think CMC publishes it. Its a matter of time, more brokers publish this, others will be compelled to do the same. But then I think, this wont remain the edge anymore. Another random variable in play.

ha ha.. exactly then we would have to become double contrarians..it will mess up your head in the end.. I cut my loss FTSE thanks.
from Ashraf Laidi

2009.11.10 04:47: USD & JPY stabilize against all currencies in Asia and into European trade after a shy reaction in Asian equities to the 2% rallies in the US. Nikkei +0.6%, Hang Seng +0.3%. USDJPY, EURJPY and GBPJPY highlight our yen bullishness, suggesting further pullbacks ahead eyeing 89.60, 134 and 148.80. German Nov ZEW Current Conditions due at 10:00 GMT exp -70 from -72.2; Economic Sentiment exp 55 from 56. Oil failed to regain 80.50, before retreating towards 79.00. CADJPY capped at 85.10.
good call on the res area
ftse tick looking a bit bearish now


on the surface it appears the IEA is saying anything to allay fears of an oil shortage.

firstly that peak oil is a generation away, then when those figures are discredited, that the planet's oil demand will reduce, not increase.

i know it won't be this simple, but you'd think that shares in oil companies would rocket over the next ten years (as panic buying due to peak oil worries spreads) right up until hydrogen replaces oil as the primary source of energy...then it'll be 'goodnight vienna' for the oil companies (unless they diversified into new energy technologies).
mr g .tick data is from moneyam.co.uk
cost £11-50p a month.only for uk stocks and index.they resell it from esignal.also you have access to some premium stuff.ie heatmaps
mr g .tick data is from moneyam.co.uk
cost £11-50p a month.only for uk stocks and index.they resell it from esignal.also you have access to some premium stuff.ie heatmaps

great, thanks. Can you chart bullish % with them too?
no bp%.i do this with bullseye.but never bother with it too much.the dollar is calling the shots
the data comes fom moneyam/tick.the charting package is quotetracker.that is $14 a month.in total comes to £20 a month
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