I have always enjoyed your company and I am not trying to find ways to have a go. I do suggest, though, that you go back the start of this thread and carefully go through your posts and the evidence you pray in aid to form and/or support your view. Tell me how much of it stems from reputable news organisations- reputable not in your eyes, of course, since you cast most of them aside as just spreading lies and propaganda.
You say that you are here to have a serious debate, but neither of us can speak from first hand experience and can only rely on what we see on TV etc (always bearing in mind that it may not be as true as it looks) and what we hear from trustworthy reporters who are on the scene. Those reporters and their organs report the news which is distinct from comment/opinion which is about the analysis of the news.
The main difference between us is that I trust the reputable news organisations, particularly so far as the bare news is concerned, and you don’t. I don’t trust other sources and you do. Thus, we are hamstrung.
Any true debate is therefore pointless and it’s best left that you believe what you want to believe and I will do the same. All the best.
Well UN is calling for a probe in the Bucha deaths and this is the way to proceed imo.
Without defaming each others media outlets as to who is reputable or who is not.
Nobody is asking how we have had peace in Europe for 70 years and why all these shenanigans taking place NOW?
1. NATO and nuclear weapons
2. Training Nazis battalions
3. Setting up 00s of Biolab facilities conducting research outlawed in the US of A
4. Why there were ongoing civil unrest and persecution of Russian speaking people in the last 8 years with 13,000 deaths
Just saying like....
Russia on many occasions have brought this to the table and said were her red lines. Here is one from the Indian press
I'm going to hazard a guess India does not have any beef with either side. Also that it complies with your reputable source news media. Please do let me know if you think it's BS like other peeps posts you dismiss.
Despite all the protestations from Russia, suddenly it's all about Russian aggression and civilian deaths. Russia is bad. West is good. West only wants peace and democracy and Russia wants death and destruction and expansion of the old Warsaw pact.
You guys can't be this ignorant or naive!!! Shirley not???
I keep putting up those basic numbers but nobody is interested in core facts or disagreements. Just outrage at how someone can respond when provoked despite headline warnings.
All we need now is for someone to say Russian Foreign Ministry is not a reliable source. Let's ask the BBC?
In his annual press conference, President Putin demands Nato abandon military activity in Eastern Europe.
Hmmm, well who could have guessed? And what was West's reply? We'll do whatever we like now sod off.
It really is quite simple imho. I'm bewildered why other people do not see these basic points of issue? So sad.