Vacancy In Sudan.

You are too right CB, this is one of my fears in the tube. 🙁

I think If I heard those words on an underground train, I'd dive for cover... 😆

Yacarob, one of my holidays (15+ years ago), a call to prayer was being said and I had the radio on. The waiter asked me to turn my radio off and then afterwards he kindly came back apologised and said I could turn it back on again.

I wasn't offended but as you describe you do become aware of their sensitivities. At the time I thought if he was so pious why wasn't he running to say his prayers but I think I was being perhaps a little defensive.

🙂 yeah, I think its tragic, how people feel threatend by it, or the radical's ,well they just seem so "meat head" like with their thinking. Dark ages, if they handled the whole teddy name thing right they might even convert a few more to their religion, as I do think some people would like the high principal of it, but the blunt punishment will only highlight the unsuitability of the faith, thats what i think.
Get real.

Not all countries are as relaxed about religion as most Western ones.

You know how it goes...

" When in Rome..............."

I must say, I had a delightful 9 years in Bahrain and in my 2 Saudi years I probably drank more illicit alcohol than at any other stage of my life, for want of anything better to do.

And I do rather like a pint or ten. 😆

Thats it, not all countries are like that, people need to think individuals. Not countries. ?
CB here is a perfect way to hold discussion eh?

Us all laughing.

Public apology from me to you Paul, if I was a little over the top. 😱

You wasn't OTT, mate. I think that poor teachers jail sentence was though.
You need lessons in perspective, Jimbo. The BNP don't run round the UK locking people like you up.

.......I would rather take lessons in perspective from hunchback of Notra Dame......!!

.....It will be more intliigent.....and creative....

......Well I am off to a cricket and beer....

......So that is it on this thread....
.......I would rather take lessons in perspective from hunchback of Notra Dame......!!

.....It will be more intliigent.....and creative....

......Well I am off to a cricket and beer....

......So that is it on this thread....

Not in Sudan, i hope. Remember, a good solid forward defensive stroke, is the mark of a top class cricket player. Have a nice day!🙂
CB here is a perfect way to hold discussion eh?

Us all laughing.

Public apology from me to you Paul, if I was a little over the top. 😱

yes and to think if we where elsewhere then we might even be banged up now.... huh.. just does not make sense..

which brings this to mind, can someone claim a religious law that over rules a countries court of law and out rank it.?
That lady was a little naive to think that the country, in which she was teaching, had the same laid back attitude to religion as we do.

Unfortunately, extreme poverty and ignorance brings out extreme, fanatical religion. Think of the bible punchers in the southern states of the U.S.

Some of these people turn to God in the hope that the next life will be better than their existing one and political leaders use religion as an effective means to control them. In fact, Hell on Earth is a good description of their lives.

Tweedle dee and tweedle dumm...

1. Not all of Africa are muslim.

2. Most muslims do not support the Sudaneese government and Sudaneese government does not represent Islam.

I've heard about being narrow minded but you two sound like two pipe heads.

With due respect 😉

Yours sincerely :cheesy:

PS - Morocco, Algeria, Libya, Egypt, Mauritania, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Guinea, Congo, Kenya, Angola, Zambia, Mozambique, Namibia, Botswana, S.Africa, Madagascar.

Pipe head ?? At what point did I mention Religion ?? At no point at all.

If you're telling me that a continent that has taken more money in aid than it took to rebuild the whole of Europe after the 2nd world war and they are still in the hole, is full of bright, intelligent and forward thinking people then please keep giving.

This has nothing to do with what religious beliefs people hold, the facts speak for themselves, the more you give the further behind they fall.

Give a man a fish he lives for a day, teach a man to fish he eats for life. It seems that was forgotten when it came to the continent of Africa.
I really don't think this whole thing is a big deal.

So what that that this silly woman got thrown in jail.

She will almost certainly sell her silly story to the silly tabloids when she gets back here and make a mint of money out of it.

I actually envy the feather-headed aged bimbo.
Give a man a fish he lives for a day, teach a man to get to England, and he'll be on benefits for the rest of his life.
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I really don't think this whole thing is a big deal.

So what that that this silly woman got thrown in jail.

She will almost certainly sell her silly story to the silly tabloids when she gets back here and make a mint of money out of it.

I actually envy the feather-headed aged bimbo.

I have to ask myself why she was out in such a terrible place, 'hell on earth', some say.
I have to ask myself why she was out in such a terrible place, 'hell on earth', some say.

Could it have something to do with money, do you think, lol.

That's why I spent a lot of time in the Middle East.

Loads and loads of tax free dosh plus plenty of beer and sunshine.

Didn't get put in jail but I was in court 4 times for speeding ( in my car ). 😆
Pipe head ?? At what point did I mention Religion ?? At no point at all.

If you're telling me that a continent that has taken more money in aid than it took to rebuild the whole of Europe after the 2nd world war and they are still in the hole, is full of bright, intelligent and forward thinking people then please keep giving.

This has nothing to do with what religious beliefs people hold, the facts speak for themselves, the more you give the further behind they fall.

Give a man a fish he lives for a day, teach a man to fish he eats for life. It seems that was forgotten when it came to the continent of Africa.

PS - Morocco, Algeria, Libya, Egypt, Mauritania, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Guinea, Congo, Kenya, Angola, Zambia, Mozambique, Namibia, Botswana, S.Africa, Madagascar all seem to be doing reasonably well.

So you pick couple of countries going through a rough patch and throw in the whole continent and good charitable work.

That is after it has been raped for good couple of hundred years by America and Europe...

What's wrong with the countries above?

What is it with some people and I didn't mention this or that? So WHAT? I did.

You are extreme in your views for what a little teacher incident and some over zealous religeous gits.

I assume your point is this little incident proves you are right about the continent of Africa and foreign aid.

How do you view the Marshall aid to rebuild Europe after 2nd World War then?

Not only did we have WW1 where 5 million people died in horrendous conditions being gassed to death and even tortured by their own kind for being shell shocked, we had to have WWII cause we didn't have enough blood 20 years earlier.

Yes my friend I do think you are making a humangous mountain out of a little incident and a little lateral thinking would go far...