It would be great if we could get Vincent Stanzione to post some live trades...!
Sid, do you know what prompted me in the end? It is that the thread question is lazed with insinuations that index trading is not profitable. But it goes one step further than that. What do you intend to get out of the question? 4000 members saying "yes, I am" or " no, I am not" ???
What is the point of that. John is a teacher, so post some instead that T2W members can benefit from!
I am sure there are many who think that I have an axe to grind with John. Not so, but you have to remember that I am fiercely against anyone who is selling "dreams".
And I am double fiercely against anyone who says this busines is easy, and it is easy money....
I am the same person who in front of an audinece of 150 people said that 90% of all SB clients lose their money!
Is that good advertising? Yes, because by providing the truth you will allow people make up their own minds.
There is no way that all of those who attend John Bartletts seminar will make £1000 a month!
You might as well take it as gospel because you can not change the odds!
So for anyone who reads this and thinks that trading is for them I say welcome, you got a rocky ride ahead, but if you persist and realise that i may just take a little longer than a 60 minutes a week, you got a glorious future ahead....until then, dig in, persist, and realise IT IS NOT YOUR ANALYSIS THAT DETERMINES YOUR OUTCOME, BUT YOUR PERSONALITY
I should really post this on the other thread, but I will let it rest here!
But rest assuered anyone, I will not settle my differences with anyone who make claims of megabucks.
on that note, here is my humble contribution to this great site