US Stock Picks

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I've got Esignal and Tradestation and Traders Audio and i just got Briefings, and i've got 4 monitors on one pc and three on another, and i've recently learnt to read company financials so thats relatively new to my trading; but otherwise i look for momentum, based on reading a chart, level 2 and time & sales, using NYSE open book, Nasdaq Totalview & ARCX book, with brokerages accounts with Tradestation, Infinity and InteractiveBrokers, with a subscription to the IBD newspaper, with a typical swing trade, i identify through research markets that i want to be in because i percieve they are prone to fast/directional movements and then i time my entries into those, with day trading i just have a feel for when something is breaking out or moving with momentum and i think thats a combination of time/sales & experience of watching how charts react at certain levels, i understand pretty much all of the stuff i imagine retail traders know about stocks, but also futures, for day trading i search for markets that will move on news and have new order flow coming into that market with all the same reason causing trends; i make this easier with regulars found with good earnings stocks with good revenue and then stocks with good upgrades by banks i consider worthy, Walmart being an example yesterday. Furthermore i like to be in the stocks for their earnings through studying that companies past performance on earnings, i also trade options, not heavily although i'm getting into them a bit more with the SPY but also to have covered calls on stocks during rough times, mostly with swing trading i'll top-down research on the weekend; Overall market conditions, Sectors conditions, Individual stock setups; i achieve this through looking through various websites to try to understand what is going on and what might have changed from the previous week to try to guage sentiment. I also trade futures, less so than i use to, and i do this through using technicals and judging when momentum is likely; i've got a pretty good feel for this and its not something i can quantify or explain. I've studied the market to try look for genuine edges that are either factually sound or atleast with a strong theoretical background; to do this really you need a good understanding of how supply/demand works as a mechanism in the actual exchange for moving the market and also the participants who are part of holding that structure together; i like to track certain figures on a level 2 window and watch the 'big size' trades; my view of the market is that people naturally have a -edge, and so i focus on exploiting that and i really try to understand the position of everyone else in the market so that i can guage the possibility of momentum or not. I like to massively scale into stocks as they go in my favour, creating big positions so that when i'm right big time, i win big time and my risk management and money management is based around my perception of the probability of a trade working out, rather than pretending every context is the same; so its very flexible. In day trading; i like to fade collective moves towards the end of the day; where everyone has made their position in one direction and then if the market starts moving the other way; their will be momentum causing more momentum causing more; so i take advantage of that situation and occasionally get caught in it too; which is kindof how i learnt to play it; i try to imagine what i would do when day trading; if i were being impulsive. If you click on my profile; u can see my monitors that i day trade on, i like it 🙂

Hopefully that helps you.

P.s. I don't seee how this has turned into how I TRADE and how credible I AM ... I was the one who was calling you a liar. But either way: There you go.

Everything is contained in The Chart :whistling

The Expert, aka, TE :smart:
Everything is contained in The Chart :whistling

The Expert, aka, TE :smart:

What about you then sunny Jim, lets here your view of the market and and how you deal with it and we'll judge you, as you judged me...

Or are you just going to have another one sentence response that makes you look like a naive noob...

Like when someone talks about quantum theory and the only thing you can say is ' I saw quantum of solace the other night' ...

As for 'Everything is in the chart' ... Basically; the chart represents trades that have occured ... If people can draw conclusions from that information, then thats good for them. If you cannot; then you cannot. The chart doesn't exist to make you money, it exists to give you information. So you cannot assess its effectiveness... It is what it is; information... It never said that it would make you rich, so stop being frustrated at it

Its like being angry at an EMA for being wrong; it wasn't wrong; it never stated an opinion, it only gave you facts.
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Everything is contained in The Chart :whistling

The Expert, aka, TE :smart:

Everything is contained in the chart, YES.

As my post explained in detail, which is what I thought this whole thing was about. Entry, exit, why, what, wherefore, just as you asked. You however are not courteous to retort in such a way, only silly statements which just make you look like you are leeching information off others - Its angered many in here now, I can sadly see why.

Its evidently pointless going on with this subject.
Everything is contained in the chart, YES.

As my post explained in detail, which is what I thought this whole thing was about. Entry, exit, why, what, wherefore, just as you asked. You however are not courteous to retort in such a way, only silly statements which just make you look like you are leeching information off others - Its angered many in here now, I can sadly see why.

Its evidently pointless going on with this subject.

Suit yourself LTT, but remember, I am not the one who will lose out here, for I am the giver, not the taker 😎

You can, however, ask any questions you like at any time, as I hold no grudge against any person, especially if that person is just trying to learn something of value.

Just be sure you think before you ask, as most do not, and then when they get the reply, which is not what they wanted to hear, they go all defensive and childish like, instead of using the brain they have before they post 🙄

Everything is contained in The Chart :whistling

The Expert, aka, TE :smart:
Let us consider this statement for a moment. I have some simple questions about what you consider one needs to trade a single US stock:

- Are you saying that to trade a single US stock you only need a price chart of that stock showing Open, close, high, low and date/time ?
- Do you need any other data e.g. volume
- You mentioned cash versus futures - do you need both cash and stock futures charts
- Do you need both single stock and market indices
- Do you need fundamental data

So in short I am trying to establish the boundary condition "Everything is contained in The Chart"

Let us consider this statement for a moment. I have some simple questions about what you consider one needs to trade a single US stock:

- Are you saying that to trade a single US stock you only need a price chart of that stock showing Open, close, high, low and date/time ?
- Do you need any other data e.g. volume
- You mentioned cash versus futures - do you need both cash and stock futures charts
- Do you need both single stock and market indices
- Do you need fundamental data

So in short I am trying to establish the boundary condition "Everything is contained in The Chart"


1) No need for date/time

2) No - but T&S can be helpful for price improvement if used correctly

3) Yes indeed

4) Yes indeed

5) Definitely NO - jut be aware of when "announcements" are due out!

Very few know the real value of The Chart, for if they did, they would not dare interfere with it's natural complexion.

Give ma a woman without makeup, anytime🙂

1) No need for date/time

2) No - but T&S can be helpful for price improvement if used correctly

3) Yes indeed

4) Yes indeed

5) Definitely NO - jut be aware of when "announcements" are due out!

Very few know the real value of The Chart, for if they did, they would not dare interfere with it's natural complexion.

Give ma a woman without makeup, anytime🙂

Thank you for a very clear response and, I do like the fair sex analogy 😛

BTW - it is not "stock futures charts" you need, it is the S&P 500 Index Futures, the E-mini will suffice and the main S&P Futures is not required, even though Larry Levin swears by it🙄

Pursuant to a Securities and Exchange Commission request, FINRA has agreed to make reported short sale trade data publicly available. Daily Short Sale Volume File

Nice link for shorts even penny stocks.

Good on you Mr F, that txt file looks like it will come in handy👍

If you like, you can join the STAY group, as I do not see your name on the GO mob list😀

PALM has sold off hard👍

Remember - what goes UP might come DOWN, and, likewise, what goes DOWN might come UP😎

Date Symbol ShortVolume TotalVolume Market %

20100319 PALM 1207082 1711266 N 0.71

As everyone is selling this stock, WHO do you think is BUYING IT:smart:

Just watch and see what happens over the next N Period

palm has sold off hard👍

Remember - what goes up might come down, and, likewise, what goes down might come up😎

Date symbol shortvolume totalvolume market %

20100319 palm 1207082 1711266 n 0.71

as everyone is selling this stock, who do you think is buying it:smart:

Just watch and see what happens over the next n period


PALM has sold off hard👍

Remember - what goes UP might come DOWN, and, likewise, what goes DOWN might come UP😎

Date Symbol ShortVolume TotalVolume Market %

20100319 PALM 1207082 1711266 N 0.71

As everyone is selling this stock, WHO do you think is BUYING IT:smart:

Well - people need to take a profit at some point.

I was chatting with another member on Friday. I was not trading because of Friday being what it was. I had a swing trade on so I wanted to be there to exit in case quadruple witching did either of the following:

1 - Dropped my swing trade through the floor
2 - Shot it up through the roof

In the end, not much happened in my stock and I just left it. Had my stock shot up a certain percentage, I'd have got out - considered it a 'windfall day'. In all likeliness, I would not have been the only one selling if it gained a certain %age to the upside.

So - for PALM some of the people that were already short took a profit on this action and they represented some of the buyers. Also - it is possible that MMs had to step in and act as buyer of last resort. If the latter is the case, you can be assured they will do what they can to push the price up and offload that which they brought - only at a higher price.

Saying this - PALM isn't the typical stock that might bounce after a sell off - it may be that in 6 months or a years time, there is no PALM left. So - there is a good chance PALM will not bounce back and will head steadily to zero.

PALM could also be the subject of a takeover. Mind you - I have to wonder what would attract someone to buy them.

Obviously - lots of stocks went down on Friday and from those that did, the one's I'll be watching at the open today are :


Also - 2 upside movers - GENZ, ROST.

For GENZ & ROST - I'd like nothing better than a big gap up pre-market and then a sell of on the open or shortly after.

For WHR, AMZN, MMM - the opposite of the above.

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Well - people need to take a profit at some point.

I was chatting with another member on Friday. I was not trading because of Friday being what it was. I had a swing trade on so I wanted to be there to exit in case quadruple witching did either of the following:

1 - Dropped my swing trade through the floor
2 - Shot it up through the roof

In the end, not much happened in my stock and I just left it. Had my stock shot up a certain percentage, I'd have got out - considered it a 'windfall day'. In all likeliness, I would not have been the only one selling if it gained a certain %age to the upside.

So - for PALM some of the people that were already short took a profit on this action and they represented some of the buyers. Also - it is possible that MMs had to step in and act as buyer of last resort. If the latter is the case, you can be assured they will do what they can to push the price up and offload that which they brought - only at a higher price.

Saying this - PALM isn't the typical stock that might bounce after a sell off - it may be that in 6 months or a years time, there is no PALM left. So - there is a good chance PALM will not bounce back and will head steadily to zero.

PALM could also be the subject of a takeover. Mind you - I have to wonder what would attract someone to buy them.

Obviously - lots of stocks went down on Friday and from those that did, the one's I'll be watching at the open today are :


Also - 2 upside movers - GENZ, ROST.

For GENZ & ROST - I'd like nothing better than a big gap up pre-market and then a sell of on the open or shortly after.

For WHR, AMZN, MMM - the opposite of the above.


OK DT, as you now I primarily daytrade US stocks with adequate range, but, I will also do swings and positions with smaller size if things look OK.

We will watch PALM, as there is a very good chance that a bounce is very near:?:

Of course. we can not say for certain, but at least we are now prepared, and SHOULD be ready to act WHEN required.

CT, every post you read is a lesson!

Do not make the same mistake as most and look for the "here is how you do it", for, that just will not work for you, or anyone else, for that matter.

Think about what we are saying, and doing.

CSLI its a US stock however a Pinksheets one. Look at the volume today. Bottom fishing this thing. Was .05-.07 last year now .0035 expect it to double within 2 days. Now which stock can give you that in 2 days?

Last 2 calls were BIEL and IVIT huge gains on both.

BTW the link I gave before


Date | Ticker | Short volume | Total volume for that date

Now a link for you to see REAL TIME penny stock prices (Google, Yahoo are all delayed by 15 minutes)
Also has delayed L2 data by 15 mins

Warning Penny stocks require far more skill to profit from than normal stocks. Volatility is extreme. DD should be to the highest level including contacting the CEO etc.
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