Ukraine invasion

A non-partisan research post - London

Russian attacks on underwater pipelines and cables threaten the security of a billion people across Europe and America, NATO commander warns​

  • Warning comes as UK think tank urges govt to create undersea warfare strategy
A non-partisan research post - London

Ex-Playboy model Karen McDougal who claims she had a ten month affair with former President is cleared to testify at his hush-money trial​

  • Five months before the 2016 presidential election, American Media Inc, the publisher of the National Enquirer, paid Karen McDougal, 53, $150,000 in exchange for her tell all story. The interview was never published
A non-partisan research post - London

Sensational congressional report reveals how China is 'slaughtering Americans' by pumping fentanyl into the U.S.​

  • The Chinese government has provided tax breaks for fentanyl exporters since at least 2018, a congressional report revealed Tuesday
  • Since 2020, synthetic opioids have killed about 70,000 Americans annually
  • Synthetic opioids are the deadliest drug in America, according to the CDC
  • Read More: How fentanyl deaths have exploded in the U.S.
A non-partisan research post - London
North Korea is producing viruses and bacteria for germ warfare programme and already has an arsenal capable of causing chaos and terror in the region, US report claims
A non-partisan research post - London

Russia's arms pact with Iran: Moscow pledges fighter jets and air defenses to Tehran including advanced missiles capable of shooting down US and Israeli stealth planes​

  • Russia has been supplying weapons and knowledge to Iran as it heads into war
  • The Kremlin is escalating a strategic alliance between the two, experts say
  • The deals have seen drones and anti-aircraft weapons delivered to Tehran

“I think that Zelensky has finally come to the realization as the new mistress that the United States is never going to leave its wife, despite all the promises that Joe Biden has given, all of the late-night dinners and the hotel rooms,” Sleboda mused. “It's all gone wrong… there's a bit of envy."

Tucker Carlson interviews perhaps second most famous Russian, Pavel Durov
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Nazi Germany’s Gestapo officers accompanied Katyn commission

A non-partisan research post - London
On the otherside of the same coin
Rape during the occupation of Germany
that with his discovery that Soviet troops also raped Soviet and Polish girls and women that were liberated from Nazi concentration camps as well as those who were held for forced labour at farms and factories. The rapes were often perpetrated by rear echelon units.

The majority of the assaults were committed in the Soviet occupation zone; estimates of the numbers of German women raped by Soviet soldiers have ranged up to 2 million. According to historian William Hitchcock, in many cases women were the victims of repeated rapes, some as many as 60 to 70 times.

Wretched Misconduct of the Red Army
The lawless Red Army looted, killed, and raped its way through Germany, fueled by revenge and alcohol.

In terms of the overall scale of the crime, there was nothing like it elsewhere in Germany. Comparison to the “surprisingly high” incidence of rape in areas overrun by the U.S. Army was superficial at best. In terms of intensity and brutality, only French colonial troops from Morocco matched the Red Army’s rapacity. During the initial occupation of Baden and Württemburg, they subjected German women to the same indiscriminate sexual assaults seen in the East. Although the Soviet Union was not alone in committing sexual crimes against German women, it did so with a vastness unmatched elsewhere in World War II.

‘The Russian soldiers raped every German female from eight to 80’
"Red Army soldiers don't believe in 'individual liaisons' with German women," wrote the playwright Zakhar Agranenko in his diary when serving as an officer of marine infantry in East Prussia. "Nine, ten, twelve men at a time - they rape them on a collective basis."

The subject of the Red Army's mass rapes in Germany has been so repressed in Russia that even today veterans refuse to acknowledge what really happened. The handful prepared to speak openly, however, are totally unrepentant.

One can only scratch at the surface of the psychological contradictions. When gang-raped women in Königsberg begged their attackers afterwards to put them out of their misery, the Red Army men appear to have felt insulted. "Russian soldiers do not shoot women," they replied. "Only German soldiers do that." The Red Army had managed to convince itself that because it had assumed the moral mission to liberate Europe from fascism it could behave entirely as it liked, both personally and politically.

Comment: note the immediate above - history is said to repeat itself.

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A non-partisan research post - London

Russia-Ukraine war | Russia's next target: Ukraine's Chasiv Yar | Latest News | WION​

A non-partisan research post - London

Witnesses say 'it felt like an earthquake' when blast rocked Britain's only (?) ammunition factory as 'shell exploded'​

  • Blast at BAE Systems plant in Glascoed, Monmouthshire as 'shell' explodes
  • Emergency services rush to scene as incident unit is established on site
A non-partisan research post - London


House Republicans unveil aid bills for Israel, Ukraine and Taiwan as Johnson pushes forward​

The three bills would provide
  • $26.4 billion to support Israel,
  • $60.8 bill to bolster Ukraine and
  • $8.1 billion to counter China in the Indo-Pacific,
  • including billions for Taiwan.
A non-partisan research post - London

Russia-Ukraine war: Ukraine's desperate move to recruit more troops | Gravitas | WION | World News​

How thousands of Ukrainian men are trying to dodge the conflict | Ukraine War​

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A non-partisan research post - London

BLOODSHED IN BAKHMUT: Fearless Fighters in Ukraine's Deadliest Meat Grinder | WELT Documentary​


Xi Jinping buries Zelensky's peace plan, puts German Chancellor Scholz in place
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A non-partisan research post - London
  • A BBC investigation suggests more than 50,000 Russian soldiers have died in the war in Ukraine.
  • Researchers from the BBC and the independent Russian website Mediazona studied burial sites and other evidence.
  • The Kremlin does not disclose official figures.
  • The war also continues to claim many Ukrainian lives.
  • The latest Russian missile strike has killed 17 people and injured at least 70 more.
  • Ukraine’s President Zelensky called on his country’s allies to offer the same support as they have shown to Israel.
  • A $49 billion proposed new aid package is due to be voted on in Washington in the coming days.
A non-partisan research post - London
LA TROBE University

Russia's long history of neo-Nazis​

What has received less coverage is the Putin regime’s own record of collaboration with far-right extremists. Even as Russian diplomats condemned “fascists” in the Baltic states and Kremlin propagandists railed against imaginary “Ukronazis” in power in Kyiv, the Russian state was cultivating its own homegrown Nazis.
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