Ukraine invasion

A non-partisan research post - London

Leaked footage shows North Korean troops being kitted out in Russia as elite 'Storm Corps' unit prepares for deployment in Ukraine​

Russian forces get ready for major battle for city of Sudzha in Kursk region
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Russian troops troll Ukrainians by raising North Korean flag in DPR
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Both countries taking chunks out of each other with human body count just rising.

Bit like WW1 and WW2 after it is all over, we'll be scratching our heads wondering what it was all for?

That defensive NATO alliance :sick:🤮:sick:🤮:sick:🤮:sick:🤮

What a load of bolloX !!!


Ukrainian troops increasingly refusing orders

Most Poles don’t believe army can defend them

Zelensky denies planning new purge

The EU doesn’t need Moscow to interfere in its democracy – it has Brussels for that

Free speech for terrorists: How Canada shields dangerous extremists

A non-partisan research post - London

SPAIN Had Enough of Russia - GET OUT OF UKRAINE!​


Germany ‘afraid’ of Russia – Zelensky

Where does this money go? To Bugatti as a money laundry machine?
Bugatti order of Olena Zelenskaja (wife of Zelensky)

NATO reacts to talk of Türkiye’s desire to join BRICS

Head of Nobel Prize-winning rights group joins petition to eradicate Russian culture in Ukraine

LA Times owner blocks endorsement of Harris – Semafor

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A non-partisan research post - London

Vladimir Putin: A Tiny, Angry Man (Please Don't Assassinate Me)​

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A non-partisan research post - London

These world leaders attended Putin's summit in Russia​

Why Turkey seeks to become first NATO member in BRICS | DW News​

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EU state fires embassy employee for questioning Ukrainian nationalism – media

Russian forces drop three-ton FAB-3000 bomb on Ukrainian UAV operators
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A non-partisan research post - London

Britain's Armed Forces are 'not ready to fight' says Defence Secretary John Healey as he suggests military has 'far deeper problems than we thought' after years of cuts​

A non-partisan research post - London

How Ukrainian hackers duped Russian soldiers' wives to pose for 'calendar'... exposing the commander and regiment behind Mariupol theatre bombing atrocity​

  • Hacktivist group Inform Napalm was formed in 2014 after annexation of Crimea
  • It is notorious for enacting a unique brand of vigilante justice on Russian troops
A non-partisan research post - London

Putin has 'regrets' since invading Ukraine, Belarus dictator reveals as he admits North Korean troops are a dangerous escalation and US warns they will be legitimate targets... which could lead to WW3​

  • Alexander Lukashenko said Putin 'has regrets' over the human toll of Ukraine war
  • Comes as Ukraine, South Korea and US claim North Korean troops are in Russia
  • North Korean troops will be 'legitimate targets' if they fight in Ukraine, US said
Belarus President: Putin regrets losses in Ukraine, but he feels he is right
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America could go bankrupt – Musk

Harris brands Trump a ‘fascist’

"Such radical rhetoric shows the Democrat is unfit for office, the Republican presidential candidate has said" See at

Trump responds to Harris over Hitler comment

Hundreds of Ukrainian fighters surrender in Kursk region
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A non-partisan research post - London

Russian money 'goes up in smoke' as Putin's war takes toll on economy | Michael Clarke​

A non-partisan research post - London

NATO admission plan could halt Putin's Donbas offensive | Prof. Scott Lucas​


Russia ready for ‘rational compromise’ with Ukraine – Putin

EU working to Trump-proof Russia sanctions – Reuters

Putin says claims he won’t speak to Western leaders are ‘lies’

US spies want to keep missile restrictions on Ukraine – Fox

A non-partisan research post - London

Russian troops 'have no idea what to do with North Korean soldiers' and refer to them as 'the f***ing Chinese', intercepted audio reveals​

  • A pair of soldiers can be heard bellyaching about the so-called 'K-battalion'

For years, he was the tubby dictator mocked as 'The Little Rocket Man' due to his obsession with nuclear missiles: But now Kim Jong Un has moved us closer than ever to WW3 by sending soldiers to Ukraine​

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North Korean military men may see two foreign countries very, very soon
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A non-partisan research post - London
A spade is a spade, is a spade, is a spade ......*
* Call a spade a spade" is an idiom that means to speak directly and truthfully about something, even if it's unpleasant or embarrassing.

Psychopathic tactic of repeating a lie until it is believed to be true !
Screenshot from 2024-10-25 19-02-05.png

  • Did NATO Promise Not to Enlarge?​

  • Gorbachev Says “No”

  • who was the Soviet negotiating president ? Gorbachev or Putin ?​

Former Soviet President Gorbachev’s View​

We now have a very authoritative voice from Moscow confirming this understanding. Russia behind the Headlines has published an interview with Gorbachev, who was Soviet president during the discussions and treaty negotiations concerning German reunification. The interviewer asked why Gorbachev did not “insist that the promises made to you [Gorbachev]—particularly U.S. Secretary of State James Baker’s promise that NATO would not expand into the East—be legally encoded?” Gorbachev replied: “The topic of ‘NATO expansion’ was not discussed at all, and it wasn’t brought up in those years. … Another issue we brought up was discussed: making sure that NATO’s military structures would not advance and that additional armed forces would not be deployed on the territory of the then-GDR after German reunification. Baker’s statement was made in that context… Everything that could have been and needed to be done to solidify that political obligation was done. And fulfilled.”

Gorbachev continued that “The agreement on a final settlement with Germany said that no new military structures would be created in the eastern part of the country; no additional troops would be deployed; no weapons of mass destruction would be placed there. It has been obeyed all these years.” To be sure, the former Soviet president criticized NATO enlargement and called it a violation of the spirit of the assurances given Moscow in 1990, but he made clear there was no promise regarding broader enlargement.

Several years after German reunification, in 1997, NATO said that in the “current and foreseeable security environment” there would be no permanent stationing of substantial combat forces on the territory of new NATO members. Up until the Russian military occupation of Crimea in March, there was virtually no stationing of any NATO combat forces on the territory of new members. Since March, NATO has increased the presence of its military forces in the Baltic region and Central Europe.

Putin is not stupid, and his aides surely have access to the former Soviet records from the time and understand the history of the commitments made by Western leaders and NATO. But the West’s alleged promise not to enlarge the Alliance will undoubtedly remain a standard element of his anti-NATO spin. That is because it fits so well with the picture that the Russian leader seeks to paint of an aggrieved Russia, taken advantage of by others and increasingly isolated—not due to its own actions, but because of the machinations of a deceitful West.

At the time of Ukraine’s independence from the Soviet Union in 1991, Ukraine held the third largest nuclear arsenal in the world, including an estimated 1,900 strategic warheads, 176 intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs), and 44 strategic bombers. By 1996, Ukraine had returned all of its nuclear warheads to Russia in exchange for economic aid and security assurances, and in December 1994, Ukraine became a non-nuclear weapon state-party to the 1968 nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT)
Russia controlled the nuclear warheads and weapons system in Ukraine during the Soviet Union era
, even though the weapons were located on Ukrainian territory. Ukraine never had independent control of the weapons.

Nations Undergo Rigorous Process to Join NATO

  1. New members must uphold democracy, which includes tolerating diversity.
  2. New members must be in the midst of making progress toward a market economy.
  3. The nations' military forces must be under firm, civilian control.
  4. The nations must be good neighbors and respect sovereignty outside their borders.
  5. The nations must be working toward compatibility with NATO forces.
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