the blades
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SOCRATES said:You know, I do not have opinions, as opinions are tainted by emotions.
Emotions are a virus that no trader can afford to become contaminated with.
Therefore, I restrict myself to only having and expressing views.
This is because views are untainted by emotions or emotional bias but instead are arrived at by cold reasoning and logical deduction.
You talk about showing disagreement with someone's abilities.
But abilities are an abstract concept., not a tangible reality, unless they are specifically demonstrated . A bulletin board is not the ideal medium to do this, because a bulletin board exists in cyberspace, is in addition anonymous, and abstract, not tangible like for example meeting someone face to face is a tangible reality, is it now ?
What you probably mean is disagreeing with an opinion someone may have.
This is a different matter altogether, and in this respect you would be quite right, provided it is an opinion that is being challenged., for wahtever reason.
With regard to the green dot or dots, again I hold the view different to yours.
This is because trading is by its nature a very lonely profession, then because people are not accustomed to this they try to carry into trading habits acquired elswhere, which in the world of trading do not and cannot work effectively.
One of these habits is that of sharing.
Very commendable and honourable it is, but it does not work in trading.
Therefore there really isn't any point in sharing collective opinions for everyone to participate in, because, as I explain above, trading is not about sharing, it is about competing, in fact competing ferociously.
Neither do I agree wih your posture with regard to newcomers. It is up to newcomers to come to terms with what the world of trading is really like in advance of entering a domain subject to traders protocols and then expectng nannying.
In the same way as the world of trading that takes no prisoners, so the world that traders inhabit in parallel has similar criteria. It is for the new and current members to do their own nannying if needed.
You will never experience really experienced and battle hardened pro's expecting spoonfeeding. Then anyone who expects spoonfeeding and nannying cannot be a pro., it is that simple.
It is only rank amateurs who expect cotton wool treatment, and often get it, because one has to concede that no one is born knowing, we all have to start somewhere and learn.
I expect this will clarify your misconceptions about all this.
roughly translated, does this mean that you had much more faith in the star system when it treated you kindly (ie you left it open for all to see), than when your rating fell dramatically (and somehow it disappeared)