Unfashionable Advice

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timsk said:
So, while there may be much truth in what you write, I suspect it is not politically correct and many will reject it out of hand.



Many won't reject it out of hand because it might be politically incorrect (I take it, though, that this wasn't really your point), rather because a need for behaviour change is very difficult for many to accept. Secondly, good old Captain Ego will hinder many others to a very great extent.

(Incidentally, you can't even call a goldfish gold in some quarters, without being condemned as being racially insensitive and politically incorrect... What a load of old baloney!! :rolleyes: )
No longer Unfashionable Advice

Just in case it doesn't come to the members' Attention, ASC has pulled all of his posts in this thread.

I, for one, am very sorry to see this development. I was actively following this thread and was finding the material that ASC was presenting extremely worthwhile. Regardless of this turn of events, I wanted to thank ASC for his considerable effort (both on the thread and through PMs) and hope that one day I manage to complete the journey that he started me on.

Platanos said:
Just in case it doesn't come to the members' Attention, ASC has pulled all of his posts in this thread.


Does anyone know why ?
ivorm said:
Does anyone know why ?

The reason he gives for editing his 1st post is "awareness"... a lot can be read into that single word.

It is a shame he's withdrawn his posts. Maybe they'll pop up again in a different form... who knows.

However, Aleph, many thanks for your posts.
I think it is a great shame ASC has pulled his posts and ended his contributions.
They were amongst the very best ever posted on this site and he knows the way I feel about his thoughts.
I am prepared to possibly offer him a private forum where he can express his ideas free of any unpleasantness.
That will, of course, be his choice.
Personally, as a result of his posts and our PMs, I think very highly of him. Some of the way he thinks is similar to mine, but he has taken the considerable time and huge effort to express them on this board - and far more articulately than I could ever have done, even if I had ever wanted to try.
I agree with the sentiments above , but (LOL) Richard do you realise that you are in fact also a "bronze thread glistening in the tapestry" whereas I have struggled to get past the "distinguished road" ..typical under achiever .
ASC you attempted something very very difficult....it's a mistake to think you had to 'succeed' in order for the attempt to be worthwhile...life is not like that.
Edit..it now appears I have "gone from strength to strength" and I never realised it ..now life is like that.
Such a forum would be on my own site and would prevent anyone sending ASC unpleasant messages.
I don't know if he has received any or if they have played any part in his decision to delete his posts, but having experienced such nastiness myself I would not be too surprised. He has, after all, removed the email and PM access facility from t2w........
Aleph Sigma Chi

I don't know if you are still reading this thread but I hope that you may be.

I tried to reply to your last pm but I don't think it has gone to you.

I don't know the reason for your withdrawal from the thread but if it is due to abusive posts I can only seeth with annoyance that someone who is prepared to spent considerable time and effort to assist others should be treated in such a manner.

It appears to be a feature of this and probably other sites that when a poster has something interesting and useful to say and is offering assistance they will be abused ( I would be prepared to trade the probability). Unfortunately it only takes one or two people to ruin it for the rest, a sad fact of life.

I would like to thank you for the assistance that you have provided and the thought provocation you have caused.

If you are able to return to this site under a private thread I would plead and urge you to do so.


Without looking back

I am reminded of a Zen story about a monk who wanted to become a chess master. He was very proud of his quick mind and his ability to follow his opponents move in a flash with his own. His chess teacher, a wise old monk of very advanced years (they’re always wise old monks of very advanced years) decided to teach him how to become the master he wanted to be – and could be. When he played the young monk, he would take a little more time with each successive move. Until it became almost unbearable for the young monk to play the old master. Hours and hours would stretch away from him in absolute quiet and blankness – quietness of spirit - as the old monk considered what to any novice chess player would have been the obvious and only single move open to him.
Yet another golden thread has possibly been shredded by the mob at T2W. Again, this wonderful river of knowledge called T2W has been choked and poisoned by the detritus and slurry who lurk in stagnant channels, their sole intention to impede others in the quest for truth and enlightenment.

May I propose the introduction of a pratt-ometer calibrated on an ascending scale of 1 - 10. This device could be regulated by other members clicking on the pratt-ometer when certain postees fulfill the above criteria. Then for every 10 clicks (by 10 different members) a new level on the scale is created. Once they get to the top of the scale then they are deemed to have reached the dizzy heights of imbeciledom, a status redeemable only by posting something of worth and intelligence.
contrakt said:
I am reminded of a Zen story about a monk who wanted to become a chess master. He was very proud of his quick mind and his ability to follow his opponents move in a flash with his own. His chess teacher, a wise old monk of very advanced years (they’re always wise old monks of very advanced years) decided to teach him how to become the master he wanted to be – and could be. When he played the young monk, he would take a little more time with each successive move. Until it became almost unbearable for the young monk to play the old master. Hours and hours would stretch away from him in absolute quiet and blankness – quietness of spirit - as the old monk considered what to any novice chess player would have been the obvious and only single move open to him.


Are you suggesting that it is all a ploy by ASC or that we should learn from what he has given us and get on with it?


Without looking back

bracke said:

Are you suggesting that it is all a ploy by ASC or that we should learn from what he has given us and get on with it?



As a disciplined trader - you act. Without thought. Without second thought. Without looking back. - ASC

Given I am currently scoring 99 out of a maximum 100 at which point one has officially achieved amoeba status I think it might be called a Chumpometre dedicated to the memory of the first individual capable of maxing it out ;)

You know Val no offence ,but there's an awful lot of inference going on here as to why ASC pulled his involvement and by that I mean it is just conjecture until he makes it fact which I doubt he will do. Whatever his reasons they are his and basically that's enough ..it isn't anyone else's business but his. Meanwhile the inferences just serve no practical purpose other than to let off steam maybe.

By the way guys you don't learn from somebody ...ASC or anyone including me (LOL) ....what someone can give you is something for you to interact with and if you learn from that interaction it is no longer their's, you have made it yours..that's what learning is..if you didn't achieve that then you didn't learn at all....which is also why reading something is rarely enough to learn something ..the level of interaction is typically not high enough to result in 'real' learning.
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HI chump,
Indeed the guy wants his privacy back and it may be that it has been invaded.
He has also removed his real identity and location from his profile so I suspect he now wants to be left alone.
I could easily find him, but I won't as I respect his privacy.
If he replies to me and wants to avail himself of a protected private area on my site I shall provide that for him and will arrange access in line with his wishes.
It's obviously his choice.
Off to the serious business of trading now.

PS Chump, I still feel the same now I'm a "bronze thread" whatever that means !
Richard...look at your little green square for the reference to bronze....I stumbled on these by accident and find them very funny..I'm wondering just how many different descriptions there are.

ASC enjoy your privacy ..I have mine in the 'street' and I wouldn't have it any other way so I can empathise.
Friends of Aleph,
I seriously doubt that it was the 'shadowy, destructive' element that drove him away. He knew going in what kind of vitriole and krapp could erupt and stated that to me early on. If you compare the krapp he got vs. the mass and intensity of 'dinging' that JFTB, or other posts got - we were extremely gentle...
Rather he may have realized just how few would really ever track along with him... and that this medium is not conducive to processing this kind of material at the necessary depth.
Or he may have concluded that he was actually writing a book or article(s) and that he needed to pull it, truly build it out as a whole (and copyright it) ...
He could be having personal situation(s)... all the best to him, even if he isn't.
He could have hit the wall. If so, tell him to just stand there until...
He could have blown up... and hasn't sorted out the 'reach' of that yet...
He may have refused to take his meds and they took away his internet priveleges...
He may have pulled everything to 'maintain' it - like the motorcycle maint quy. When he gets quality in and out of it he'll put it back...

None of this matters. It just is...
Walk on...

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