VantagePoint software


Junior member
Hi Guys (& Gals)

Having read a lot of negative comments on various boards relating to 'Market Technologies' (the producers of VantagePoint) I have chosen to speak in defence of the company (if not in defence of the product):

I bought VantagePoint six months ago and at the time, I resolved to give it a fair trial before commenting on its performance. During that time, I have seen some good signals and some bad, but overall I lost money trading it. HOWEVER, the fact that I lost money could be that it simply did not match my trading approach and personality.

I wanted to return the software and received some quality advice from two T2W members - SCHOE and MAX44 - who had both had previous dealings with the company. I contacted Market Technologies and explained the situation to them; I found them to be VERY helpful and accommodating, especially considering I had used the software for six months. Without hesitation, they authorised a full refund (even including the original shipping charge). So I can honestly say that, although I didn't get on with the software, the company behind it were very professional.

Many thanks to SCHOE and MAX44 for your advice!
God bless you and yours. :cheesy:
This is not by any means exceptional, it is normal practice in the industry. I am very pleased to hear you have had results in line with your expectations.

I wish you luck in your endeavours in the future.

Incidentally, I have no connection whatsoever with the company you name, but I comment as an independent software owner with various applications with worldwide syndication, but not normally available commercially.

Kind Regards,
Still a good response, it's significantly more than any legal requirement. That degree of good will is worth a pat on the back.
Thankyou Craigevans for the public mention I went through the same process and its nice to know that you had the same result as me receiving a full refund.
schoe said:
Thankyou Craigevans for the public mention I went through the same process and its nice to know that you had the same result as me receiving a full refund.


if I may ask, what was the reason for your request for a refund ?
did you find the package didnt live up to expectations ( what were the expectations )
did the signals prove to be untradable ?
did the software not suit your personal trading style ?

( good to hear some vendors are honourable in their dealings )
Hi Trendie, It was several years ago I used it but from memory the software purports to predict using inter market analysis the next days high and low I had the Dow module and the figures it produced were on average so far off the mark you could'n't trust them to make any decisions when there was money on the line.
The other feature was a moving average that was projected into the future using the same methods. Again all this taught me was that fancy names like neurel nets and inter market analysis don't mean jack as the software can't take into account news, sentiment or any other real time market moving event.
So for those reasons I found it untradeable as I didn't trust the signals. Basically it cost me about 2 thousand pounds for a moving average system! I didn't keep it very long and got a refund.

It may have been me and others may have other views but thats my tuppence worth.
DaveJB said:
Still a good response, it's significantly more than any legal requirement. That degree of good will is worth a pat on the back.

Quite right Dave, I couldn't agree more which is why I felt that my experience should be made public. My opinion as to the trading system is much the same as Schoe's: the only bit that I found to be anything like reliable was the moving average crossover system, and I've produced an almost identical MA in Metastock just using a simple and an exponential moving average.

Having said that, I have recently read a thread started by Oldalbanian in which he posts the trades he has taken based on VPs indicators, which seem to be consistently profitable so perhaps it is down to correct interpretation of the data...?
Preacher-Man said:
Hi Guys (& Gals)

Having read a lot of negative comments on various boards relating to 'Market Technologies' (the producers of VantagePoint) I have chosen to speak in defence of the company (if not in defence of the product):

I bought VantagePoint six months ago and at the time, I resolved to give it a fair trial before commenting on its performance. During that time, I have seen some good signals and some bad, but overall I lost money trading it. HOWEVER, the fact that I lost money could be that it simply did not match my trading approach and personality.

I wanted to return the software and received some quality advice from two T2W members - SCHOE and MAX44 - who had both had previous dealings with the company. I contacted Market Technologies and explained the situation to them; I found them to be VERY helpful and accommodating, especially considering I had used the software for six months. Without hesitation, they authorised a full refund (even including the original shipping charge). So I can honestly say that, although I didn't get on with the software, the company behind it were very professional.

Many thanks to SCHOE and MAX44 for your advice!
God bless you and yours. :cheesy:
hello preacher, like you i bought vantagepoint a few months ago, and am pretty damn underwhelmed by the package.for me the only thing of any use it had going for it was the corner-cutting it offered with regards to exiting a trade (something you could just as accurately work out yourself in 5 mins flat!) the neural index is nothing like 80% accurate as claimed,the intraday highs and lows are just guess work that roughly follows the previous days pattern. basically i was wondering how you went about getting a refund and if it was difficult?
houdani said:
hello preacher, like you i bought vantagepoint a few months ago, and am pretty damn underwhelmed by the package.for me the only thing of any use it had going for it was the corner-cutting it offered with regards to exiting a trade (something you could just as accurately work out yourself in 5 mins flat!) the neural index is nothing like 80% accurate as claimed,the intraday highs and lows are just guess work that roughly follows the previous days pattern. basically i was wondering how you went about getting a refund and if it was difficult?
Hi Houdani,

All I did was to drop them an email expressing that I was not satisfied with the software. I made some mild veiled threats about not wanting to make my dissatisfaction official, but generally kept it very polite and professional.

They responded immediately, asking me to return the software. They said that upon receipt they would issue a refund for the software only. I said that the price I had been charged was inclusive of shipping so they replied that they would even refund that for me. I returned it using a 'signed for' service and they issued their refund immediately - no problems.

As I said before, I may not have got on with the software, but the company behind it was totally professional from start to finish. I cannot fault them on their customer service and back-up.

Hope you have the same experience.

All the best,
nicely done if i do say so.....

Preacher-Man said:
Hi Houdani,

All I did was to drop them an email expressing that I was not satisfied with the software. I made some mild veiled threats about not wanting to make my dissatisfaction official, but generally kept it very polite and professional.

They responded immediately, asking me to return the software. They said that upon receipt they would issue a refund for the software only. I said that the price I had been charged was inclusive of shipping so they replied that they would even refund that for me. I returned it using a 'signed for' service and they issued their refund immediately - no problems.

As I said before, I may not have got on with the software, but the company behind it was totally professional from start to finish. I cannot fault them on their customer service and back-up.

Hope you have the same experience.

All the best,
hello preacher, after a couple of wrangling snotty phone calls from me i managed to get market tech to agree to a full refund, not bad considering ive had it five the end it was just my own stubborn pig-headedness refusing to accept id paid good money for (basically a simple moving average crossover system) that made me keep it as long as i did. is there any system out there really worth that sort of money? anyway thanks for the advice. 🙂
Another bad experience

Unfortunately, for me it was also a complete waste of time and lost be serious money. I asked for my money back which I received without the shipping costs.

From then on I resolved only to buy software that offered a free trial first. If the vendors of a software system think it's that good, they should have no qualms in offering it for free for a period first. Then give the customers the option of buying it if they choose.

Before VantagePoint I also spent £2000 on Goldline which was also a complete pile of crap.

I learned the hard way.

I now use (successfully) some software that gave me a free trial first, and was far, far cheaper than the offerings above.

I got an email the other day about Market Matrix by Steve Copan, promoted also by Tom Hougard. Unfortunately, they expect you to part with £1995 first. I therefore immediately deleted it. The reviews on this board were also unfavourable.

If they cannot or will not give you a free trial, then they can't have much faith in it, and by my definition, can't be much good either.

However, if other people make money from Vantage Point, then I wish them well. 🙂
houdani said:
hello preacher, after a couple of wrangling snotty phone calls from me i managed to get market tech to agree to a full refund, not bad considering ive had it five the end it was just my own stubborn pig-headedness refusing to accept id paid good money for (basically a simple moving average crossover system) that made me keep it as long as i did. is there any system out there really worth that sort of money? anyway thanks for the advice. 🙂
Hi Houdani,

Good going - glad you had the same result as me. Well done mate.
I've not found an alternative yet... just using good old fashioned TA.

All the best,
bluetipex said:
I now use (successfully) some software that gave me a free trial first, and was far, far cheaper than the offerings above.
Hi bluetipex...

Glad you also had a refund from them. As I've said before, I did not get on with the software, but I could not fault the integrity of the company in refunding my money after six months.

Sooo... would you care to share with us the name of the software that you have found to be successful..?? Please..??

Cheers mate,
I recently looked at purchasing Vantage Point – along with a number of other products. Most companies readily supplied back-tested results. It is pretty standard. VP simply show you a few charts they have selected themselves, which obviously demonstrate favorable results. I wanted a bigger picture. So, when a salesman from Market Technologies, who manufacture VP, offered me a good deal on a package of six Forex pairs, I requested that he show me some VP charts for those pairs over the past four weeks. Knowing that the Forex markets have been in trading in relatively tight ranges and that VP is a trend-following system, I wanted to see whether their moving-average signals had whipsawed.’
This was his response:

‘…I almost feel as if you’re starting to nit pick it and I'm trying to basically give it to you. Our company history is the proof in the pudding. It's going to do exactly what you already know it does. When your funds clear and you have VantagePoint installed on your computer then you can take the time to go back and see the change in the market directions for your 6 markets.’

You make up your own mind. I would not touch them with a barge pole.
Chaps. I am very happy to have found your comments as I was about to sign-up for this product. My question is the same as Houdni. Can anyone recommend a good trading system?
ducados said:
Chaps. I am very happy to have found your comments as I was about to sign-up for this product. My question is the same as Houdni. Can anyone recommend a good trading system?

I have similar expereince like others, I asked them to provide past one year continuous charts for 3-4 markets of my choice, rather than showing me favourable bits and peices and got a promise which was never fulfilled even after reminders.

This has now happened twice, also there is no free trial period and no officially announced refund policy. Says a lot about their confidence in their product. I wont touch it.
I do understand that 90% of what is out there does not work and the people who sell them have not made any returns worth even the toilet paper they use .

I however am totally the opposite , not only have I made 6:1 on my capital but I have the proof to back it up.

May I ask those who think that a free trial is the answer .

Which consistent winning system / method is going to let you do this ? If you try for free , and you make money from it , then you chose to reject , you have made $ and now you know the guy's secret's inside out .

You get money for nothing , he gives away a winning system FREE ??

Is there anything good in this world for free ??? I don't think so.

So what you are asking is the same old dung repeated again and again , meaning , you want free trial , you get the usual names and their clones popping up and giving you free . invariably they are crap , you lose money .

Round and round it goes .NOTHING good if for free . you will only get free crap.

What's the point ? you might as well PAY FOR WHAT IS PROVEN IN PLAIN SIMPLE LANGUAGE which has a GUARANTEE , and get something that works.

Ducados & Houdini : answer to your Q , YES I CAN from one the rare few that managed to hammer the SBs at their own game.
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Whats the problem in providing past one year charts? Thats not free trial?

Even if a free trial was provided, I wont understand the system cause the details of the system are not disclosed and if one is making a profit why would they return it?

Particularly in case of Vantage point they are agressive sellers so whats wrong in providing 1 year history of a few markets?
Riza ,

When you say 1 yr chart , of what ? of the system's past results ? if so how is that a trial ? that would just be some past results on a chart . I could do that just as well in a different form.

I can't see how any averagely intelligent person would not see the " details of the system " , unless it was so complicated that one cannot even understand it . Then it is no surprise that these things don't work . How can the trader make money if he does NOT know how to operate his tools ( system ) ??

I find that concept bizzare . I full well know I understand my system 100% and I would expect anyone who used it to near do so as well.

You'll be surprised at how many dishonest people there who WILL use the system , win , copy it and then ask for a refund .

That is a valid argument. Personally, I'd have been happy for Vantage Point to give me (in non-chart form) the results of every indicated trade for a particular set of commodities in as simple a form as 'profitable' or 'non-profitable' considering exits are really left to the individual trader. This, they would not do. That is refusing one of the most basic expectations of a prospective system buyer.