Ultimate Forex Predictor

You will usually find that "systems" such as these do not work as described...nothing like in fact.

But they do have certain features that you can use in another context.

In future, I would advise that you buy systems such as TUFXP ( provided they have a cast-iron money back guarantee ), keep them for the trial period, make sure you examine the system inside out and make detailed notes of any and all good features.

Then return it for a refund and use what you have learnt in a system of your own.

This may sound slightly dubious on moral grounds but is it any more immoral than the false advertising that lures people like yourselves into buying such expensive non-systems ?
You will usually find that "systems" such as these do not work as described...nothing like in fact.

But they do have certain features that you can use in another context.

In future, I would advise that you buy systems such as TUFXP ( provided they have a cast-iron money back guarantee ), keep them for the trial period, make sure you examine the system inside out and make detailed notes of any and all good features.

Then return it for a refund and use what you have learnt in a system of your own.

This may sound slightly dubious on moral grounds but is it any more immoral than the false advertising that lures people like yourselves into buying such expensive non-systems ?

I do fully agree with your last statement and feel that the best way to make any of this work is to carve out the info that is worthwhile and leave out the 85% hype that is left!!!!

But i if anyone has any better way of obtaining signals/indicators that are any good please let me know, and i promise to take you for a spin in my new yacht on the back of it????

(He says in his Peaugeot Estate)
maybe we are just generally really thick????

I guess paying 2k to keep a product that does,nt work for you and keeping it to then test other information freely available on the net is pretty Dumb .

" Having come to the conclusion that the system does not really work by itself, and is actually incredibly complex and not a '1 click' fix all " as you put it in your own words !!! -

Sounds like you just made the most expensive MISTAKE you,ll ever make hopefully .
The problem and also the catch is that we did not feel that after 30 days the product was useless, as the wins far outweighed the losses, which if i am correct this business is all about?

But unfortunately with more testing we began to realise that it was not made of gold? I am a member of many other forums and read the continuous threads and posts about how there is no such thing as a %100 way of making money and that there are no real Guru's when it comes to this??

That i do fully understand but I think if we are all being honest, we are maybe still trying to find an easier and safer way of doing this and its very easy to sit and judge but i'm not the first and most definately wont be the last?

As for the free information that is just as good and free on the net, this may be the case but how do you know what is good/bad unless you try? I do agree that it is alot of money to pay for a system and wont do it again but sometimes i wish some1 would throw me a non judgemental life line??????
I think the key question is...

Does the system do exactly what it says in the marketing / advertising literature ?

If the answer is not a resounding YES, then send it back for a refund.

This test is very important with TUFXP because of the relatively high cost of the system.

It was very clear to me within 48 hours of receiving this system that it failed the above test miserably so back it went.......after detailed scrutiny of course.

LOL this again does not give me an answer does it work ? has anybody been stung for 2 grand out there and can tell me it is a scam?

All you have told me is you reckon it is a scam and this guy is an affiliate ?

Anybody have first hand knowledge on this system ?....it is all over the net .....surely somebody bought it 😉

Try Graham Laurie, some guy that does Cash Master. I stumble on his blog and he said he made around £16000 in 4 weeks. Not sure if its true or not. Didn't chase it up
Try Graham Laurie, some guy that does Cash Master. I stumble on his blog and he said he made around £16000 in 4 weeks. Not sure if its true or not. Didn't chase it up

Why don't you do a search on this forum for Graham Laurie or Cash-Master and read his post properly? You will see that he started this in paper-trading mode, describing his trial period, he did not claim to make £16000 in real-time.

As it happens, he kept the program and has since gone on to make just short of £15000 in 15 weeks with real money on £10 stakes, you can follow up on this on his blog.
Why don't you do a search on this forum for Graham Laurie or Cash-Master and read his post properly? You will see that he started this in paper-trading mode, describing his trial period, he did not claim to make £16000 in real-time.

As it happens, he kept the program and has since gone on to make just short of £15000 in 15 weeks with real money on £10 stakes, you can follow up on this on his blog.

Don't bite my head of mate, as i said I didn't chase it up, it was just a quick scan. Demo account or not, I was trying to point out to some who claim to have experience with this. I have had the many junk mail about this, but I have not taken it up myself.👍

If you have purchased the ultimate fx Predictor and wish to sell it on. Please contact me.
We are still using it and still working with it, it is alot of money so think hard before parting with your well earned cash!!
TUFXP - An honest review

I rarely contribute to forums as 1) they eat time and 2) often after a couple of response/replies someone starts hurling personal comments, which I've no time for. But after reading all the contributions on this discussion, where a lot of people who have not bought the TUFXP system have poured scorn over it without having tried it, here's my honest assessment of the ups and downs of the system. I hope it helps the people who genuinely want to know if TUFXP is right for them.

I was one of the very first people to buy the system when it came out 6 months ago. I had previously had some experience of spread betting and the stock market, although TUFXP quickly showed me I didn't have as much experience as I thought I had.

I'd thought about trading forex without buying a program, and had looked at babypips, like many other people on this link have mentioned. However, I figured that if I started almost from scratch and learned through hard knocks and mistakes I'd quickly eat up £2000 and much more while going through the learning process. So as I was serious about getting in to forex I figured £2000 wasn't a huge amount of money to enable me to avoid some of the basic mistakes I was bound to make. By the way, £2000 is a lot of money to me and I thought long and hard before sending my cash. But just like you go on a training course to become a plumber or an electrician I considered this an investment in my future.

Of course, I was comforted by the 30 day money back guarantee and as I'd previously purchased What Really Wins Money from Canonbury I'd figured they were as reputable as they come.

Now, I have read on this forum so many people complaining about the claims made in the mailshot from Keith Cotterill/Canonbury. And yes, the claims are outrageous. But guys, you didn't really believe them, did you? If you're on the Canonbury mailing list you're doubtless on several other companies mailing lists, and you'll surely know that they all make these ridiculous claims that you'll be rich at the click of your mouse. Just like TV adverts make a product look/sound better than it is. There's nothing illegal in it, it's called "Marketing" and it's all around us in every sphere of our lives. You go in to any trade with your eyes open and your mouth shut - as economists and lawyers say, "let the buyer beware".

I'll go further, in my view the Keith Cotterill claims were actually slightly more conservative than so many others you receive. For instance, just for fun, I receive a daily newsletter/email from one outfit (I'm not going to name them here as they don't deserve the publicity) in which every day they offer another spurious get rich quick scheme. Now it shouldn't take even a 10 year old to work out that if every one of those schemes were as good as they claimed the publishers of the newsletter/email wouldn't be wasting their time emailing the likes of you and me, but they'd be flat out making a fortune befitting the size of a mid-size European nation for themselves.

But back to TUFXP. The mail shot claimed it was a point and shoot system - press a button to enter the market at the right time and your fortune is assured. If you were in any doubt whether this was accurate you should have seen that the system clearly wasn't as simple as that. For one very simple reason. Yes, the literature claims the system enables you to enter the market - but the literature DOES NOT claim to tell you when to LEAVE the market. So it's clear that the point of leaving the market is based on judgement/skill/knowledge or just plain, simple luck. And with any of these comes risk, uncertainty and the consequent chance you'll make a loss.

As for Keith Cotterill himself, I've never met him and probably never will (and no, I'm not an affiliate). I've spoken to members of his support team and they speak almost evangelically about him. I've heard he really gets his kicks from teaching others how to trade, and I've nothing to the contrary to say this isn't true. No different to my kids school teachers, then, who could probably earn more money in industry rather than sitting educating children. As for the support team, I've no idea whether they're paid or whether they help others through the generosity of their own hearts. If they are paid, good luck to them (if you don't like their advice, ignore it). If they're not paid, then I thank them for their generosity of spirit and for their time. If it's the latter we certainly don't have the right to criticise them without justification.

One final thing about the course. The marketing literature only talks about the software and the opportunity to earn money from forex. I was very pleasantly surprised (stunned, actually) to find out AFTER I'd received the course that Keith Cotterill sends a daily tutorial/review and that there was a full-time support team - both of which are free and on-going as long as you continue to use the system. Let's give the guy a bit of credit here - if he'd mentioned this in the sales literature it would be a HUGE benefit and would doubtless have substantially increased the take up and probably the price he could have charged. But I've checked again and it doesn't mention this in the literature I received, and he should be given major credit for exceeding expectations in this area.

So does TUFXP work? Well, we're in October 2008 now, and I've had the system for 6 months. For entirely separate reasons I was unable to trade for 2 of these months and then there was August, which is traditionally slow. But we're also currently experiencing the worst financial crisis since the 1930's, which must surely be the biggest test of a system's stability - if you can make a profit during these market conditions you must surely be on to a winner. And yes, after having bought the system 6 months ago I'm very slightly up. If you look at the hundreds of hours I've invested, at the moment, no it's not come anywhere near the claims made by the developers. However....

This is the point at which I have to be truely honest with myself. I know in my heart of hearts that the reasons why I'm not writing this from a tropical paradise beach are not necessarily the fault of TUFXP, but more due to myself:
1. I've made a number of elementary mistakes, traded too aggresively at the beginning, and not learned quickly enough from mistakes;
2. I've been greedy - held on too long in a trade to eek out a few more drops of profit or held back from getting out of a bad trade, leading to making even more of a loss.

Very many days, I've sat there nursing losses. I've then opened up the daily tutorial from Keith Cotterill and been shown that if I'd just stuck to the programme I'd have made money. He does have a little habit of tweeking the parameters of each trade in hindsight but this also helps me understand how I need to review my trading strategy. But the fact remains that if I enter trades when the signals tell me to, and sell when the trailing stop tell me to I will gain more pips than I lose. Yes, you'll lose on many occasions but you're in cloud-cookoo land if you think you're going to win every time. Keith shows you how to make more money by reading the market and exiting before the market reaches the trailing stops, and this is the part when experience comes in.

Actually I think Keith Cotterill missed an opportunity. He could have sold his current programme as the Beginners course, and then sell all the hints and tips to increase profits as the Advanced course. It's to his credit that he provided the advanced tips free of charge.

So, in summary, do I recommend TUFXP?

If you're in full time employment and can't give your full attention to the market between 7 and 10am Monday to Friday, don't buy it. The system only works properly when there is a lot of activity in the market - trading in the evening is far too risky to make a reasonable return on risk/reward. Trading in the afternoon is more volatile as you've got both London and New York trading, which are sometimes in conflict with each other.

If you're highly emotionally strung, looking for a quick buck or can't afford to lose a few £'s / $'s while trading, don't buy it.

If you can't devote a few months to it or learn from mistakes, don't buy it.

However, if you want to get in to something that's fascinating to learn about, you can devote a good deal of time up-front learning and be prepared to go through some rough times to get there, and you can comfortably afford £2000 plus a reasonable trading bank TUFXP is well worth considering.

I'm fully aware that only 20% of people who trade on the forex market make any money, and the remaining 80% make a loss. I don't know whether I will make good money in the long run, but I'm firmly of the belief that TUFXP gives me an advantage, and if I can apply the lessons I'm learning and trade sensibly I've got a better chance than many others.
Well, Trade2Go, that was a very good and reasoned post, a refreshing change from the wildly anti from a few people who haven't even tried it and several others who bought it for the trial merely to find out how it worked, then sent it back for the refund. There are also many good people on this forum who are making serious efforts to work it, too.

I don't have the system myself because I have my own effective method but I do have a friend who was both able to stand the outlay and use it at £10 per point staking; I have seen him make just under £20K in the last 5 months, which suggests that TUFXP lives up to at least some of its claims.

I hope you start to see similar gains soon, you seem to have the right attitude to the chase.

Good Luck!
I admire your belief in TUFXP Terry-Shep and your friend's ability to work it.

But the fact remains that the majority of people struggle with this "system" and it comes at a very high price, accompanied by misleading advertising.

Personally, I have developed a far better system which is founded on indicator-based alerts, using my 2 favourite indicators in tandem.

The alerts provide exceedingly reliable trade-entry signals and I have also developed a solid method for trade exits.

I use a free trading platform ( QT ) which I find excellent - including the support - which is quite simply amazing considering it costs nothing to run the software.

I use the IB data feed which also costs me nothing since I have an IB account.

Trade success rate is very very high and the only cost in developing this system of trading has been my quite considerable time.

But I can tell you that it is far superior and far more reliable than TUXFP will ever be.

I day-trade NYSE and NASDAQ stocks but this system can also be applied to Forex and can be applied in any time frame of your choosing.

So, having reviewed Cotterill's offering and used it, I would say it is an enormously expensive piece of kit which has dubious reliability at best.
Ive been using TUXFP for a while and have come to the following conclusions

1. It does not do what it says. In that you cant just plug it in on the standard settings and make the claims posted on the website. If you do use it this way then expect losses

2. The software does work and works very well, but the settings have to be adjusted to make the most of it which is totally useless for the newbie.

3. The most vital point is that you use it at the right time. If you want to see any profit then you need to be trading at 7.30 to 11am as a few have pointed out.

Ive run it for about 2 months, now ive never traded on the forex at all before this and had no clue what the forex was a few months back. What i didnt do was just jump in and start using it as is. Luckily i had been reading about TUXFP for a few weeks on various forums and reading about what settings and other feeds/charts people were using along side it.
With this taken into account i used some recommended settings that had been tested by other people and in doing so have made a profit overall.

Now im not going to claim 100s of pips a week as i didnt buy it for that, i was aiming small for 10 pips per week and over the 2 months i have hit my 10 pips a week target. With compounding im more than happy with the results.

So yes it does work but not straight out of the box, not on the standard settings and i doubt it will make 100s of points profit a week as claimed.
But if you do a little research and find what settings people are using and aim for small profit then it does work.

i think the main problem here is that people read the hype and are then disappointed when they make a small profit on the month. just remember that nobody ever went broke with a profit.
I admire your belief in TUFXP Terry-Shep and your friend's ability to work it.

But the fact remains that the majority of people struggle with this "system" and it comes at a very high price, accompanied by misleading advertising.

Personally, I have developed a far better system which is founded on indicator-based alerts, using my 2 favourite indicators in tandem.

The alerts provide exceedingly reliable trade-entry signals and I have also developed a solid method for trade exits.

I use a free trading platform ( QT ) which I find excellent - including the support - which is quite simply amazing considering it costs nothing to run the software.

I use the IB data feed which also costs me nothing since I have an IB account.

Trade success rate is very very high and the only cost in developing this system of trading has been my quite considerable time.

But I can tell you that it is far superior and far more reliable than TUXFP will ever be.

I day-trade NYSE and NASDAQ stocks but this system can also be applied to Forex and can be applied in any time frame of your choosing.

So, having reviewed Cotterill's offering and used it, I would say it is an enormously expensive piece of kit which has dubious reliability at best.

Come on, Yac, don't tell us you believe every word of the promos you read! You are a well clued-up forex person, don't tell us you went into TUFXP with wide-eyed innocence, believing every word of the blurb? Advertising is about exaggeration isnt it? You are no innocent, you know the score, wasn't it you, in an earlier post, who recommended people to buy these programs just to see what the method was and then send them back for refund? Did you really, seriously, ever intend to do more than that with TUFXP? Did you, with your obvious expertise, ever intend to lay out over £2000 for a method when you already have a brilliant method of your own? I doubt it.

You really should give these programs a decent shot, you know, before bursting into print with a scathing criticism. By all means do the send it back trick after scraping what information you can from it but let it live if you haven't honestly worked it.

I am delighted to hear that your own system is so successful and I don't doubt your claims for a moment, since your descriptions of great success are of course, absolutely true, not at all like TUFXP's claims; after all, although they also claim to have a highly successful method, you have told us how misleading they are. There is the fact that you are not, at the moment, offering this for sale at what I would agree with you, is a very high price for something which, although it may well succeed, actually requires a degree of input, some effort from the users. To think that you might pay over £2K for a method and then actually have to do something other than go to the bank for the money is obviously unreasonable.

The friend to whom you refer was an absolute greenhorn regarding forex, though no fool about systems in horse betting and generally handling money. He knew very little about forex when he bought this program, he was a complete novice - still is - but simply decided to play it conservatively, just read everything he got with it and did as he was guided - and I have looked over his shoulder, green with jealousy at his profits. So, with some application, the method, system, whatever you call it, does work.

I can well imagine that, having spent that much money and faced with the 30 day deadline, I would be very concerned to see a profit before it was too late and that might well inhibit how I worked it. I might well rush into trading too soon before I properly understood the method. Nonetheless, looking back over this forum, it seems to me that more people are happy with it than otherwise. There is even one poster who admitted to panicking a bit and sendingit back but is now regretting that and thinking of repurchasing it.

As it happens, like you, Yac, I too have my own method for the forex and it achieves for me enough to keep me from desiring TUFXP but I can still acknowledge it as another system which works, having watched a forex beginner using it.

It may be that some of my friend's success derives from deep enough pockets to enable him to run strategies which are too rich for some people's blood and like many under capitalised businesses, this may be the reason that some people fail with it; however, enough folk on this forum - and others - are proceeding happily with it, so I'll leave it at that. People do, after all, vote with their feet if they don't like something.
My Humble opinion

You are a forex trader. This is your money we are talking about, not another persons money. Do you think if there was a software that can do what we cant and see what we cant there will be any body walking for the government or sweating out the whole day on some sort of business? listen, to be frank with you, every body would have been in forex if there is anything of that sort and as a matter of fact a software like that could only be afforded by government not individuals, all the nations of the world would have been number one in terms of economy. You might not like these, but in forex you trade at your own risk. Do you want my candid advice? well here it is, hit the market and run, in other words, nibble it, dont bit too much, be smarter than the market otherwise it will out-smart you. Take a little from every trade and close say 20-30pips( little drops of water makes a mighty ocean, donnot dispise little beginings), always wait for a signal before you enter a trade. need more? well i cant say much but i have something. GOODLUCK.