Ultimate Forex Predictor

Hi everyone
I'm very new to this and have had very limited success to date with trading. I keep getting emails regarding 'The Ultimate Forex Predictor' software by Keith Cotterill. At over £2K, it's either worth every penny or a rip-off. Has anyone had any experience of this software?


Even if courses are very good it is probable that there will be loads of disappointment among the subscribers.

The developer of the course may be a genius but, unless the student's style and character works exactly the same, the results can be money down the drain.

This is the same as in diets and "keep fit" classes. How many are doomed to failure?
Thought I'd bump this up a little.

I've had TUFXP since June and so far, so good. I bought it in mind of trading the Cashmaster settings available on his site. Since then I've done countless hrs of research on it and improved it roughly by 25-30%. He's now using my suggested SL/TP levels.

I've also created a boat load of settings using the backtesting facility, some have crumbled under live testing whilst others are going well.

Point and shoot, it is not, but with work and graft, it can be made to work.
Hi Dubai,
Well done if you're making loadsa bucks from this. A trader I have regular contact with uses it and she loves it. However, unless you're backtesting using long time frames you're likely to find yourself in 'curve fitting hell'. The backtesting capability allows you to set up seemingly wonderful trading systems. Unfortunately, the past doesn't equal the future or even the present. Less than 1hr timeframe systems that run like a swiss watch previously rarely perform into the future...
When I analyse Caroline's trades I find she ignores the ptp's. (Unreliable, she says) She actually trades using the 3 MA's that the TUFXP blogger uses on the members site together with support, resistance and the RSI and Stochastic. That being so, I questioned the point of having TUFXP in the first place as the indicators she's using are all available on MT4 for free...
She sent me 3 copies of the official TUFXP blog in which a guy called Neil tells you whether a ptp signal which appears in the morning is likely to be a high-likelyhood trade - around 8 hours after it appears! LOL! - A difficult call! Perhaps he would have more credibility if he recorded his blog as the day unfolded, making calls as he went along. He could then post it warts and all.....
This very expensive system is a toolbox. A limited one ,given the parsity of indicators available within it, but hell - if you're gonna pay that much you've just gotta love it haven't you?
In the right hands it will make money. Unfortunately, it was marketed at novices who are unlikely to have the nous to make it work....
Still, a profit is a profit, as the marketeers say....
Have a good day.
Hi Scanjet,

I have a feeling we know the same people. I'm a member on FXTT which is evolved around TUFXP.

I know all about curve fitting nightmares with TUFXP, lol, it really is a pain in the ass. However, a lot of my systems of late are free of pointless, random times and are generally going well.

I've never paid an ounce of interest in the daily overviews which the 'support' team provide, as you say, it's all well and good highlighting 100 pip trades when the graph has already played out.

Totally agreed that the marketing of it was a joke, I was a forex beginner when purchasing it but quickly realised it's core weaknesses but with some care and attention it can be incredibly useful.

Looking forward to a profitable month, I hope!
Thought I'd bump this up a little.

I've had TUFXP since June and so far, so good. I bought it in mind of trading the Cashmaster settings available on his site. Since then I've done countless hrs of research on it and improved it roughly by 25-30%. He's now using my suggested SL/TP levels.

I've also created a boat load of settings using the backtesting facility, some have crumbled under live testing whilst others are going well.

Point and shoot, it is not, but with work and graft, it can be made to work.

Hi Dubai,

I also bought TUFXP in June with a view to using the Cashmaster settings. I'd love to understand more about how you backtested a multi timeframe approach for TUFXP given that the built in backtester only tests one timeframe at a time. I have actually built my own backtest routine but I'd like to compare notes to see if there's anything I could have done better.

My testing on the cable shows a return of only 155 pips from 16th April to the end of August if using 25:25 (SL😛T). Does this match up with your findings?

Hi Dubai,

I also bought TUFXP in June with a view to using the Cashmaster settings. I'd love to understand more about how you backtested a multi timeframe approach for TUFXP given that the built in backtester only tests one timeframe at a time. I have actually built my own backtest routine but I'd like to compare notes to see if there's anything I could have done better.

My testing on the cable shows a return of only 155 pips from 16th April to the end of August if using 25:25 (SL😛T). Does this match up with your findings?


You're correct, MTF's can't be tested using the TESS software so I did it manually. Plus I have all results from end of June as live results.

I get well over 1,200 pips profit for GU Cashmaster settings for 25/25.

These are as far as I'm aware, 99.99% correct.
You're correct, MTF's can't be tested using the TESS software so I did it manually. Plus I have all results from end of June as live results.

I get well over 1,200 pips profit for GU Cashmaster settings for 25/25.

These are as far as I'm aware, 99.99% correct.

That's very interesting. What time of the day do you trade? My backtest only include 9am to 3pm as I cannot trade outside those hours. Also, are you spread betting or trading contracts in the cash market? I am spreadbetting so assuming 3 points of spread on each trade.
I've noted all results from 0659-1500.

I'm with a forex broker/s and therefore have a much smaller spread. Even with spread of 3 GU still shows around +800 mark.

Hi Tulip21. It's unfortunate that you've had the experience you have. However, there is a group of people who are very successfully trading with TUFXP and sharing the settings as a highly supportive group (and for free!). If you want to start making money with TUFXP please send me a PM and I'll willingly direct you towards our group. This goes for others too.

Hi there Rookie,
I'm a newbie to TUFXP aswell and am having a few successes, along with more than my share of losses - often down to silly mistakes on my part! I'd be really grateful if I could join your group,
Many thanks,

The site is now a small subscription site. If still interested PM me and I can direct you.

It's a very well run group of like minded individuals who are trying to master TUFXP.
Hi Dubai,

Can you supply details of website?

You can get ripped off by lining the pockets of the puppet master at Forex Testube

or you can join a progressive community for half the price, where the funds raised go to providing a stable environment (where traders won't get banned for expressing their views).

Forex Trading Friends

Membership is limited to 100 places.
You can get ripped off by lining the pockets of the puppet master at Forex Testube

or you can join a progressive community for half the price, where the funds raised go to providing a stable environment (where traders won't get banned for expressing their views).

Forex Trading Friends

Membership is limited to 100 places.

Bitter, much? lol :whistling

Talk about still flogging a dead horse. Run along to your 'little' community.

FXTT continues to thrive and has over 280 members now and continues to grow weekly. We have proven winning strategies for TUFXP, not backtest wonders.

And speaking of banning, would you care to tell everyone why I was banned from your 'community'? Ah that's right, for expressing my disapproval of being lied to and wanting to forge ahead with a clear idea in mind, not ripping me off for £2k to invest in a signal provider. This isn't the place for this debate but don't go slinging mud when you're not whiter than white.

And to everyone who wishes to join FXTT, I am not the owner, just a satisfied member and happy to help any newcomers to TUFXP.
I beg to differ, before you introduced the subscription, I was banned. Fact.

End of conversation as far as I'm concerned. Just because you still have a stick up your **** about FXTT, ain't my problem. People are more than capable of forming their own opinion as to which they'd prefer to join. I was asked to give the website details, so I did.

Good luck over at FTT, I hope it's raining down pips.
I beg to differ, before you introduced the subscription, I was banned. Fact.

End of conversation as far as I'm concerned. Just because you still have a stick up your **** about FXTT, ain't my problem. People are more than capable of forming their own opinion as to which they'd prefer to join. I was asked to give the website details, so I did.

Good luck over at FTT, I hope it's raining down pips.

Of course I have to believe what you say. After all you are completely trustworthy: Calamity Jane FX Trader
Of course I have to believe what you say. After all you are completely trustworthy: Calamity Jane FX Trader

Lol, you really don't want to tread that road. Always two sides to a story. Like selecting certain PM's to show and not others and trying to butter me up for £2k to kick start the alert service. How's that going by the way? Hope it's flying high! 🙂

How's that 100% setting going also? lol.

Like I said, people are more than capable of forming their own opinions, why you can't accept that, I'm not too sure?

There is plenty of room for two sites for TUFXP and maybe even a third, who knows? Enjoy your site, ta ta.
My TUFXP software licence is still for sale, I'm prepared to let it go quite cheap. Please PM for details.
99% of what you will find out their you can find for free on the web. Their is no such thing as the magical system, and if their was who would be dumb enough to sell it? 🙂