Vacancy In Sudan.

Teaching trading to the locals, fancy it? You don't need proven credentials, just don't call your teddy mohamed.

Never give to African charities, they are too backward to understand your generosity.

I am from Africa and you will have to take my word for it: you really put your mouth in it, buddy. The kind of comment you just made doesn't even make sense unless you are very very ignorant and narrow-minded. You will have to trust me on this because I can't be bothered to explain.

“We could use Teddy Bears as mascots just for the game.” For pre-match entertainment there could be a demonstration of the AK-47 as method for controlling adultery.


I believe there are also a lot of nobs hanging out on Hampstead Heath.

Give a man a fish he lives for a day, teach a man to get to England, and he'll be on benefits for the rest of his life.

Mate, use some critical faculty. Do you really think people spend money, leave everything behind and come here to live on £37 a week in a room in some council flat for the 'rest of' their lives. This is not a human trait that is very common. You really never questioned that basic premise, have you? I used to be an asylum seeker and I don't know one person whose ambition in life is to live on some ineptly run benefit system specificall designed for people who are not allowed to work until their case is finalised. This is the funniest thing that people can believe. It really is mind-boggling for any half-intelligent human being to believe that kind of crap. For someone who aspires to be a profitable trader, it is very important not to make conclusions and pass judgement on the basis on what you read in some right wing rag.
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yep, same here mate, i was at a curry house with my bro in law, best mate once, he ordered vindaloo, i order Phall, lol now he is a boy racer, im not havin none of that type, so he changed to phall too. **** me,,,,,, it was rocket hot, the sweats, started getting hiccups, at which he p!ssed himself, I said wait a mniute you'll get the hiccups in a mo... sure enough he, did..

It was a MONSTER phall..... he was battered by it... lol muppet , have you heard of that daves insanity sauce..... lol he came over to a BBQ once, he dont learn, took a teaspoon of it neat. he said he actually bled for a couple days inside and when going for a dump........ LOL.

Daves insanity sauce.... its mental. always got some hot pepper sauce flying about on my food.

😆 😆

Sometimes the hot dishes depend on the chef, i've had madras that was really hot, other times i've had vindaloo that was more like Rogan strength.
Let's face facts here.

Gillian Gibbons is ugly.

She insulted Islam.

She is stupid.

Throw her to the wolves.
You are a very poor speciment in my opinion fwiw... 😆

You must have French blood in you with all that arrogance. :cheesy:

With due respect to the French ofcourse. 🙂

Hey you! 🙂

That's not very nice.

Thing is Atilla, I'm actually not bothered, about any of this.

You see, i am english, but non of this effects me or my family, so i just carry on.

The last time there was a petrol shortage, English people were fighting at the pumps, because the shortage of petrol effected them.

Muslims, immigrants, Africans or who ever don't bother me, because they don't effect me.

Saturday afternoons, eh!

Good luck with the markets, everyone.

Hey you! 🙂

That's not very nice.

Thing is Atilla, I'm actually not bothered, about any of this.

You see, i am english, but non of this effects me or my family, so i just carry on.

The last time there was a petrol shortage, English people were fighting at the pumps, because the shortage of petrol effected them.

Muslims, immigrants, Africans or who ever don't bother me, because they don't effect me.

Saturday afternoons, eh!

Good luck with the markets, everyone.


Listen to the, Beach Boys - Kokomo. 😎
Some of you guys aren't being very nice to this woman. She had a daft idea and it backfired on her. Our politicians do it all the time, worse, in fact. What do we do? Promote them to Brussels, then we blame Brussels for the decisions that come out of there!

Gillian Gibbons could be financially secure for the rest of her life.

Think of the News papers, the Chat shows, women's glossy mags all scrambling for exclusives and that just for starters.

Then soon after the book comes out, naturally its will be serialized in one of the middle england newspapers.

By now she also be on the after dinner speach circuit.

After the Book comes a special dramatization for Televison which can be sold to competing networks across the globe for exclusive viewing rights in each geographical region.

Then dependent on Book sales and total audience figures, the independent film companies might start on production.

Its in her interests for this to go the full course and not be released early to get the maxium benifit possable.
Hey you! 🙂

That's not very nice.

Thing is Atilla, I'm actually not bothered, about any of this.

You see, i am english, but non of this effects me or my family, so i just carry on.

The last time there was a petrol shortage, English people were fighting at the pumps, because the shortage of petrol effected them.

Muslims, immigrants, Africans or who ever don't bother me, because they don't effect me.

Saturday afternoons, eh!

Good luck with the markets, everyone.


Your English isn't up to scratch. It's "affect" not "effect". 🙄

Perhaps you weren't taught grammatical English by one of those second generation immigrant teachers 😆
Of course the jailing of the teacher is absurd and unjust, but there will be those who want to use it to push their agenda of the "clash of civilizations", the evils of Islamo Fascism and other such twaddle.

They should recall that blasphemy was long treated as a crime in many western countries and those days are not so long ago.

or perhaps they are still with us -
Why should we be nice to such a stupid and unthinking individual ?

Because, regardless of what we may think of her, as a person, someone in her family is worried about her and could be reading this thread. Who are you trying to hurt? If we can't say anything good of someone then we should say nothing, unless that person affects out lives in some way.

Do you not think that she should have been advised by the school heads, on what was and what was not political correctness, before she started teaching? I wonder if she was.
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Because, regardless of what we may think of her, as a person, someone in her family is worried about her and could be reading this thread. Who are you trying to hurt? If we can't say anything good of someone then we should say nothing, unless that person affects out lives in some way.

You make my heart bleed.

This is nothing to do with political correctness.

It's more to do with the application of basic common sense, of which she has displayed how much ??

Not a lot.
Also, as someone has pointed out above the lady will probably make a lot of money over this by selling her story to some daily rag.

She will then be able to afford a cruise down the Nile...she's daft enough.

Please spare me the sob stories though.
You need lessons in perspective, Jimbo. The BNP don't run round the UK locking people like you up.

....Yes they don't....When they will come to power, what they will do is organise a tea party for all immigrants, coloureds, Scots, Welsh and Irish and all skinheads will be serving tea and cakes to people like me.....!!
Not in Sudan, i hope. Remember, a good solid forward defensive stroke, is the mark of a top class cricket player. Have a nice day!🙂

....I will pass your cricket education tip to England's Captain.....He needs it more....!!

...We had a great day.........We won...!
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Also, as someone has pointed out above the lady will probably make a lot of money over this by selling her story to some daily rag.

She will then be able to afford a cruise down the Nile...she's daft enough.

Please spare me the sob stories though.

😆 Not sob stories, just the way we all think differently. There is no need to make a person's misfortune a subject with which to analyse her IQ and even her physical attractions seem to have some kind of interest for some.

What all that has to do with Sunday morning Goodwill to All Men defeats me!
