Ukraine invasion

Firstly, at no point in my post did I attempt to justify Russia's invasion of Ukraine. As you well know, the reason for the invasion has been explained many times and in great detail by the likes of Profs. John Mearsheimer and Jeffrey Sachs - among many others.

Secondly, Russia has already won the war. How long will it take for you to understand the bleedin' obvious that everyone else has understood for well over a year now - namely that Ukraine has already lost? UKRAINE CAN NOT WIN THAT WHICH THEY HAVE ALREADY LOST!!! You're completely deluded if you think otherwise. Needless to say, you know that perfectly well, evidenced by your refusal to accept my bet. So, why oh why do you keep pretending otherwise?

All you're experts and sources are crap.

Here's a bunch of experts and Profs putting Sachs straight.


Same goes for Mearsheimer.

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All you're experts and sources are crap.

Here's a bunch of experts and Profs putting Sachs straight.

So, if my profs are wrong and your so called 'experts' (cough) are right - and you believe them - logic dictates that you'd bite my arm off at the ankle and take the bet. That you're 🐔ing out of doing that tells me - and all subscribers to this thread - everything we need to know. Namely, that you don't believe anything you post on this topic, but your massive ego won't allow you to admit publicly you got it so hopelessly wrong. There's only one way to prove otherwise and that's by taking the bet! If 20 oz of silver is too much for you, I'm happy to reduce it back down to 10 oz or even 5 oz. What you can't do is have it both ways: either put up or shut up!
They will do whatever they like. Who's going to stop them, Russia ? 🤣
At last, finally you're right about something! 🤣
As I say, Russia has stopped them, past tense, it's over.
Has Nato expanded or contracted since Putlers invasion of Ukraine?
NATO's continued its expansion - but not in a way that hurts Russia. That said, it's good that you're catching on (finally) that it's NATO that's causing all the problems by continually expanding - not Russia.
There are more weapons now at Nato's disposal and right on Russia's border. Finland won't be putting up with any BS from Russia.
Finland won't have to put up with any BS from Russia. But, they'll have to put up with plenty of it coming from NATO -demanding ever larger financial contributions to fill the pockets of the military industrial complex.
Russia's futile persistence meddling in Ukraine will be it's undoing. What we are witnessing is the start of the dismantling of the Russian empire. As their leadership crumbles, then the real trouble starts as all the different factions will compete for a stake.
You've been saying this from the start and all that's happened is that Russia has become measurably stronger while the west has become measurably weaker. It's not Russia that's crumbling - it's the west. But, of course, you know this perfectly well.

I reckon when you're away from this forum and putting the world to rights over a pint with family and friends - you say pretty much verbatim what I, histo' and At' et al - have been saying from the get go!
They will do whatever they like. Who's going to stop them, Russia ? 🤣

Has Nato expanded or contracted since Putlers invasion of Ukraine?

There are more weapons now at Nato's disposal and right on Russia's border. Finland won't be putting up with any BS from Russia.

Russia's futile persistence meddling in Ukraine will be it's undoing. What we are witnessing is the start of the dismantling of the Russian empire. As their leadership crumbles, then the real trouble starts as all the different factions will compete for a stake.

LOL Russia already has otherwise the West would have done what ever they liked and went in to Ukraine. They have in subtle and sneaky ways still doing so. Called them mercanaries or aid whatever, outcome has been devestating for Ukraine.

Sweden and Finland have simply made themselves targets.

I'd hazzard a guess in the near future some countries in Latin America will join the BRIC alliance and defensive pact that's in the making.

Heard some numpty on radio saying US has responsibility to Ukraine. Biden says he has his elections to think about. US has zilch responsibility or accountability.

Ukrainians need to be held accountable and the people along with the true army of the people maybe can rise up and kick that clown and his bent cronies in the pocket of US out of office that's what they will need to do. Also, Ukraine is running out of men to send to the front line. What a waste of life.

If another ME war brakes out US, already in trillions of debt will find it hard manage two fronts.

One is then looking at China in the Pacific Ocean becoming more assertive. US and the West are well and trully fluffed up with their global expansion plans. Thus far other nations are just simply tolerating the injustice displayed by the US.

Much like the extreme arrogance of the British Empire in the late 19th century before it started crumbling at the start of the 20th, I suspecct US will go the same way unless it changes course.
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By AFP - Agence France Presse
April 13, 2024

(with German subtitles)

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its sensational - it fits the narrative - it sells
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"the Jews will rule Christians and Muslims."

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"the Jews will rule Christians and Muslims."
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  2. Actively support the state of Israel and the Jewish people, both politically and financially, in order to hasten the events leading to the second coming of Christ and the end of the world.
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