Ukraine invasion

I was used too and I agree on this I don't like any kind of censorship.

And do you believe it?

Yes I do.

I don't see why the hospital would be fired bombed by Russian soldiers ambling by in their tanks.

Yes, I do feel Russians going in very gently placing their soldiers and tanks at risk of sustaining hits and deaths rather than torching the opposition. They have ample air firepower to support tanks with air support but do not wish to cause unnecessary civilian deaths. The number of deaths are in the thousands not hundreds of thousands. Russia is also targeting military forces not civilians.

I think Putin's article is very heartfelt and demonstrates shared history and unity with Ukraine.

One only has to look at what the US did in Iraq Fellujah because 4 military contractors were killed to see the difference in approach.

Contrary to evidence - other than Timsk, not one word said against the our Media, or version of events.

I thought our CV with his loathing of Fauci and the US financing of Wuhan labs research on gain-of-function, might at least say US is doing dirty deeds in foreign soil but nope. His quiet as a mouse. Cats got his tongue. Speechless. Fake news. BBC says blah blah blah. Russian propoganda dismissed. I'd say ROTFL but this is serious sh!t and you all in La la land. BBC says Russia has invaded and that's bad.

US and UK invaded Iraq because they didn't have WMD. Russia sends an intervention force to clean up Ukraine because THEY REALLY DO HAVE WMD and most of you have gone silent about the home team. Useless!!! Utterly useless imho.

Some of you have likened our BNP boys to the Avoz Battallion. If you feel that is a near fair comparison then I'll let Peter judge you on the pearly gates. 17,000 US-NATO-CIA trained, financed and armed military and you think that's a fair resemblance to BNP.

Then there is this NATO expansion sh!!te and nuclear weapons. US was ready to nuke Cuba and I don't think there was any doubt. Not only that but it was only recently since Cuba has come in from decades of US embargoes. After 60 years of bully boy tactics because they considered placing Nukes in Cuba to point at the US. So what's the difference in distance between Cuba and US compared to Ukraine and Russia?

It saddens me to say but you guys are cold hearted to the truth and hardly fair refs in all these developments.

US has been perpetrating these events knowing full well her objectives.

Yeah but no but the BBC says.... With due respect, you guys can take the BBC and shove it off to the planet of Uranus if you think it represents accurate reporting.

All said in the best possible taste... 🙂
I do feel Russians going in very gently
Mariupol 90% destroyed, the same gentle style used with Grozny, nothing new it is how russian army works.
They have ample air firepower
On paper, unfortunatelly for them you don't harvest pilots with conscription.

the rest of your post is the usual whataboutism about US/ Iraq/ WDM that has nothing to do with Ukraine.
If you want you can open a topic to criticize US and NATO.
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Mariupol 90% destroyed, the same gentle style used with Grozny, nothing new it is how russian army works.

Where is the Avoz Battalion located?

Bit disappointed you dismiss the rest of the post. I did pose the questions about WMD and Biolabs financed by US but nobody responded to it. Probably because the BBC is yet to mention it in their news broadcasts.

Then there are others who feel this intervention has nothing to do about NATO or nuclear weapons because the BBC likes to side step that thorny issue too.

BBC reported Nazi's might be 1% or less which you signed up to. Other news sources say up to 17,000 or at least 10% plus but that doesn't get any mentions either.

You talk about Mariupol but make no references Avoz Battalion fighting in Mariupol defending it. Once again no reference to 13,000 deaths in the last 8 years when they were kicking ass there either.

You really are not dealing or responding to the real issues in hand. You are simply regurgitating how many tanks were lost. How bad the Russians are? How awful civilian deaths are at the hands of the Russians.

US and UK continues to supply weapons to Ukraine at great loss of life so that their objectives can be met. i.e.

1. Ukraine join NATO
2. Nukes and weapons placed in Ukraine
3. WMD developed in Ukraine and aimed at Russia

So I put it to you again sir, do you really believe you are seeing both sides of the story here. From my perspective, I see many posts purely one sided and taking us away from any compromise or peaceful settlement. Supplying arms and weapons only adds to escalation which is a US and UK objective to have a prolonged war.
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WDM that has nothing to do with Ukraine.

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Yeah but no but the BBC says.... With due respect, you guys can take the BBC and shove it off to the planet of Uranus if you think it represents accurate reporting.

All said in the best possible taste... 🙂
We haven't always seen eye to eye At', but I've always respected your viewpoint - even though there were times (and may still be in the future) when I could happily have throttled you! I expect you've felt the same way towards me - as I suspect does Jon. (The same applies to you too, Jon, if you're reading this.)

Anyway, I love this comment - absolutely spot on. The BBC is extremely biased in almost everything it reports on, to the extent that RT provided much better and more balanced coverage of the pandemic and, dare I say it, Brexit. I may be wrong, but I suspect CV is of a younger generation and may not get the reference in the last line - which of course is to the late, great, Kenny Everett. (CV - if you're not familiar with him - it's worth doing a search.)
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Mariupol 90% destroyed, the same gentle style used with Grozny, nothing new it is how russian army works.
What the BBC et al won't tell you about Mariupol is that the Azov Battalion are embedded throughout the city in residential areas and are, effectively, using ordinary Ukrainian citizens as human shields. So, once again I urge you to put your agenda of wanting rid of Putin to one side and try to assess the conflict as a neutral. Listen/watch a variety of media, question everything and then form your own view. Simply lapping up whatever MSM wants you to believe is playing straight into their hands and only serves their best interests which, almost certainly, aren't yours. Just sayin'! ;-)
I suspect CV is of a younger generation
You are wrong I am 47.
To give you more perspective I watched at least 10 hours of RT videos back in 2020, many Putin's speeches that made also a lot of sense.
I never thought Putin was a good guy but a smart statesman that was rightly promoting more influence for his Russia.
Everything ended with Ukraine invasion.
After this invasion I studied Putin in a better way, especially about Chechenia and Georgia.
If you don't trust BBC there is DW or WION.
I think nor RT is even worse than listening to FOX when they had to brainwash americans about Iraq, terrorism and Saddam having WMD.
We haven't always seen eye to eye At', but I've always respected your viewpoint - even though there were times (and may still be in the future) when I could happily have throttled you! I expect you've felt the same way towards me - as I suspect does Jon. (The same applies to you too, Jon, if you're reading this.)

Anyway, I love this comment - absolutely spot on. The BBC is extremely biased in almost everything it reports on, to the extent that RT provided much better and more balanced coverage of the pandemic and, dare I say it, Brexit. I may be wrong, but I suspect CV is of a younger generation and may not get the reference in the last line - which of course is to the late, great, Kenny Everett. (CV - if you're not familiar with him - it's worth doing a search.)

As you would expect I must jump in to defend the BBC which has an editorial rigour respected throughout the word, but not, of course, in the parallel universe you seem to inhabit.

Look at their news site and there are many items about the war headed “bbc has been unable to confirm this” because, in common with most of the respected main stream media, a confirming source is a pre-requisite for publication as fact and many is the story that has to be spiked because of its absence.

Instead of any news outlets with such rigour this thread is littered with sites which pooh, pooh such a pettifogging approach and happily publish any old tosh without bothering. And many is the fool who believe it.

It’s no surprise you accuse the BBC of bias, as everyone does when it’s reports don’t square with their own views, since it seems you much prefer to believe the “conspiracy theory” type approach which is fed by all those rigourless sites and prospers in that parallel universe where mainstream is lies, governments are lying crooks etc etc.

One thing that helps me think the BBC are reasonably unbiased is that when we have a Tory government they are constantly complaining of a left wing bias and when we have a Labour one they are busy complaiNing about right wing bias. Seems BBC have it about right.
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As you would expect I must jump in to defend the BBC which has an editorial rigour respected throughout the word, but not, of course, in the parallel universe you seem to inhabit.

Look at their news site and there are many items about the war headed “bbc has been unable to confirm this” because, in common with most of the respected main stream media, a confirming source is a pre-requisite for publication as fact and many is the story that has to be spiked because of its absence.

Instead of any news outlets with such rigour this thread is littered with sites which pooh, pooh such a pettifogging approach and happily publish any old tosh without bothering. And many is the fool who believe it.

It’s no surprise you accuse the BBC of bias, as everyone does when it’s reports don’t square with their own views, since it seems you much prefer to believe the “conspiracy theory” type approach which is fed by all those rigourless sites and prospers in that parallel universe where mainstream is lies, governments are lying crooks etc etc.

One thing that helps me think the BBC are reasonably unbiased is that when we have a Tory government they are constantly complaining of a left wing bias and when we have a Labour one they are busy complaiNing about right wing bias. Seems BBC have it about right.

That's the problem with you guys. Unless you hear it from the BBC it's not verified. - Notice the emphasise on alleged smear campaign. LOL. I guess that's alright then. We can all stop looking. - No evidence they say. Yep stand down. Nothing to declare here. BBC says so. - It's linked to the unproven theory that the virus could have leaked from a lab in Wuhan, the Chinese city where it was first detected. Theory not proven. It's just noise. Don't look here. Nothing to see. Move along. It's only Chinese virus. LOL.

Well I guess that must be the truth and the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Coz the BBC says so. The BBC is Judge, freaking Jury and Executioner.

No wonder Russia has invaded. No amount of protests going to change US and UK hell bent on sh!t stirring wars.

Then there is this Guardian report.

So do bio labs exist inside Ukraine, and is the US supporting them?

Yes, and yes.
Ukraine does operate biological laboratories that receive US funding. The US undersecretary of state Victoria Nuland affirmed those facts in a Senate foreign relations committee hearing this week, in which the Republican senator Marco Rubio asked directly if Ukraine had biological weapons.

Nuland did not answer the question head on.Ukraine has biological research facilities,” she said, adding that there was concern that Russian forces were trying to gain control of the labs. “We are working with the Ukrainians on how they can prevent any of those research materials from falling into the hands of Russian forces.”

So the Biolabs were first conspiracy theory. But now they are a fact. However, if the Russians said it - that means they will the ones to use Biological weapons not the US.

Chinese Foreign Ministry stating the same thing.
The United States has 26 biological laboratories in Ukraine

LOL you guys carry on with your virtual reality as designed by your World Views but much like fruit cakes who supported Nazi's just remember, what goes around comes around. Virus's do not recognise borders.

What you have to recognise is that if they can engineer virus's to attack Slav DNA... How long do you think it'll be before the other side produces virus to attack the Anglo-Saxon DNA? What goes around comes around.

I thought before that the Covid-19 virus seems to have been engineered to affect elderly people more that anyhone else so it could even be an attempt to cull worlds population easing strains on social security and global resources.

Either way the lid is off this thing. It will not go away soon. US game plan is out on the open.

EU continues to buy Russian gas. Will pay in Rubles too.

Citizen's of the West will feel the chill of their political leaders until they get kicked out of office.

I do not believe any of the Western reports on Ukraine and will continue looking outside and keep you posted on alternative narratives alongside many other truth seekers.
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I do not believe any of the Western reports and will continue looking outside and keep you posted on alternative narratives alongside many other truth seekers.
That says it all. Please continue to keep us informed of all the world's conspiracies.
That says it all. Please continue to keep us informed of all the world's conspiracies.
This is public knowledge to all scientists since May 2020.
Archived on the U.S. Government page, a typical source for conspiracy theories.
Of course you were informed about the scientific results by your MSM:

"The development of a vaccine for coronavirus is a critical step in prevention, but it may not be effective for future strains, and we must be ready for the next epidemic."

Public knowledge to all scientists since August/September 2020:
"The most commonly used antigen for vaccine development were receptor binding domain spike protein segment which is recognized as highly antigenic in nature to produce humoral and cellular immune response. Further, more conserved M protein or N protein epitope can also be used synergetically with S protein epitope to get enhanced immunogenicity along with lymph node T-cell proliferation and cytokine production such as IL-2, IL-4, IL-5, IFN-γ and TNF-α. In present scenario of COVID-19, various research and pharmaceutical organizations have undertaken the challenging task of rapid vaccine designing against coronavirus which are in pre-clinical or initial phase of development. However, a successful vaccine development may take at least some months or years."
"The most commonly used antigen for vaccine development were receptor binding domain spike protein segment which is recognized as highly antigenic in nature to produce humoral and cellular immune response."
What a ridiculous position Russia finds itself in.

Getting Mullered by a smaller but well organised force in Ukraine. Sending reluctant boys out to do men's work. Lead by a throwback to the glory days of dictator, who hides in a bunker, who sits 30 ft away from everyone else at the table. Bans any internal discussion, poisons any and all political opposition. Has the arrogance to assume that his opinion matters to other democratic countries, which it clearly doesn't, as they are all supporting Ukraine's efforts to repel this special operation.

I often wondered just how the UK got through the great wars in Europe. It seems that the people answered the call and stepped up to the plate, much like we see in Ukraine. These qualities are what got us through and are what will get Ukraine through too. Admirable that they answered the call and are doing whatever they can to assist in the fight for their freedoms.

Can anyone imagine the woke UK fighting any sort of invasion these days. You would literally have to find out where everyone stands as war broke out, what their pronouns are, where they stand on a whole range of issues, then send about 30% to line up at the wall and be shot. Operations could then start in earnest without fear of self sabotage. One less problem to worry about.

People seem to be having some difficulty understanding where I stand.

Biden is a moron.
Harris was specially selected so as not to make Biden look like a moron. Which essentially means, she's an even bigger moron.
EU has has a rude awakening and now realises that taking the piss and expecting US and others to protect them for free is a thing of the past.
All MSM outlets generally are a waste of time, but they have to be monitored.

I don't give a tuppeny toss about any justifications the Putin excusers have. There is no justification for Herr Putin's invasion of Ukraine.
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Fulwood believes that neither the West nor Russia are likely to impose gas sanctions, though he warns that any conflict in Ukraine could lead to damage to the Brotherhood pipeline to Slovakia, which runs just outside the rebel-held areas. “The real risk is damage to infrastructure,” said Fulwood on the Oxford Institute podcast earlier this month. “That becomes a real potential risk.”

If anyone decides to escalate this invasion, it will inevitably lead to WW3 proper and I wouldn't rule out red buttons being pressed.

Have a lovely weekend.

Fulwood believes that neither the West nor Russia are likely to impose gas sanctions, though he warns that any conflict in Ukraine could lead to damage to the Brotherhood pipeline to Slovakia, which runs just outside the rebel-held areas. “The real risk is damage to infrastructure,” said Fulwood on the Oxford Institute podcast earlier this month. “That becomes a real potential risk.”

If anyone decides to escalate this invasion, it will inevitably lead to WW3 proper and I wouldn't rule out red buttons being pressed.

Have a lovely might be wilfully destroyed weekend.
Not sure about WW3 being really on the cards as there is no point to it. However, as you have cited Fulwood, I too believe that the pipelines could be damaged/destroyed if the war gets just too bad for either side....for the Russians as a way of effing the EU in the short term and for the Ukrainians as a scorched earth tactic, thinking that Russia wouldn't be able to make money to continue to prop up their economy and wage war at the same time, and of course, sticking up two fingers to the West because they didn't get as much hardware as they wanted.
As you would expect I must jump in to defend the BBC which has an editorial rigour respected throughout the word, but not, of course, in the parallel universe you seem to inhabit.
Hi Jon,
Editorial rigour - you're havin' a laugh. There isn't any! That's the precise reason why I look elsewhere - to sites that offer the rigour the BBC lacks! As for the parallel universe that I and other inhabit who can't stand the BBC, our numbers are growing exponentially, pretty much in line with the numbers refusing to pay the BBC licence fee - which are going through the roof!
Look at their news site and there are many items about the war headed “bbc has been unable to confirm this” because, in common with most of the respected main stream media, a confirming source is a pre-requisite for publication as fact and many is the story that has to be spiked because of its absence.
Sure, but the narrative is always in support of their agenda (i.e. Zelensky good, Putin bad) and rarely (never?) the other way around. They are completely biased. And no, before you say it, I'm not defending or apologising for Putin, just making the point that the situation is way more nuanced than the BBC would have us all believe.
Instead of any news outlets with such rigour this thread is littered with sites which pooh, pooh such a pettifogging approach and happily publish any old tosh without bothering. And many is the fool who believe it.
Please provide examples of links to articles / videos etc. that I've posted that fall into this bracket. Needless to say, it will necessitate you reading / watching the content first!
It’s no surprise you accuse the BBC of bias, as everyone does when it’s reports don’t square with their own views, since it seems you much prefer to believe the “conspiracy theory” type approach which is fed by all those rigourless sites and prospers in that parallel universe where mainstream is lies, governments are lying crooks etc etc.
Well Jon, you must have heard the cliché by now about so-called conspiracy theories that goes:
Q) What's the difference between conspiracy theories and facts?
A) About six months.

As with my previous comment, please link to posts of mine that contain conspiracy theories and provide the evidence to support your accusation.
One thing that helps me think the BBC are reasonably unbiased is that when we have a Tory government they are constantly complaining of a left wing bias and when we have a Labour one they are busy complaiNing about right wing bias. Seems BBC have it about right.
Spoiler alert! There's precious little difference between Tories and Labour on the big issues of the day, be it Brexit, Trump/Biden, Covid, Ukraine / Russia war, climate change and last but not least, woke nonsense. There is no swing in the BBC's position on any of those as the government and opposition parties are - in broad terms - all on the same page. Needless to say, that doesn't make them right!
That says it all. Please continue to keep us informed of all the world's conspiracies.

Thanks for pointing that out sir Rufus.

I do not believe any of the Western reports on Ukraine and will continue looking outside and keep you posted on alternative narratives alongside many other truth seekers.

There you go amended. 👍
What a ridiculous position Russia finds itself in.

Getting Mullered by a smaller but well organised force in Ukraine. Sending reluctant boys out to do men's work. Lead by a throwback to the glory days of dictator, who hides in a bunker, who sits 30 ft away from everyone else at the table. Bans any internal discussion, poisons any and all political opposition. Has the arrogance to assume that his opinion matters to other democratic countries, which it clearly doesn't, as they are all supporting Ukraine's efforts to repel this special operation.

I often wondered just how the UK got through the great wars in Europe. It seems that the people answered the call and stepped up to the plate, much like we see in Ukraine. These qualities are what got us through and are what will get Ukraine through too. Admirable that they answered the call and are doing whatever they can to assist in the fight for their freedoms.

Can anyone imagine the woke UK fighting any sort of invasion these days. You would literally have to find out where everyone stands as war broke out, what their pronouns are, where they stand on a whole range of issues, then send about 30% to line up at the wall and be shot. Operations could then start in earnest without fear of self sabotage. One less problem to worry about.

People seem to be having some difficulty understanding where I stand.

Biden is a moron.
Harris was specially selected so as not to make Biden look like a moron. Which essentially means, she's an even bigger moron.
EU has has a rude awakening and now realises that taking the piss and expecting US and others to protect them for free is a thing of the past.
All MSM outlets generally are a waste of time, but they have to be monitored.

I don't give a tuppeny toss about any justifications the Putin excusers have. There is no justification for Herr Putin's invasion of Ukraine.

So many words and nothing on Fauci or WMD 😳

So the question is - Why does the US fund research on Biolabs in Ukraine?

Why are they so worried about Russia capturing them?

If it is purely medical and scientific R&D, why is it not allowed in USA?

Don't all shout at once...
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Don't tell me...let me guess! Close to the sea of Avoz maybe??🙂

And where is Russia's military fleet base?

Let me guess! You reckon it's just a coincidence that the Avoz Battalion is located there?

Probably just another coincidence that the US and UK naval vessels choose to faf around the Black Sea too.

Another comedian. Just what the escalating war needs. 🤣🤣