Ukraine invasion

I forgot to add that the comments btl are as interesting - if not more so - than the article itself.
I really like this one:
I really like this one:
View attachment 316295
Agree strongly with this.

Outside of intervention in Ukraine,

I feel the US should be interrogated at the UN as to why it feels it needs to have these Biolabs outside of USA, especially in light of the research conducted - "gain of function research" on deadly viruses which are banned in the US.

If these are not WMD what are they?

Remember viruses do not recognise borders.

Same applies to all Nazi's or daft supporters of the Aryan race. Evil sick bastards will see anything that doesn't look like them as vermin.
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Agree strongly with this.

Outside of intervention in Ukraine,

I feel the US should be interrogated at the UN as to why it feels it needs to have these Biolabs outside of USA, especially in light of the research conducted - "gain of function research" on deadly viruses which are banned in the US.

If these are not WMD what are they?

Remember viruses do not recognise borders.

Same applies to all Nazi's or daft supporters of the Aryan race. Evil sick bastards will see anything that doesn't look like them as vermin.
I didn't hear you whinging about the China Virus or advocating interrogation.

You can't have it both ways.....there's a word for that !
Well at the time to trump was calling it a Chinese virus just because it cane from there.

Nobody knew much about its source. That's what I objected to.

I agreed with your posts about Fauci and gain of function research.

Issue here is just as it is now known US funded research in Wuhan it transpires they are atnit in Ukraine too.

I'm in agreement 🤝 with you and you are miss quoting n slandering me. Be fair CV.

However, you remain exceptionally quiet until now about all this tosh n WMD.

STRANGE fellow that you are.
I think Ukraine invasion and Iraq invasion have one thing in common: they have nothing to do with WMD.

WMD and biolabs are great for conspiracy theories, add a bit of nazis and maybe an ubersoldier and you have a perfect fiction.

Maybe Iraq and Ukraine have something else in common, the reason every war is fought: resources, oil and gas.
Well at the time to trump was calling it a Chinese virus just because it cane from there.

Nobody knew much about its source. That's what I objected to.

I agreed with your posts about Fauci and gain of function research.

Issue here is just as it is now known US funded research in Wuhan it transpires they are atnit in Ukraine too.

I'm in agreement 🤝 with you and you are miss quoting n slandering me. Be fair CV.

However, you remain exceptionally quiet until now about all this tosh n WMD.

STRANGE fellow that you are.

Reports were coming out way before Trump got involved. Many of them were posted on here, before the coronavirus thread. In the days when being informed before anyone else cottons on, somehow makes one a conspiracy theorist.
It was the Chinese running around covering everything up and disappearing people, never to be seen again. China immediately locked down Wuhan to it's own people, but allowed foreign nationals to jump on planes and leave.
US ban on gain of function research simply means that bad actors like Fauci, outsource the work. It's a bit like the climate change nonsense, where outsourcing the problem allows them to claim that they are meeting targets etc. It's all BS of course.
Iraq was just total BS on WMD. It was all about Oil and yet here we are years later with Bliar getting his mandatory gong.

The reason i'm quiet is twofold.

Firstly i'm looking forward as to the consequences of this Ukraine situation. One of the big changes will be at the election starting this weekend, where Macron will likely be ousted as France moves to the right of center. He deserves to lose btw, as he was the one busying himself, wasting time talking to Putin. I said much earlier in this thread, that the way to deal with the Putins of this world is to stop engaging them. This leaves them in the dark not knowing what anyone else thinks, where they stand, or what actions they will take.

Secondly, I don't share your views that US, NATO knocking will get us anywhere in the west. If you don't like how things are being run presently, i'm damm sure you will not like it if the Chinese/ Russia alliance ever gets a foothold.

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I think Ukraine invasion and Iraq invasion have one thing in common: they have nothing to do with WMD.

WMD and biolabs are great for conspiracy theories, add a bit of nazis and maybe an ubersoldier and you have a perfect fiction.

Maybe Iraq and Ukraine have something else in common, the reason every war is fought: resources, oil and gas.

You really are being Cavalier with the facts re: Iraq/WMD are you not?

What was the real reason for the Iraq war?

The primary rationalization for the Iraq War was articulated by a joint resolution of the United States Congress known as the Iraq Resolution. The US claimed the intent was to "disarm Iraq of weapons of mass destruction, to end Saddam Hussein's support for terrorism, and to free the Iraqi people".

I agree about it also being about the dollar standard and oil but the public were told by our reputable MSM it was all about WMD. Remember Colonol Powell and the CIA's Slamdunk case and all that larky.

Similarly, by virtue of the fact the same US culprits sold you the WMD with Iraq are akshually hiding the WMD story in Ukraine.

You are not being realistic with the intel on the ground dear Cavalier. It's not what you think or how you say it is.
Reports were coming out way before Trump got involved. Many of them were posted on here, before the coronavirus thread. In the days when being informed before anyone else cottons on, somehow makes one a conspiracy theorist.
It was the Chinese running around covering everything up and disappearing people, never to be seen again. China immediately locked down Wuhan to it's own people, but allowed foreign nationals to jump on planes and leave.
US ban on gain of function research simply means that bad actors like Fauci, outsource the work. It's a bit like the climate change nonsense, where outsourcing the problem allows them to claim that they are meeting targets etc. It's all BS of course.
Iraq was just total BS on WMD. It was all about Oil and yet here we are years later with Bliar getting his mandatory gong.

The reason i'm quiet is twofold.

Firstly i'm looking forward as to the consequences of this Ukraine situation. One of the big changes will be at the election starting this weekend, where Macron will likely be ousted as France moves to the right of center. He deserves to lose btw, as he was the one busying himself, wasting time talking to Putin. I said much earlier in this thread, that the way to deal with the Putins of this world is to stop engaging them. This leaves them in the dark not knowing what anyone else thinks, where they stand, or what actions they will take.

Secondly, I don't share your views that US, NATO knocking will get us anywhere in the west. If you don't like how things are being run presently, i'm damm sure you will not like it if the Chinese/ Russia alliance ever gets a foothold.

The reason why we are here today is because the West totally ignored Russia's protests and did as they bloody well like. Not talking is the fast way to resolving issues with war. NATO are now preparing for what if scenarios taking us to Nuclear war. Crazy fools.

Re: your second point, it's mucht the same as it is here. All depends on where one is on the food change.
We are here today because the West ignored 20 year of false democracy in Russia and prefered to make business with Putin.
The reason why we are here today is because the West totally ignored Russia's protests and did as they bloody well like. Not talking is the fast way to resolving issues with war. NATO are now preparing for what if scenarios taking us to Nuclear war. Crazy fools.

Re: your second point, it's mucht the same as it is here. All depends on where one is on the food change.

Putin the dictator you mean. Changed direction of travel as soon as he gained office. Eliminated all opposition. He's just a throwback to a bygone era employing the same playbook that went before.

Do you think we are all stupid or something. We know the history of the soviet union and the subsequent history of Russia.

Get a grip Att ffs. 🤣

Right. We now know who the final Two are in the race. Now comes the interesting part. How do other candidate votes get carved up. The established order will obviously go on the offensive, defending Macron, rubbishing Le Penn. But what will the people decide? Could this be France's "Brexit moment" smack the establishment ! Are the French people brave enough to do it ? Has Macron played into his own demise by trying to appease dictator Putin.

It's gonna be a fun Two weeks, that's for sure.
. . . We now know who the final Two are in the race. Now comes the interesting part. How do other candidate votes get carved up. The established order will obviously go on the offensive, defending Macron, rubbishing Le Penn. But what will the people decide? Could this be France's "Brexit moment" smack the establishment ! Are the French people brave enough to do it ? Has Macron played into his own demise by trying to appease dictator Putin.

It's gonna be a fun Two weeks, that's for sure.

We are here today because the West ignored 20 year of false democracy in Russia and prefered to make business with Putin.

The West goes around touting democracy to implement their puppet regimes. Please get over your selves.

This is common knowledge. Doncha watch James Bond. They even make movies about all this stuff. How about the Green Zone with Matt Damon. The truth is out there. Reputable MSM of ours is fab.

You dreaming of democratic utopia...

Has anybody noticed by the way there is no coverage of any Russian government representative speaking or making any statement saying anything about the intervention? No Russian minister is heard on the BBC? Why is that? Why do we see Zelensky and not Russian parties?

Reputable media my de-rear.
We have Lavrov statements every couple of days.
He keeps reapeting this suff:
  • denazification going according to plan
  • civilian casualties are staged
Here you have Peskov if you want:

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We have Lavrov statements every couple of days.
He keeps reapeting this suff:
  • denazification going according to plan
  • civilian casualties are staged
Here you have Peskov if you want:

I've seen Lavrov and yes he does get to repeat two sentences followed by 20 minutes of Russia and Putin assassinations and Ukraine faction pov reporting takes place.

First broadcast since the war began for Peskov. Anyhow I thought Peskov gave a real good account of Russia'a pov and so sad to see the presenter not respond to any counter point. Just non-stop questions.

None of the points raised by Peskov ofcourse presented to Ukranian side to answer.

I thought the point about satellite images coming from a Pentagon source and not carrying any DATE was pretty damning and yet presented as evidence.

I thought Russia not being allowed to participate in investigations were also extra-freaking-ordinary.

Russia being asked to recognise International Tribunals when US and UK don't recognise them is pretty lame, sick and unbelievable.

Russian prosecutors not invited or consulted.

One after another one sided twisted and wholly unacceptable conduct by the West.

We should have more of this and Ukraine also be invited to answer counter points made. The presenter should also challenge their version of events and ask why all the biases taking place in the presentation.

Good video. Thanks.