timaru69's Blog

Vantagepoint 19/9

No new signals today

P and L including commission to date equals a loss of $2097.

One good thing about keeping this journal is it focuses your mind. Even though this particular system using the VP 4 day predictive MA is performing poorly it has opened my eyes to what I beleive does work within VP.

I thing where the Market Technologies people go wrong in their marketing is they state "80% accuracey" which is misconstrued as having 80% profitable trades and the free charts they show are only those which show good winning trends.

I have learnt more about this system by following the most conservative set of rules and seeing what doesn't work as opposed to what does.

I think that the main advantage of this software (based on my observations) is that it gets you into the trend change earlier compared to othe MA systems if used correctly (i.e not the one in this journal). This in itself can be the difference between good and mediocre trades.

I konw people will remain unconvinced based on the results of this journal but I don't care, the purpose of this journal is to convince me of what works and what doesn't and while I wouldn't trade the 4 day PTM in it's own right I will use the other method and rules to trade.

That however will keep for another day.

Will continue to post these signals to the end of September.

21/9 Vanatgepoint

Oops almost forgot to update

No new trades today.

We had a long signal on light crude but exceeded money management rules.
Vantagepoint 23/9

No signals today, but sold 3 March Sugar contracts yesterday.

Going against major trend so will so how it turns out
End of Journal

Hi all

Short note to say that this journal will no longer be updated.

Overall Results were about a 3k loss of which 2k is commission paid.

As stated earlier I have learnt a lot by doing this exercise. Especially what works in VP and what doesn't work as well.

If anybody has any questions please PM me and I will try to answer.

Happy Trading
