Wallstreet1928 Analysis & live calls on FTSE,DAX,S&P...aimed to help New traders

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So that tells you that either the market is disregarding retail figs at mo , or the figs had no material impact on expectations.

always remember the old adage , the reaction to news is more important than the news itself.

Yes... In retrospect I should also have checked out the relative weight that retail stocks have on the FTSE100. Which is pretty close to nothing. However, my gut is saying it's a down day, and even though I sold at the bottom I could still be making a profit this afternoon.
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Yes... In retrospect I should also have checked out the relative weight that retail stocks have on the FTSE100. Which is pretty close to nothing. However, my gut is saying it's a down day, and even though I bought at the bottom I could still be making a profit this afternoon.

i agree
the signals generated by my server are purely entry only. use them as a confirmation.

Understood appreciated, but you said earlier you typically trade for a few minutes. Can that be construde as part of your setup? Or do you observe and then exit in accordance with what you are seeing?
Understood appreciated, but you said earlier you typically trade for a few minutes. Can that be construde as part of your setup? Or do you observe and then exit in accordance with what you are seeing?

on one screen i have my charts on the other my system which indicates to sell or buy. i usually line up s&r and know where the possible turn is and use the system to nail that turn.
Everyone has their individual personality. I tend to stay in the trade for a fixed number of points, because I'm looking for a fixed growth of my equity each day. It's too easy to be greedy and overlook the additional risk that you're taking on.

I agree we all have different personalities and therefore strategies will vary. Someone may go long on retracements while someone else may go short - each can be "successful" but going with the trend is definately a key.

Exits are a tricky one - I am trying to gauge more by way of chart analysis to help with exit and entry within the overall trend. And i will currently look to see how choppy the markets are for how many points i will close after.

Sometimes a quick 3 pnts here and there around the major move would be an ideal.

Time will show me the way!🙂
I agree we all have different personalities and therefore strategies will vary. Someone may go long on retracements while someone else may go short - each can be "successful" but going with the trend is definately a key.

Exits are a tricky one - I am trying to gauge more by way of chart analysis to help with exit and entry within the overall trend. And i will currently look to see how choppy the markets are for how many points i will close after.

Sometimes a quick 3 pnts here and there around the major move would be an ideal.

Time will show me the way!🙂

i normally take small points of multiple positions and and very well from it...i dont do "hero" trades very often...(this multiple short that im doing is trying to increase my average price for my overall bearish structure)
Spot 4248
Running P&L (Points) 412.50

Open Spot P&L (no.points)
4282 4248 34.00
4268 4248 20.00
4270 4248 22.00
4266 4248 18.00
4276 4248 28.00
4282 4248 34.00
4277 4248 29.00
4275 4248 27.00
4275 4248 27.00
4270.5 4248 22.50
4282 4248 34.00
4300 4248 52.00
4266 4248 18.00 (traded today)
4268 4248 20.00
4275 4248 27.00
Got stopped out at 4250... since I'm considering myself lucky with a 2% equity gain I'm calling it quits for the day...

Cheers guys... make a killing!
Spot 4248
Running P&L (Points) 412.50

Open Spot P&L (no.points)
4282 4248 34.00
4268 4248 20.00
4270 4248 22.00
4266 4248 18.00
4276 4248 28.00
4282 4248 34.00
4277 4248 29.00
4275 4248 27.00
4275 4248 27.00
4270.5 4248 22.50
4282 4248 34.00
4300 4248 52.00
4266 4248 18.00 (traded today)
4268 4248 20.00
4275 4248 27.00

Nice! 👍


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