Ukraine invasion

Russia to ban quadrobers, furries and therianthropes
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So, no more
A non-partisan research post - London
Sounds like another Charge of the Light Brigade:

Britain takes action against Russian troops using chemical weapons - including WW1-era choking agent - on Ukraine's battlefields as Putin's cronies are warned they will have 'nowhere left to hide'​


‘If Trump loses, I’m f**ked’ – Musk

This is certainly true and is occuring globally imo.

Democracy is just a word that is branded about whilst lobby groups hound anyone that challenges their narrative.

World is edging to WWIII and chaos I'd say. We'll all be running to the hills soon.

CIA embroiled in sex-crimes scandal – CNN

Zelensky teases ‘decisive action’ to end Ukrainian conflict

Ukrainian army kills 80% of comrades trying to surrender

Steven Seagal: 'I will fight and die for my president'
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A non-partisan research post - London

Russia's Air Force Is 'Dropping Like Flies' in the Skies Above Ukraine​

A non-partisan research post - London

US Believes That Ukraine Can Hold Russian Kursk Territory for Months​

Two months on, Donbas soldiers begin to question Kursk offensive​

Kramatorsk (Ukraine) (AFP) – Two months into Ukraine's offensive on Russian territory, questions are growing in Ukrainian ranks over the long-term strategy as Russian troops advance steadily in other areas.

Issued on: 10/10/2024 - 09:15Modified: 10/10/2024 - 09:14

A non-partisan research post - London

Zelensky tells the West he wants war with Russia to end 'no later than next year' as he scrambles for backing from allies in whistle-stop tour of Europe​

  • Long-range missiles along with artillery guns and shells top Zelensky's wish list

How to lose friends and alienate sponsors: Zelensky is making enemies in America

Russian forces encircle over 1,500 Ukrainian fighters in Kursk region
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Similar story in the UK as our social services are starved of cash, whilst billions made available to fight futile wars.

Schools, hospitals, police forces, prisons and Local Authorities all begging for more resources to deliver vital infrastructure and fabric of society services and yet no money can be found.

People then scream blue murder about a little bit of tax raising.

All this ofcourse is manipulated information by the MSM who decides where to look for scapecoats for lack of investment, poor productivity and growth.

Even when contradictory information is dished out by the daily trash, the mass public still asleep over their morning cereal bowls.

So who's up for giving Ukraine another £2bn to fire bombs, to blow up and kill people who have done absolutely nothing, but sell cheap gas and invested in our economy, generating growth?

NATO planning new Russia strategy – Politico

Biden orders for Trump to be protected like a ‘sitting president’

NATO could have prevented Ukraine conflict

Ukrainian military draft enforcers raid rock concert in Kiev (VIDEOS)

Ukrainian attack on Russia’s Kursk region fails to produce results — British diplomat

UK government leaks contact details of Europe’s richest man (idiots at work?)

A non-partisan research post - London

Moment Ukrainian men yell 'get away from me' as they are dragged out of nightclubs and restaurants by army recruiters during targeted raids​

A non-partisan research post - London

Moment Ukrainian men yell 'get away from me' as they are dragged out of nightclubs and restaurants by army recruiters during targeted raids​


No democracy, no parliament, no freedom, no opposition to debate.

No more money to buy mercanaries or drones.

Zelensky is destroying Ukraine like a sacrificial lamb for the US war machine to make more money.

Dumb useless comedian who's more like a used toilet paper for US interests, who will be discarded soon.

Anti-government protesters march ‘against hunger‘ in Moldova

German Islamist group calls for Middle East caliphate


‘60 minutes’ airs two different answers from Harris to same question

BBC losing ‘propaganda’ battle to RT

A non-partisan research post - London

The world's FOUR nuclear war flashpoints: How Russia, China, Iran and North Korea are pushing us to the brink of WW3 and Armageddon​

A non-partisan research post - London
Vladimir Putin slammed the 'stupidity' of Russia seizing Crimea from Ukraine and decried Moscow's outdated 'heavy imperial legacy' in a resurfaced TV interview from 25 years ago.

The tyrant dictator - then two months into his first premiership under President Boris Yeltsin - told TV presenter Alexander Lyubimov, son of former Soviet KGB spy in London Mikhail Lyubimov, how 'we don't want to take Crimea - that's absolute stupidity'.

Contrary to his views a quarter of a century ago, Putin - who has ruthlessly rigged elections and killed opponents to remain at the Kremlin helm - not only seized Crimea in 2014 but also swathes of eastern Ukraine.

In 2022 he plunged Europe into its biggest conflict since the Second World War as he sought and failed to invade the rest of Russia's near neighbour.

In the footage showing Putin's hypocrisy, which has reappeared on TikTok and X, Lyubimov asked the ruler on October 9, 1999: 'We don't like that Ukraine wants to join NATO. We want to take Crimea. Or is it just that we can't agree on money? Gas, sugar… What is our main problem with Ukraine, Vladimir Vladimirovich [Putin]?'

Putin, now 72, has since argued absurdly that Ukraine is not a real country, and that it is populated by Nazis under Western control.

But back in 1999 as Russian premier he insisted: 'First of all, we don't want to take Crimea, that's absolute stupidity.

'If we start taking something from someone, then something will definitely be taken from us, or we'll lose something ourselves.'

He was applauded by the audience before telling Russians: 'If we start [to elaborate on whether Russia wants to take Crimea] such a redistribution across the post-Soviet space, we'll never recover from it.

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Odessa air defenses unable to intercept hundred of Iskander ballistic missiles a month
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