VantagePoint prediction software for sale


I've had the VantagePoint software for a year. I made pips with it (will give my testing results if asked) but my trading style has changed and I'm now looking to sell my copy. Ten forex pairs, paid $3,300 for it, willing to sell for $1,800.

All you have to do is install the CD on your pc (I'll ship it priority for free) and input the new security code by calling the company. Email me if you're interested, no time-wasters please, and we can set up a phone call/video chat, anything you want to assure you I'm not ripping you off.

If you want to find out about VP, go to

there are plenty who say that, granted. It's up to the individual trader to find a trading plan that works for him/her, VP can play a part in that. It's not an "out of the box" money maker but I always made pips with it, just not enough for me and I've moved on to a more discretionary system.

But this isn't a thread to discuss the pros and cons of VP. Decide if you want it, then here it is for a large discount, ok?
VP has had such bad press on here that you would be lucky to offer to pay someone to take it off your hands and still get anyone to take up your offer.


I've had the VantagePoint software for a year. I made pips with it (will give my testing results if asked) but my trading style has changed and I'm now looking to sell my copy. Ten forex pairs, paid $3,300 for it, willing to sell for $1,800.

All you have to do is install the CD on your pc (I'll ship it priority for free) and input the new security code by calling the company. Email me if you're interested, no time-wasters please, and we can set up a phone call/video chat, anything you want to assure you I'm not ripping you off.

If you want to find out about VP, go to Market Technologies Intermarket Analysis Software


Hello, how are you? Would you be able to say what system you moved to? What system did you leave VP for? Thank you.

I think he told the truth that he made money. The catch is that he did not realize that he was making money thanking to his own personal style of trading, but not thanking to VP. If somebody claimed that he was successful with VP I would ask him to try the same approach but without VP, i.e. to replace VP studies with corresponding regular studies. I am sure the results would be similar.

VP has had such bad press on here that you would be lucky to offer to pay someone to take it off your hands and still get anyone to take up your offer.

There seems to be some misunderstanding about VP on this and various other sites. Quite a few people appear to think that it is a 'system', which can be judged by how well you perform using it. It is not a system, but a piece of analytical software that generates things like moving averages on the basis of neural network prediction.

Blaming the software for poor performance would be like blaming eSignal or Sharescope for the same thing. All these programs analyze price feed and generate indicators, among other things. How you use them is up to you. Finding a reasonable way to work with VP is less hard than I expected, and it is now something I always use, though with other programs/indicators as well. In my view it adds a lot.

Worth mentioning two interesting threads - one which doubts that VP uses intermarket data at all, the other that you could get the same results with conventional MAs based on single market data. For each market in VP you can find the other markets that are used in intermarket analysis, and I think it very unlikely that the VP folk are telling a deliberate lie, particularly since training neural networks using intermarket data is not enormously difficult, and those who use the program will have noticed that each time new EOD data is provided the calculations take a fair amount of time. That does not suggest to me that VP is just using single market data.

For FX, in particular, the intermarket basis may be slightly obscured by the fact that so many FX pairs are highly correlated, and rather obviously these are the ones used in training. So the suggestion that you could get the same results without VP could be true. I have looked at various 'projections' of MAs into the future and am so far unable to replicate VP predicted MAs. Maybe I haven't tried hard enough, but if you can't replicate, then VP is unquestionably offering something new, though as I said already, it's up to you how you use it.

To my mind, anything that offers a new kind of indicator, particularly one that claims to be 'leading' not 'lagging' is worth taking a good look at. There aren't too many of these around - MACD divergence, pivots and fibs to some exent. Can't think of too many others.
There seems to be some misunderstanding about VP on this and various other sites. Quite a few people appear to think that it is a 'system', which can be judged by how well you perform using it. It is not a system, but a piece of analytical software that generates things like moving averages on the basis of neural network prediction.

Blaming the software for poor performance would be like blaming eSignal or Sharescope for the same thing. All these programs analyze price feed and generate indicators, among other things. How you use them is up to you. Finding a reasonable way to work with VP is less hard than I expected, and it is now something I always use, though with other programs/indicators as well. In my view it adds a lot.

Worth mentioning two interesting threads - one which doubts that VP uses intermarket data at all, the other that you could get the same results with conventional MAs based on single market data. For each market in VP you can find the other markets that are used in intermarket analysis, and I think it very unlikely that the VP folk are telling a deliberate lie, particularly since training neural networks using intermarket data is not enormously difficult, and those who use the program will have noticed that each time new EOD data is provided the calculations take a fair amount of time. That does not suggest to me that VP is just using single market data.

For FX, in particular, the intermarket basis may be slightly obscured by the fact that so many FX pairs are highly correlated, and rather obviously these are the ones used in training. So the suggestion that you could get the same results without VP could be true. I have looked at various 'projections' of MAs into the future and am so far unable to replicate VP predicted MAs. Maybe I haven't tried hard enough, but if you can't replicate, then VP is unquestionably offering something new, though as I said already, it's up to you how you use it.

To my mind, anything that offers a new kind of indicator, particularly one that claims to be 'leading' not 'lagging' is worth taking a good look at. There aren't too many of these around - MACD divergence, pivots and fibs to some exent. Can't think of too many others.

Fair comments if you disregard how VP sell and market their product. Some people have been told by VP sales people that if they buy it on their credit card they will make enough money to pay for it by the time the credit card bill comes in. This sort of dishonesty contributes to VPs bad name here and on other boards.

If it was sold honestly people would not be able to complain, but then most people wouldnt buy it so you can see why its hyped.

Regarding the NI it can be pretty much replicated using averages of open, high, low, close prices for previous days. I think the combination I used was over 90% the same as what VP produces with little difference in 'accuracy' for the next days prices. If VP does do neural networking then it is of little use, if it doesnt, as some claim, then it is a downright fraud given the advertising literature.
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A pleasure to have this discussion with someone who has taken a good hard look at VP. Don't know too much about their marketing methods (ie. telling people how much are going to make), though if what you say is true, that does sound rather naughty. They should leave that kind of hype to the army of frauds who really do promise that their system is going to make you millions in next to no time. I have not come across any claims like that in their promotional literature, videos or webinars, or in speaking to their staff.

For those confused, it should become apparent after a few months (even weeks) of use, whether the particular combination of indicators that VP offers (uniquely as far as I know) is useful to you or not. If they are and you find they give you an edge, then that is probably all that matters. If not, then you have spent a reasonable amount of money on software that is of no use to you. Whether it works for you or not may be just as much a reflection of your trading style as anything else.
I want to make it very simple for those hesitating if they should spend several thousands on VP. Only if two following conditions are met, then consider purchasing VP.
1) You must be a trend follower. In other words, from the existing three major types of trading systems, which are trend following, volatility breakout and mean reversing, you chose the first one.
2) You must have already a developed trend following system, which makes you some small profit, and now you want to improve it.

If 1) and 2) are true for you, then consider purchasing VP and if it did not give you an edge for the first 15 days (call them to know exactly for how many days), return it for (full refund - $500). They will keep $500, in exchange they promise to give you lots of training. If you struggle now then keep looking for a better trading system but not fancy software.

It is not an advice, but rather guidance.
I'm a happy Vantagepoint user

I've used Vantagepoint for Fx and commodities for the last 4 years or so. I am not a trading professional by any means. I use normal technicals along side it. I can tell you, it took me about a month to get my strategy down. It's mostly helped me stay away from sideways markets. It's DEFINETLY 80% from my experience. It took me 2 months to recoup my 5k. NOT BAD! If your thinking of selling your copy - it won't work because the data folks won't give you vp data unless it's YOU & there is ways they stop it. I almost made the same mistake and another guy in a forum told me what happened to him. Only he paid some guy $3500. Anyways- you should call for help. It works if used correctly!

USER FOBOS - I totally disagree. Gold has been going up, right? Vantagepoint told me 2 days ago it was going to drop. It went from 890 to 850 in 2 days. That's not trend following buddy.

VP is SCAM. not worth a dime.

You just don't use VantagePoint correctly my friend. I've been trading 4 years with it and have seen the 80% for myself. I admit it took time getting use to it. Call them, they'll probably help. Do you want me to email you how I use it??

Show your trading records with VP. Not to me but to those who think about buying VP. For a trader you are a bit too emotional: 3 similar posts within 9 min is unusual reaction on ordinary statements about VP. I have no VP copy and will never have it. There is a saying: "smart people learn from their own mistakes wise people learn from the mistakes of others". You want them start buying VP? Then prove it.

You just don't use VantagePoint correctly my friend. I've been trading 4 years with it and have seen the 80% for myself. I admit it took time getting use to it. Call them, they'll probably help. Do you want me to email you how I use it??
Predicting a moving average in the future is easy - but pretty worthless. Unless you are predicting a moving average in the future that does not rely on existing known price data. I used a simple MLP neural network and got similar accuracy results to VP. Note that their accuracy figures are based on whether they got the MOVING AVERAGE predicyion correct - NOT THE ACTUAL PRICE MOEVEMENT.

In my opinion, having been pressure sold into buying it (much to my shame), this software is not worth a penny.
FWIW, i have found that the best use for NNs is to filter a basket of shares to x% of those shares, and continually adjust (every 3 months or so) teh shares invested...

e.g. for FTSE 100, aim at predicting which 50 will do best in the next 3 months and invest and hold those 50. then reallocate every 3 months. The NN should be used to tell you which 50. It is possible to beat the index this way - up by more in good times, down by less in bad times.

STAY AWAY FROM TRYING TO PREDICT INDIVIDUAL SHARES / COMMODITIES etc. You'll only end up losing. If someone is selling you a system, it generally means it doesnt work.
Re: Vantagepoint

You just don't use VantagePoint correctly my friend. I've been trading 4 years with it and have seen the 80% for myself. I admit it took time getting use to it. Call them, they'll probably help. Do you want me to email you how I use it??

Hello, Could you email me on how you use VantagePoint? I have owned it for a while, stopped and am now going to try it again.
Re: Vantagepoint

You just don't use VantagePoint correctly my friend. I've been trading 4 years with it and have seen the 80% for myself. I admit it took time getting use to it. Call them, they'll probably help. Do you want me to email you how I use it??

Could you email me and tell me how you use VantagePoint, please?
I bought it in August and still cannot make any headway.
Kind regards,
Re: Vantagepoint

Could you email me and tell me how you use VantagePoint, please?
I bought it in August and still cannot make any headway.
Kind regards,


To be honest you probably wont make any headway. If the people that sell it cant tell you how to use it then you know somethings wrong. Basically its just a few free indicators dressed up to look like something special. Their famous neural index can be calculated in excel using open, high and low prices (or something like that). As for 80% accuracy well you probably found out for yourself whether or not that was true.